15 | CAFE

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A L E X E I ' S P O V :

I woke up with an alarm ringing, the sound echoing across my empty and plain room, I slammed the alarm, breaking it. Damn that was my 5th alarm clock this week.. eh I'll just ask my assistant to get one for me, I got up pressing my feet onto the cold floor, sitting up straight on my bed my mind wondering back to the other night at the mafia ball, that kiss with Antonio.. I don't know I got shivers when he kissed me, and not the bad kind. I got up from my bed remembering that I had a meeting with some mafias including Antonio. He is the don of the Italian mafia. I made my way into the bathroom and got ready, I put on a black suit vest before making my way downstairs into the dining room seeing my sons, some of them in school uniforms the others in suits. "Good morning мои мальчики" I spoke kissing each of their heads, "good morning papa" they spoke. I sat down at the head of the table as my son Ivan passed me a plate of food, "thank you Ivan" I spoke giving him a smile "your welcome papa" he spoke with a small smile. After I ate I got into my car and left for work. Once I got to my office I told my assistant to get me some coffee so that I could get started on some paperwork before I had to go to the meeting. My assistant miss Campbell came in with my coffee in her left hand she put a coaster on it before leaving after I gave her small nod saying 'thank you'.

After two hours of completing most my paperwork it was time to go to the meeting. Once I got there I saw everyone their with annoyed looks on their faces as they glared at me except Antonio who looked he wasn't even there mentally, I mentally chuckled, I of course have to be late why should I be on time?  I went and took a seat next Antonio because all the others looked like they wanted to kill me..oops..

They started talking and discussing things and I started to get hell bored who would want to stay in this boring ass meeting when I could be doing better things.

(After the meeting, don't blame me blame bill he's the one making the time skips 🫢😧)

When we were done with the meeting Antonio came up to me, "hey Mr volkov" he spoke respectfully with a smirk "yes Mr reeves?" I spoke smugly "wanna hang out out at the cafe near?" He asked, walking next to me. "Uh sure, right now?" I asked "yes come on lets Go it's not that long of a walk" he replied. And with that we started our walk to a cafe called 'cozy cafe' which was a few blocks from where we were.

We got in the cafe a little ring going off. We sat at a table in a corner far down the cafe, I sat down next to him as we started talking about the mafia.

(Time skip, ITS NOT ME ITS BILL!!!)

( P O V  S W I T C H ! ! ! )

A N T O N I O ' S  P O V :

As me and Alexei were talking a lady came up to us and tugged on her shirt a bit making her cleavage as she tried to noticeably seduce Alexei as he just sat there uncomfortably, I sat there with anger boiling. For some reason I was jealous, I sat there with my teeth grinding down on each other as I clenched my jaw, balling my fists with my knuckles turning white, once she left "this again.." Alexei whined referring to the high at the mafia ball snapping me out of my trance as I chuckled a bit "I guess" I spoke.

After talking for a bit we both decided to part ways as it was getting dark, I got in the drivers seat and drove back home, being greeted by my sons who were sprawled on the couch in the living room with the tv light reflecting of their faces. I turned off the tv the put blankets on them before turning off the lights and getting ready for bed.

Before going to sleep I got some work done then I passed out on my soft bed.


HEYOOOO sorry for not uploading much but I have 3 weeks of final exams and I just had English exam today, anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter even though, it's rushed,boring and pretty short but whatever, next chapter is gonna be dramaticccc btw how do you guys like the new book cover? Let me know Anyways I hope y'all have a good day! And I love you guys<3 !

(New book cover btw:)

(New book cover btw:)

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