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N I K O L A I ' S P O V :

I groaned as I forced my aching body to sit up, my eyes widened as I saw where I was, I was in a dark and gloomy room with rusty dark grey walls with dirt stains. I also realized I was shackled to the wall behind me, I tried pulling on the shackles and as I was doing so a guy came in. I realized that the German mafia kidnapped me "Wo zum Teufel bin ich?!" ("Where the fuck am I?!") I shouted at the guy while still trying to get out of the shackles "Beruhige dich, Junge" ("calm down,boy")he spoke calmly with a smug look.

I glared as he walked up to me and unshackled my legs and unchained the ones on my hand instead he pulled me up and put a chain on the shackles on my hands before dragging me across the other cells and into an elevator.

after a few minutes, the elevator came to a stop, the man who I now knew his name was Gunther dragged me into a room that looked like a science lab, a man in a coat turned around and held a smirk as he noticed me. "Ah, endlich ist es soweit. Günther, du kannst ihn mir überlassen" ("Ah, it's finally here. Günther, you can leave him to me") he spoke with a smug look as I panicked. Gunther nodded then left me to this maniac, the man who I assume his name is Philip as I read his name tag that was attached to his white, wrinkly lab coat. he then dragged me over to an abnormal-sized tube that could probably fit a human being in it. Philip then proceeded to throw me in the tube making my head hit the metal side of the tube as I groaned in pain, he smirked before slamming the tube shut.  then I felt a tube go through my nose, and a glowy blue substance started flowing through the tube.
All of a sudden I felt my heart going at an abnormal beat. it went from slow to fast then a slow beat and a fast beat suffocating me and making it hard to stay conscious, I started panicking triggering my arrhythmia. I then felt my vision go blurry as my airway started to close up with my heartbeats going slower and slower till eventually, I blacked out, not being able to breathe anymore.

(P O V  S W I T C H ! !)

T H I R D  P E R S O N :

once Philip saw Nikolai blackout he panicked as he knew he would be punished greatly by his boss if he let him die. he ran to the abnormal and haunting tube and got Nikolai out of it, he then informed the medical team before they started hauling into the room, putting Nikolai on a stretcher and rushing him to the med bay for injured experiments.

(after they brought him back to life ykyk)

after they had gotten a pulse they dragged Nikolai back into his cell and shackled him to the wall before leaving him passed out cold on the floor.

(sorry about this but time skip to when Nikolai gains his conscious)

(P O V  S W I T C H ! !)

N I K O L A I ' S  P O V :

I woke up shivering from the cold ground beneath me as I remembered what happened, I had flat-lined moments ago...how am I supposed to feel about that?, a loud band brought me out of my thoughts as I looked in the direction from where the noise came from. I saw Gunther come in with a smirk, "Zeit für Bestrafung, Junge" ("time for punishment, boy") he spoke as my eyes widened, I panicked trying to back up into the rusty, dirty wall, Gunther approached me, and punched me, bruising my face leaving me defenseless. he then continued to kick my ribs as I shouted and screamed in agony, he then left making me think he was done but I was wrong.
all of a sudden Gunther came back but this time he had a bat and a pot of boiling water, he set the bat that had nails stuck in it down on the floor before holding my shirt up and pouring the hot water on my bruised up torso making me let out a blood-curdling scream as I thrashed around trying to get away after he had burnt most of my lower torso he set the pot down on the floor and picking up the bat that had sharp nails sticking out of it. he then swung it at me a couple of times as my vision started to get blurry.
he then set the bat down and picked up a rusty, metal knife, he then lifted up my shirt and sloppily and painfully carved words into my torso. as he was carving into my torso carelessly i passed out after black spots had invaded my vision, my throat raspy from all that screaming.


well hello there ladies and gents, I hope yall enjoyed this chapter by the way I don't know how to write what happens when people flat line or scientific stuff so all that came from a little research and my head so yea also do yall think Nikolai is gonna die? is his family gonna find him? cause i quite literally used a wheel from Google to determine what will happen to him and what his future will end up being 😃. anyways I hope yall have a good day/night and I love yall!<3

960 words

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