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B L A K E ' S P O V :

I woke up and got out of bed, I hope today won't go as bad as yesterday, my body is still sore. I got dressed and went downstairs to the canteen where a bunch of other boys were eating, I sat down and ate, before I could finish miss Lou saw me and glared at me. "Blake come here" she said daring me to say no, I followed her as she led me to a bathroom,huh? She told me to come as she grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged me to the toilet she then forcibly sat me down in front of it then. Made me throw up all the food, as I cried, a waterfall of tears forming on my cheeks. "Who gave you permission to eat,huh!?" She questioned sassily as I kept on crying and apologizing "I'm sorry!,im sorry!" I said crying begging for this to be over. Finally she dragged me to her office. She then trapped a tea pot filled with hot water and poured it on my shoulder and lower stomach as I screamed in pain. It was boiling hot. By the time she was done she sent me to my room.

(1 hour later)

I couldn't keep staying here. Or else who knows what she'll do to me, but I'm certain it will be worse each time.I kept thinking till I got an idea. I went downstairs and into miss Lou's office. "Can I go for a walk?" I asked hesitantly, "fine. Be back in 2 hours or else." She replied as I nodded left. My plan was to go to my parents home and beg for them to take back, it's pathetic I know but I can't keep living with miss Lou or else I'll end up dead or something worse. I left the orphanage and walked all the way back to my old house, I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open, after two minutes, my mom opened "Blake?" She asked confused before she could answer I started begging for her to take me back but she just said 'sorry blake' then she shut the door in my face. I couldn't take it anymore I broke down and started crying, I then got up and walked back to the orphanage which took a while. Once I opened the door I went upstairs and changed into my pajamas before going to sleep.

I'll just try again tomorrow.
Why me? What did I ever do to deserve this? Why can't I just have a family who loves me? God I'm a good for nothing freak.


A/N'S NOTE: how was this page? I hope u liked it! Sorry for making it so short but i have no motivation and my wrist is killing me T-T anyways I hope you have a good day/night, I love y'all!

494 words
:) <3

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