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N I K O L A I ' S P O V :

At the moment we were all fighting off the German mafia guards, I was worried for Ivan though he was still 15 but this wasn't his first time this was his second time and he was so shook and frozen last time. Same with Valentino, I shook the thoughts out of my head as of right now I had to focus on fighting the German mafia guards.

All of a sudden it went from all of fighting to me and ivan being separated from our dad and our other brothers, I focused on fighting most of the guards so Ivan wouldn't have to. Once we were done fighting of the 6 guards I was left with a stab wound that was making me dizzy while Ivan had a cut or two.

Suddenly 7 men were in front of us, and then one moment I was with Ivan and the other I was in a choke hold by one of the German mafia guards. "l-lass mich gehen" I whimpered out, one thing you should know about me, I have arrhythmia it's a heart disease that can lead to death, heart failure, strokes, cardiac arrests, heart attacks, etc. And if it is left untreated for too long then I'm afraid it will cause me a cardiac arrest and probably and most likely death. But that wasn't my concern right now, where is Ivan? Is he okay? Is he with dad or the others? All of a sudden i broke out of my thoughts as I saw one of the German mafia guards fist about to hit my face, before I could duck it he punched me most likely causing my cheek to bruise.

I then saw him get a sharp and long needle out of his pockets, I started thrashing in his arms as he was carrying me in his arms right now trying to put me in the back of some black van, I know this is not the time for my humor but what is this? Are they trying to trick a kid into thinking they have candy?

He finally dropped me leaving me to run, as I was running I saw him and some other guards getting in the car to chase me. As I was running I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I looked down while still running just to see a gun wound that was close to my heart that didn't help my heart disease. I groaned as I ran faster trying to get away from the haunting black van.

Suddenly black spots started invading my already blurry vision, no no no no! No! Nikolai stay up just a little more just wait! wait! Wait wait...

Before I could comprehend anymore my knees gave out as I fell on to the floor, my face landing not far after my knees.

(P O V  S W I T C H ! !)

T H I R D  P E R S O N :

As Nikolai's knees hit the cold ground, the haunting black van came to a stop, one of the mafia guards carried "Heh, es sieht so aus, als hätten wir die Nadel doch nicht einmal benutzen müssen" ("heh, looks like we didn't have too use the needle after all" once again I'm not sure if this is right) he chuckled sickly, he picked up Nikolai carelessly and threw him in the back of the van roughly before getting back into the drivers seat and driving to the secret ware house in which the German mafia located.

The guards all got off the van and went inside with the guard carrying Nikolai, he went into the ware house and got in elevator and went three floors down where the cells or should I say dungeons were, he went to one and threw Nikolai in there, tying him up to the rusty walls that were filled with dirt stains. He tied him up using sharp shackles to make is hurt more. He then injected him with a medication to heal him, he wasn't sure if it worked as it was un experimented substance, after all, they weren't don't torturing and experimenting on him (this does not exist but in the story the German mafia experiment on most people as it is one of their  sickly ways to get money).

Hey guysss I should probably be studying for my maths final exams but whatever anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter cause get ready for the next one it's gonna be hectic also I updated 2 times in a row!!!! anyways I hope you have a nice day/night I love you guys!<3

790 words

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