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Night turns into day, you woke up not knowing how the outside world is looking like at the moment. When you enter the bathroom a sudden realization hit there as you saw Barou was standing there by the sink. "Oh shit, didn't know someone was here," you murmured.

After staring at you for few seconds, he started, "Y/n Kamishiro, was it?" You looked at him for millisecond before turning to other sink, "Yeah, it is."

"Why do you have that much privilege, woman? You have more than 3 pair of shorts unlike we have! We need to change too, do you know how many germs out there? Of course you don't, freaking idiot," he says in frustrated tone as he instinctively grabbed you by the collar of your shirt that has BLUE LOCK written on it.

You felt your cheeks heat up at his close proximity, he seem not to realize but as you mumbled small 'let go', his cheeks flushed in light shade of red before letting you go. "My bad, consider it never happened," he says as he turns to face door and leave.

After eating your breakfast, you remember that you left your water bottle at training field yesterday.
When you entered the training field, unfamiliar faces, presence, and people welcomed you.

"Whatcha doin here, girl?" A man with glasses and spikey black hair asks. "To get my water bottle, diwmitx," you snarked back.

When you were busy, searching up for your bottle with TEAM Z on it and finally spotted it there laid a tall boy with long white hair beside it playing animal crossing.

"You. Pretty girl, I want you on my team, beside me," he blurted it out as his pair of lazy eyes darts into your fiesty gaze. "You don't even know me, do you?" you replied, leaning down to get your water bottle from the ground but instantly he snatched it first, "What's your name then?"

You introduced yourself, saying you were in Team Z, his ears perked up like a puppy, "Kamishiro. Y/n Kamishiro. I will make you mine," he murmured, stepping closer to give your water bottle. "We will see about that, animal crossing," you smirked as you remarked, it wasn't mockery, but more likely a tease.

When you were about to leave, "NAGI SEISHIRO. REMEMBER THAT FAIR LADY," he yelled, making you turn to his way for a moment — Reo, stood there, watching the scene unfold before his own eyes couldn't process how you got a reaction from him, and even rile him up for moment. It was momentarily destruction, and Reo couldn't shake it off even for a millisecond.

Time skip:

"Like us, Team Y lost their first match, so their backs are against the wall. They'll be desperate. Come to think we need to keep a close eye on their number 9, his shooting's off the chart, y'know. Kumamoto perfecture: Ohkawa Hibiki."

"Let's go, guys!" Hibiki exclaims while his team cheers.

You stood there, tapping your fingers on the wall, Kunigami on your left with Igarashi to your right, "But this time, we concocted a plan."

"Let's have faith our practice will pay off. Even if we have to die for it, we will win, Team Z," Kuon encourages, for a moment, you got suspicious about him — and brushed it off as just a random cross of mind.

Everyone got into their assigned position to make the magic happen while you got on your knee double tying your laces and making sure they were tight for the match.

"The key to this plan is the weapons that Ego talked about. This is an ultra-offensive system that makes the best use of all our weapons."

90 min

"To spotlight one of yours' weapon, the rest of us will create a formation around you, and support the type of soccer they want to play." Kuon explains.

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