Chapter: II

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"Y/n!" someone with a bob cut screamed your name. It was obvious—the ball, the position, everything was telling you to kick Kira. But the ball was stolen by Kunigami, who was still pissed at how dirty Bachira had played.

When Kunigami kicked the ball, Isagi Yoichi, the boy who had caught your interest, happened to get the ball. Without giving you a second,

"Go on, Queen," Isagi passed to you. The feeling you got from Bachira's pass was there again, but much stronger this time.

With that, BOOM. Kira was on the floor, and time seemed to stop.

"Why? Why would you do that?!!!" Kira stumbled as he tried to get up, but sadly no one was there to help him.

Clapping came from the screen on the wall. You looked up to see Ego's face, grinning like a madman.

"Diamonds in the rough, only results matter here," Ego said.

"Losers lock off here."

"Kira Ryosuke, you are disqualified," Ego declared, and you had little smirk playing on your lips as you turned to Isagi, who was looking at Kira.

"This...this is bullshit. How is it possible for my future career to lie in tatters because of some shitty game?!" Kira yelled at Ego, frustration vividly yet pathetically playing before your eyes.

"I'm Japanese soccer's jewel in the crown! You're telling me that A MERE GIRL, Igarashi, and Isagi are more talented than me? Huh?!" Kira exclaimed.

"Why does this silly game of tag even matter?! What does it have to do with soccer?!" He continued.

"In Blue Lock, everything has something to do with soccer. Look around you, Mr Mediocre Elite. The room you are in is the same size as the penalty area. If you can't do your work in this space, you lose. Simply simply lovely like how it is in soccer. You lose." Ego said.

"What he is trying to say is, Kira, you are not fit for being a striker," Y/n said without caring about his thoughts or others', you just blurted it out.

"D-Don't give me that crap! Tag is nothing like soccer!" Kira yelled angrily, the frustration growing more each second.

"If you're the one running away, you need a keen sense of space, strategies, and positioning. If you're the one doing the chasing, your dribbling and aim must be precise, and the quality of your kicks must be high. That makes it an excellent soccer training drill, loser," Ego explained.

"Even so, how can you know anything about me in just two minutes?! A soccer match is 90 minutes!" Kira's yelling echoed in the room.

"As far as my father taught me, the total amount of time any player spends on the ball in a 90-minute game is about 136 seconds, and it might be less than that. But you wasted the chance that was given equally to everyone, Kira," You said, nonchalantly as you sat on the floor.

"B-but nothing could be changed in those last ten seconds—"

"Would you say the same if this were a real match? When the ball hit you, there was still one second remaining on the clock. You could've survived if you blasted it at the immobile Igarashi. But you didn't see it. In a way, it was the last play before the final whistle. The moment her shot hit you, you accepted defeat. You missed your chance by not taking that extra step to victory. Whoever is 'it' in this game of tag might be the loser if he or she holds onto the ball for too long."

"But he or she might also be the winner, as only they have the power to choose who is hit next. Isagi Yoichi trusted someone ranked higher than him, not the fallen Igarashi. Bachira Meguru stole the ball from him and went after the strongest guy. That's a selfish obsession with victory that isn't affected by the group's common sense. That's the egoism of the striker I'm looking for. You lost because you ran away from it." Ego said.

"Kira Ryosuke, LOCK OFF."

Kira left the room, leaving you guys in a momentary silence.

"This is how victory feels?" Igarashi mumbled. "This is not even close to it. Consider it luck that I didn't hit you, Monk." You replied.

"Every time you get a taste of that pleasant sensation, your ego grows. That will make you grow into the world's greatest striker," Ego smirked.

"Congratulations. You have passed the first selection of Blue Lock."

"There are eleven of you in this room; all of you will be living together. At times, you'll work together as a team in order to win. Other times, you'll have to betray each other as enemies. Remember, you all are rivals in—"

"Blue Lock. Team Z," Ego disappeared. The rest of Team Z crowded around you, but still gave you proper amount of personal space, and you weren't used to it.


"You do indeed look like your father," Raichi said, catching you off guard.

"How long have you been playing, Kamishiro?" the boy with the bob cut, you believed it was Bachira Megumi—or Meguru, asked.

"Since I was 5 years old," you replied, taking a sip from your water bottle.

"Huh? Wow, that's a pretty long time?!" Isagi exclaimed.

"It has been 13 years since I started practicing soccer, so yeah, a long time."

"How is it like to have a great player as your father?" Kuon asked.

"It's just like having a father, nothing special."

"So, um, is your mom also an athlete?"

"She was..."

"Haaa, must be nice," Isagi muttered. "Well, I'm gonna take a shower. Don't. You. Dare. Come. In," you said as you collected everything that's needed from the locker.

"Yes, ma'am," they replied in unison as you left the room.

"Y/n?" a familiar voice called you. You looked up to see it was none other than Itoshi Rin, the boy you had played soccer with for 13 years.

"Rin?" you blinked twice to make sure you were seeing right.

"Didn't expect that you would really come here. But I'll let you know that I'll beat Sae," he replied.

"Then prove me right, handsome," you said as you turned back and left.

Itoshi Rin's POV:

If she's not One but Two...who might it be?

It bothers me so much that I'm weak.

Who is the guy that's one?

Would that person be that so-called diamond?

If she joins me in future...I'm sure Sae can't get a hold of it anymore.

Well, Y/n, let me be your wing so that you will fly higher.

To be continued.

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