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B L A K E ' S  P O V :

I woke up, sweat forming on my forehead, I had another nightmare, those were the worst, I got up from my twin sized bed and went to my bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I then got into my cloths and went downstairs for breakfast


i went downstairs and sat down at the table and said good morning to my mom who was making breakfast and my dad who was on his phone, they both ignored me like always,I might as well be invisible

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i went downstairs and sat down at the table and said good morning to my mom who was making breakfast and my dad who was on his phone, they both ignored me like always,I might as well be invisible. After five minutes my sister came downstairs and my mom and dad greeted her. "Good morning sweetie" my mom stated "morning honey" my dad said as he hugged her and kissed her forehead. It wasn't any surprise, my parents adored my twin sister Brianna,but me? If anyone asked them if they could buy me , I would be sold without a doubt. They absolutely hate me, they act like I'm invisible.

Mom gave each of us a plate and left to go to work and my dad went to get ready as soon they left my twin started making nasty comments about me. "Are you sure you should be eating that? Your fat." She spoke with disgust as I dropped my spoon and went to the bathroom leaving my twin sister laughing at me. I went in the bathroom and locked the door as I started crying, why does no one love me? Am I fat? I hate myself. My thoughts running through my head as I opened my bathroom cupboard and took out my razor, I lifted my sleeve and dragged the razor across my skin as blood started running down my arm. After 11 cuts I washed my razor and my hand and cleaned the floor before lifting my sleeve down and going in my room to grab my school bag. After I grabbed it I went downstairs and out the door, my sister drives with my dad but they always 'forget' me so I have to walk.

I go to my class and sit in my seat at the back of the classroom waiting for the teacher. Then my sister and her minions show up and start making fun of me I try ignore them, not letting my tears fall, after 8 minutes of torture from my twin they finally go back to there seats as the teacher walks in.

(Skip to the end of school)

I left the class and made my way outside when suddenly I get pushed in my locker by Grayson Thomas who is in grade 11 he's also my sisters boyfriend. Before I can say anything he starts punching me when I finally get away from him I get up and start sprinting as he chases me down the road he then catches me and throws me in an alleyway and starts kicking me as tears run down my cheeks like a waterfall he then finally stops and walks away leaving me there, beaten up and bruised with tears on my cheeks.

When I finally get the strength to stand up, I get up and limp all the way home by now it was probably 6 pm and school ended at 2:30 pm. Once I get home my dad starts shooting questions at me while my mom stands behind him hugging my sister. "Where have you been?" He says with frustration in his voice, I muster up a lie "I had to study at the library" I say nervous "stop lying! Your sister told me everything! She said that you told lies about her to her friends and now they all hate her and that you were hanging out with them! She also said that your dating her bully and you bullied your sister with her bully! What kind of brother are you!?" He  shouts at my face, what? She doesn't even have a bully and I'm too young to date, and it the other way around she bullies me, and I was out there getting beat up by her boyfriend who is in grade 11!, that's what I wanted to say but I took a deep breath "but-" I say before my dad interrupts by slapping me hard, leaving a red mark. "Go to your room! Now!" My dad shouted as I run up the stairs,sobbing. I flopped on my bed and stayed for a few before getting up and Ching into pajamas


After changing into pajamas and brushing my teeth and washing my face, I got in bed and cried my self to sleep

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After changing into pajamas and brushing my teeth and washing my face, I got in bed and cried my self to sleep. Why does my twin hate me? I never did anything to her? Why do my parents hate me? Am I a freak? I'm a good for nothing freak that's what I heard my mom saying, she doesn't know I heard her, but when I was 7 my mom came home drunk, she went into the kitchen and she called her friend, I heard her friend asking about my sister and me then I heard my mom saying "my daughter is good she's kind and pretty also smart but my son? He's a good for nothing freak.", those words broke 7 year old me. I ran to my room that night and cried silently I also scratched my skin till it bled.

I will never get over what she said. It hurt so much. I stopped thinking as my eye lids started getting heavy, I drifted off to sleep.


So how was the first page? I hope you enjoyed it! :) this page was so sad T-T anyways I hope you have a good day/night!

951 words
:) <3

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