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There stood a little girl, holding a soccer ball in her arms as she stared at the field—two high school teams playing soccer under the guidance of her father. The sun cast long shadows, and the air was filled with the shouts and laughter of the players.

The family name was heavy for her to carry down, a legacy she couldn't comprehend. Her father's expectations loomed large, and she saw herself as a sinner—a mistake of genes. She was even there to ask her father to disown her, just to not be a burden to the title. She clutched the soccer ball tighter, her heart heavy with the words she was too afraid to say.

On the way back home, her steps slow and head downcast, she met two boys sharing a popsicle. One of them looked up, his turquoise eyes glimmering with hope. "You play too?" he asked, his voice bright and eager.

"Yeah, do you?" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper, but the boys caught the uncertainty in it. They exchanged excited glances and exclaimed a yes in reply, their enthusiasm infectious. For a moment, her burden felt a little lighter, the warmth of their smiles breaking through her cloud of doubt.

As sun shines through her hair, the deep slumber and the dream was completly interrupted by postman delivering some mails.

"Hello, are you Miss Kamishiro?" he asks, and stood paused few seconds, wondering how he knew your surname when you use fake one.

"I am. How would you know- I mean do you need anything?" the brunette girl replies with monotone voice that caused the poor man stutter.
" is a letter for you. Have a great day, Miss!" with that said the man left in a hurry.

"Weird, when did people started to send letters again after email and gmail came out, huh?"

Greetings Miss Y/n Kamishiro,
You are now participant of Blue Lock at the time you are reading this. With the strategy of yours will lead Japan to victory.

Hope we will see you on XX-XX-XXXX.
Team Blue Lock.

"Blue what?"

Hours, minutes, and seconds pass, and the day that could be worse is now here in present. 'Do I really have to?' you thought as you enter the building.

They were a lot of boys. Many to be honest. As you were wondering why there are many and many boys and yet only one girl.

"Testing, test, test." The voice says. "Congratulations and welcome, diamonds in the rough." A light was shined on the stage, showing a tall lanky man with a black bowl cut.

"You are the 300, 18 and under strikers who have been chosen according to my liking and decision making," ge says. "And I am Jinpachi Ego," he introduces himself. "The man who was hired to make sure Japan's victory in the world cup." He resumes as people around you gasp.

People all around the room start to whisper as you yawn as if it is just a some game.  "No way, in 300? I must be some potiential that he holds." You whisper.

"He has to be kidding," a boy with raven blue hair says beside you.

"It's simple, really, in order to beat the rest of the world Japanese soccer requires one thing. And that is the birth of a brilliant striker. I'll be performing a experiment to turn one of you 300 into the single best striker in the world." He says.

"Here, at this facility." He points to the side of him and a screen lights up with the words Blue Lock.

"Blue lock." He grins. "Starting today, you will live here together and undergo the specialized training I devised to transform you."

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