Chapter 4 calum

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Ashton dragged me down the hall away from Michael and Luke and for some reason I can't help but keep looking back at the two boys. Mainly my eyes land on Michael but sometimes Luke. Why do I keep looking back? Because you like Michael. No I don't, shut up brain! Yes you do, you just have to stop being stubborn about it.

"UGH!" I groan loudly.

"What?" Ashton questions me.

"Nothing, battle in my brain."

"Oh, is this because you keep looking back?" Ashton smirks.

"No!" I quickly reply.

"Uh huh, I notice things Calum."

"I am straight." I say somewhat confidently. 

"Why do you keep saying that? We both know you're not. That or you're just Michael sexual." Ashton says as we stop at his locker.

"I am not!" I exclaim loudly causing a few glances in our direction.

"Whatever mate, sooner or later you'll realise the truth and life will be so much easier for you." Ashton tells me with a shrug and all I can do is glare at him. "Now come on we have to get to class." And once again the conversation is dropped and Ashton is focused on school. His focus is always on school...nerd. My first class of the day is gym so I grab my gym bag and then head in the direction of the locker rooms. Again I am finding myself having an inner battle,  I am not in love with Michael. I don't care what anyone says, not even my own brain. 

Once in the locker room I strip down to throw my shorts on and an old t-shirt and I can't help but glance around at the other boys in my class. Some are properly fit and have chiseled chests, others are just skinny like Luke...wait why the hell am I noticing these things? Man I really need to kiss a girl. Or I could kiss Michael. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. Hehehe you want to kiss Michael, you want his arms wrapped around you. SHUT UP BRAIN!

"Boys let's get out here and start running laps!" Mr. Kidman shouts at us and then we are quickly moving around the track outside. My thoughts once again go back to Michael. I can't kiss him, I don't want to kiss him. I want to kiss girls. I hate Michael, he's just annoying, you want to kiss him, shut up I do not. I give my head a shake as I continue my running. Half way done I get stopped by Mr. Kidman.

"Hood, you're wanted at the office." He tells as he hands me a hall pass. I just stare at the piece of paper and gulp. Well this can't be good.

I don't bother changing but I make my way towards the principal's office and another boy catches my eyes as I turn the corner. 

"Michael?" I question.

"You have got to be kidding me. Did you get a note too?" Michael replies.

"To go to the office?" And Michael just nods.

"I swear to god if this is about the math test I'm gonna kill you." Michael grits through his teeth. We continue to walk in silence down the hall until we reach the office and we step inside.

"Hi uhm we were told we needed to see Principal Brown?" I ask the secretary.

"Yes, just have a seat for a moment and she'll be right out to get you." And then we are sitting down in the chairs provided.

"You better not have gotten me suspended." Michael says under his breath.

"Why do you even care? You don't like school." I ask.

"I may not like school, doesn't mean I don't care about having a suspension on my record, and I didn't ask you to copy my answers."

"Shhhhh! You don't know what this is about."

"Oh come on Calum, what else could this be?"

"Boys, please come in." Principal Brown comes out of her office before I can respond to Michael and then we are both getting up, I follow Michael into the room. And as soon as I get in there I know it's about the test. Our math teacher is there. Michael shoots me a glare.

"So do you guys have an idea as to why you're here?" Principal Brown asks.

Both of us sitting silently. I would have thought Michael would throw me under the bus.

"Don't want to talk?" The principal states. "Well it appears you both have the exact same answers on your math tests. Now you want to tell me why that is?"

Once again silence.

"It'll go easier if you guys talk."

I take a deep breath, do I really want to say something? I'm already here I might as well get it done.

"I cheated on the math test using Michael's answers because I was unprepared for it." I quickly get out and Michael gawks at me.

"Well it is clear that neither one of you were since you both failed." Our math teacher finally speaks up and I hear Michael groan beside me.

"Can I just say, I didn't know he was cheating with my answers. I mean sure I got told later that night but I still didn't know Calum used my answers at the time of the test, what I'm saying is I didn't willingly let Calum cheat." Michael explains and it's my turn to glare at him.

"Regardless either willingly or not you helped him, and you should have come forth and told someone that he cheated, because you knew it makes you an accomplice." The teacher tells us, Michael looks so annoyed, he's actually kind of cute when he's got this little pout on his face. Okay now is not the time for this, Michael is not cute. 

"If you both promise not to cheat again I'll let this slide with only a few after school detentions." The principal adds.

"Really!?" I say with a smile. I can't believe how easy that was.

"Just don't cheat, and you'll be having detention every night after school for one hour for the next week. Starting Friday." Mrs. Brown continues.

"I promise, I really shouldn't have cheated in the first place and I should have actually studied for the test." I say.

"Yeah and there won't be a next time because I won't let him." Michael throws in.

"Good. You are both free to go, and we will see you both Friday night after school for detention." And with that we both leave the office.

"We got off easy!" I tell Michael once we are in the hall and by yourself.

"Yeah except detention for the next week. Next time fucking study for the test." Michael growls and then he is walking away.

"HEY YOU FAILED TOO BUDDY!" I yell down the hall and Michael doesn't look back but he sticks his middle finger to me. I can't believe how easy we got off, I wasn't expecting them to be so lenient but I am definitely not gonna complain. I can't wait to tell Ashton at lunch.

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