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(mixed with reader's and 3rd person's pov)


In a dark hall with light at the end, you were walking with the others. "Whoo. I'm getting pumped!" Bachira said.

"My blood is boiling," Chigiri, who was wiping his sweat off from his forehead said.

"Time for new stage." Nagi said while nudging you with his elbow.

Once you entered the room, you rushed to Kurona, yelling "Hey, cutie."

There were many unseen and seen faces in the room.

All eyes on you.

"U-20? What are you doing here?" Isagi blurted out.

Aiku made his way to you, while his head still directed to Isagi, he slapped your shoulder lightly and saying "Ego called us here."

Soon enough Rin walked in, poor him disappointed because you were busy enough to not to notice him in the room.

"Hello there, you diamonds in rough and Y/n. Did you all enjoy the holiday? As you might know, I now hold the power to decide every member of the new U-20 team. And since I figured that even the losers might have their uses... I've decided to pick new members from the players that gathered here." Ego said.

"Yo, bowl head, I missed your annoying voice. I should've stayed here with Anri." You said while shaking your head in disbelief.

"Y/n, shut up for once," he shot soft glare just to not to get you mad.

"There's 100 days left until U-20 world cup starts. If you were to take part as you are.... let's see. Victory is impossible." He grinned down at all of you guys.

"This Environment. This special and cruel enclosed space called "Blue Lock". The Peak of The World, Europe's Big Five Leagues. Popularity, Money, Ability. Among these countries you have to choose which environment you want to sharpen youselves in." He continued.

"England. A league characterized by speed and physical battles."

"Next, Spain. A league where creativity and technique is desired."

"Next is Italy, a league that favors slyness and tactics."

"Next is France, this league is acting as gateway to success to newcomers and young players."

"And finally, Germany, a league that fundamentally understands that "football is a sport that you win by scoring the most goals." And Noel Noa is there, and he wanted Y/n to pick Germany, I don't know why."

"Your talents and weapons may have stood out here in Japan, but they fall back into average when it's compared to the world."

"What you feel then, and what you believe will be a test for you."

The specialized programm popped out as notification to all of you. There were five countries that mentioned by Ego. You didn't even think it as much.

Your slender, veiny finger clicked on Germany at speed of lightning.

"First ever person to choose was, Y/n." Ego said before disappearing from screen.

"What didya choose, Y/nniee~?" Bachira said grinning.

"Secret~" You said leaving the boys dumbfounded.

"I'm picking Germany, I feel Japanese people are so suited out there." Igarashi said.

"I'm going to Spain." Otoya said. "Italy for me." Aryu followed.

"Just don't decide on the stereotypes...." Chigiri said to Karasu. "But it's not like we have so much go on." Karasu replied back to him.

Chigiri turned to Isagi, asking which country is he choosing, but you were too busy to listen what they're talking because you were videocalling your parents.

"Hi guys. I have news. I might meet dad in few days, the blue lock is having sort of project here, I think it is either I will go to Germany or dad you will come here. I don't know which will be."

"Really?! Aww, darling, I miss you so much." Your mom bawled her eyes out.

"Good job, sweetie." You dad smiled at you, "I'll be there in Bastard München if you ever need anything."

You walked around to the room which people that chose Germany to go in. You spotted Isagi out there.
"Yo, Yoichi, and oh Kurona, hey." You said.

They greeted you back, all of you walking towards to the room, once you all are in, Ego's hologram appeared.

"You folks that choose Germany, hello. The team that currently the strongest in Germany is Bastard München. You will play with the members of U-2 team category, and train with them."

"Holy shit." Raichi muttered. "Are we going to Germany?!!" Igarashi exclaimed.

"Unfortunatly, it's quite the opposite. The environment of Big 5 of European Leagues will be recreated right here, in blue lock." Ego said.

He continued to explain things furtherly. Even he said that he includes Kunigami in Bastard München with Noel Noa.

But, now. Blue Lock's phase two: Neo Egoist League has officially begun.

Training started. First; Straight Dash.

Kunigami was leading the race along with the members of Bastard München, and me following him behind for almost 1.5 meters.

Next was; Climbing Dash, and followed with Ladder Sprint. 4th zone was Step Jumps.

I glanced around as I jump following right behind one of the members of BM, but I saw Kaiser's name on Goal Board.

"Not so fast, Michael."

We finally entered the Final Zone which was Ball dribbling and scoring. I didn't hesitate, I rushed after the ball following the right route that was drawn on the ground. I aimed at 100, scoring it it perfectly.

Goal Board: Kaiser

Kaiser hugged me around my neck almost choking me and dragged me to Yoichi.

"Endlich treffen wir uns, Yoichi Isagi. Ich werd dich duzen Yoichi, okay?" (I wanted to meet you Yoichi Isagi. I will call you Yoichi, okay?)

"Auf die Knee, BLUE LOCK." (Kneel, blue lock.)

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