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B L A K E ' S P O V :

I woke up from my sleep and it was 4 am I carefully slid under dads arms and went to the main door after putting my air Jordan's on, I decided to take a walk to clear my mind. I opened the large oak door and went out the gates carful, to not trigger the guards. K started walking around not caring if I forgot the house because I have photo graphic memories anyway, I started walking across this bridge where suddenly I saw a guy about to jump. My eyes widened as I ran over to him and pulled him back. "What the hell?!" He shouted "what do u mean what the hell I should be saying that! What the hell were u doing?!" I shouted he got quite before her broke out in tears, my eyes softened as I pulled him into a hug. He started sobbing on my shoulders as I rubbed his back. After he calmed down we pulled apart "do you wanna talk about it?" I asked "uhm well" he started "it okay take your time" I said softly leading to a bench and sitting down next to him. "My- my wife cheated on me and we fought and so my sons over heard us and they got mad at me then I told my wife that I wanted a divorce and now I'm afraid they hate me" I sighed and let him lean his head on my shoulder, "they must mean a lot to you, by the way I'm Blake" I said "I'm Alexei, and yea they mean the world to me." He spoke with sadness in his voice "how many?" I asked trying to distract him "Nikolai he's 20 valeriy he's 19 and Valentino is 17 then Ivan he's 15" he spoke. "Well I should be going home now, I'm afraid my father will get worried, it was nice meeting you though" I smiled as I got up after shaking his hand.

I felt relief going through my body,hopefully he won't try doing it again. I made my way back and snuck into the house to find all my brothers and my dad still asleep I sighed and checked the time, it was currently 7 am. I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple to eat before going back to sleep.

(After they all woke up)


A L E S S A N D R O ' S P O V :

after eating lunch I went to my dads office with a plate of stake since he didn't eat, I knocked on the door before walking in, "did you need something figlio?" (Figlio: I'm not sure but I think it mean son) "no, but I thought I bring lunch for you since you didn't eat" I said putting the plate on his desk before hugging him, "dad,are we gonna tell Blake about the mafia?" I asked "I'm not sure should we?" He asked "I think we should anyways we would want him to find out with us telling him not him finding out about and mad at us" I spoke "ok yeah we'll tell him tonight during dinner ok? Inform the others about it" he spoke "ok, do you need help with work?" I asked with worry in my eyes he had eye bags around his eyes "no worries figlio I'm almost done" he spoke with a small smile, I nodded and left after saying bye.

I got my phone out of my pocket and went to the family group chat.

I N  G R O U P  C H A T :
(A : A L E S S A N D R O , E : E L I J A H , M : M A T E O , L E : L E O N A R D O , L O : L O R E N Z O , A X : A L E X A N D E R , A R : A R E S , E O : EVERYONE )

A : hey guys
E O : hey
A: I just wanted to say that dad said we are gonna be telling Blake about the mafia during dinner
E : seriously?
A: yeah
M & L E : ok
L O & A X : alright whatever
A R & E : alright

E N D O F G R O U P C H AT :

after I texted them I went my room and finished the rest of my work while mateo was making dinner since the staff were on break except for the body guards of course. God how I hate the Russian mafia they are so annoying, me and my dad had multiple meeting with the don and his son they are so stubborn me and my dad want a treaty so we can be alleys but they apparently want to cause trouble. I think we are gonna try again at the mafia ball which is held on November 20 it is November 17 so three more days and since Blake is gonna have to come we can't leave him alone so I will order him a suit for the ball.


B L A K E ' S P O V :

Me and ares were playing on the trampoline outside when he got a ring from his phone, he ended his back flip and took his phone out his pockets to check who it was. "It's Mateo he said dinners ready and by the way Alessandro and dad want to tell you something so come on let's go" he spoke jumping out the trampoline with me following him into the house. I closed the door behind me as we both made our way to the dining table and sat down after putting food on our plates.

(skip to after eating dinner cuz I'm lazy as you all know 🥲😌)

"So Blake, we have to tell you something" dad spoke hesitantly "what is it?" I asked slightly nervous "well um this is hard to tell you but I'm in the mafia" he said as my eyes went wide "seriously?!" I shouted as he nodded "well I don't care as long as you don't rape people,but innocents or children" I spoke as they sighed in relief "don't worry we don't but also there's gonna be a mafia ball in 3 days and your coming, sandro's gonna order you a suit tomorrow" says said as I nodded as went upstairs to get ready for movie night.

After we watched iron man everyone went to sleep as I followed behind them.


hey guys how are you guys today? I'm sorry for not posting in a while anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the rushed ending as well. I hope you have a good day/night , I love y'all<3

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