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B L A K E ' S P O V :

I woke up and got off the floor, my body was all sore and I wanted to lay in bed and never wake up but I have to get up, I can't give up already. I was about to leave miss Lou's office when all of a sudden she came in and pushed me in the room, my eyes widened as I knew what was going to come, I started begging for her not to give me a beating and that my body was still sore but she wouldn't listen, she started kicking till she heard three cracks coming from my stomach, at this point my stomach looked like a whole galaxy I swear to god. After she was done she carved another word into my hip this time she carved the word 'useless', she also carved a few cuts on my thigh before stopping and taking out a riding crop at this point I was shaking with fear, she bent me over and whipped me 35 times on my back she then punched me twice before throwing me on the floor.

I can't keep living like this, I have to leave, my old house won't take me and no one wants me so I'm just gonna have to run away and hope I don't die on the streets all alone. I got up and left the office as quietly as I can, I limped all the way to the back door since I knew the front door was locked, I went to the back door and opened it, I then started sprinting, my sore and bruised ankles begging me to stop, I sprinted all the way to an alleyway with tears streaming down my face. Why me? I broke down on my knees and panted, what has my life become? I decided to take a nap to make time go away so I hid behind an empty trash can and layed down with my body against the wall, then I cried myself to sleep.

(The next day)

I woke up the next in panic since I wasn't at the orphanage forgetting that I ran away, I calmed myself down remembering that I ran away, I then decided to take a walk because I had nothing else to do, so I got up and walked. Down farther into the alleyway I was staying in, I walked for quite a few minutes before a sketchy looking man came to me, I was about to run when he grabbed my neck and pushed me again, I screamed but he then punched me and threatened me, I then got the opportunity to bite his arm so I did, I bit his arm as hard as I could and then I ran leaving him there cursing me out in pain before chasing me, I kept running while my feet burned.

I ended up running down the empty roads, then I saw a familiar man in a suit..ALESSANDRO! I ran up to him and hid behind him as he stumbled a bit, "please help me" I whimpered, he looked at me "Blake?" He looked at me then the man who had been chasing me, he then glared at the man and looked at me, "is this man bothering you?" He asked softly as I nodded before passing out in his arms.


A L E S S A N D R O ' S P O V :

I was walking down the streets from work to calm myself down because one of the mafias stole one of our shipments and we don't know who took yet and it is really beginning to frustrate me, I walked for a few minutes before someone ran to me and hid behind me hugging my waist tightly, what the hell? "Please help me" the person whimpered, then I recognized him, it was Blake, "Blake?" I looked at him then the man who was standing there like an idiot, I glared at him then turned to Blake, "is this man bothering you?" I asked him softly, he nodded then all of a sudden he passed out in my arms I held him then turned me head to the man, "your lucky he passed out or else I would have you six feet under" I threatened him, he shivered in fear and ran.

I carried Blake to the parking lot of my work and put him in the back seat, I then called my brother Elijah and told him to tell someone to cover for me at work since he was there patching some of our body guards who got hurt during a fight with the Americans. I then got in the front seat and drove to the house, I got in and no one was home it was 6 pm so they were probably out with friends, I went up to my bedroom and layed Blake down on my bed. I then stared at him for a second and sighed, I ran my hand on his curls for a few minutes then I got up, my brothers might be home and I need to explain what happened with Blake, I also need to tell my dad who is home on his bed, because he has bed rest for two more because he got shot, if Blake wasn't there he would've died. I left my room and closed it not bothering to lock it since I know no one would go in there, I went to my dads room and knocked on the door, "enter" he said I opened the door to see him on his bed with a laptop on his lap, "hey dad do you remember Blake?" I asked, he wondered for a minute before replying "yeah why?" He asked "oh well I ran into him this morning and he passed out in my arms so I bring him and he's on my bed right now" I told him calmly "your serious?" My dad asked as I nodded, he sighed "ok well wait till he wakes up then we can sort out this situation" he spoke I nodded and left the room.

I went downstairs and called all my brothers to the living room, all of them sat down on the couch except for Ares we were still waiting on him, he then came in and hugged me before sitting down, all them asked what's going on, "well you remember that night dad was shot?" I asked as they all nodded "and Blake?" I asked again as I heard a chorus of yes coming from them, I then explained the situation, they all started shooting questions at me, "is he gonna stay with us?" Ares asked "I'm not sure" I said, "I'm gonna go check on him to see if he's awake" I said and left the room, I walked upstairs and heard whimpers from my room, I ran to my room to find Blake turning and tossing around with whimpers coming from his mouth I went to him and ran my hands through his curls trying to calm him down, after a few minutes he calmed down, I was about to leave when he whimpered "please stay" he mumbled weakly, I don't what is wrong with me but my heart broke for him, "ok just wait a second" I said softly he slightly nodded as I went to change into pajamas since it was already 11 pm and I sleep early because I have to wake up early anyways, I went to my bed and layed down next to Blake as he cuddled up to me I put my arm around him and rubbed his back as he snuggled up to me.


Hey guys !, I hope u enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it ! Anyways I just wanted to say please don't be silent readers ! I love reading comments but don't feel pressured to write comments I understand if u don't want to just if u can or if u want to voice your opinions or any feedbacks and even if u want to make a comment on the character or the paragraph as well please do ! Anyways I hope you have a good day/night ! Love y'all <3

1391 words
:) <3

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