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A L E S S A N D R O ' S  P O V :

I had just came back from the ware house as we had some problems with one of the people that were locked in our cells. We had taken him as he had done something really bad to Matteo when Matteo was 5 years old when we still had her.

S T A R T O F F L A S H B A C K :

"Mama? Where are we going?" Young mateo asked his cruel mother, "hush boy. We are gonna go get me some drugs." She spoke hauntingly with a smug look covering her evil appearance. "Then you be happy?" Mateo asked nervously, since mateos mother, sierra was usually.. abusive, both mentally and physically towards him, although not in front of his brothers and father. He had always thought she was doing it because she was sad or had a bad day so.. he let her do it, poor mateo just wanted his mom to be happy. "Ohh, yes" sierra replied "ok! I love you mama!" He spoke cheerily, happy that his mother was happy for once. "Whatever brat." She mumbled as they approached a filthy house in a bad state. "Mama where are we?" Mateo asked sierra as she ignored him.
Sierra walked up to the door and rang the door bell as mateo stood next to her with a frown on his face. After a few minutes a man with greasy black hair and dull eyes came out. Mateo hid behind hi mother not liking the way he looked at him. "So, you've got what I need?" Sierra asked the man with a straight face as he nodded. He reached into his pockets and pulled out 4 small ziplock bags filled with drugs. Sierra looked at the packets of drugs with hunger in her eyes before shoving mateo into the man quite roughly. "Mama! No! Let me go!" Mateo thrashed around the creepy man's arms "Mateo! Stop it! You want to make mama happy don't you?" Sierra spoke, manipulating her young son. Poor Mateo nodded with tears in his Doe eyes. "Ok then, stay with the man." She spoke with a fake smile. Mateo had never seen his mom smile, even it was fake so.. he reluctantly agreed, nodding before the man pushed mateo inside the house and slammed the door behind him.

E N D O F F L A S H B A C K :

As I got out of my car, I noticed someone standing there outside my house, I panicked before I realized that it was just Nikolai, the heir of the Russian mafia. "A-Alessandro I-I" he spoke, I panicked as I saw him lose his consciousness, I pulled him into my arms before he hit the ground and carried him inside the house. I went upstairs and put him in one of the guest rooms before going to my dads office to inform him about it. We had been looking for him for 5 days, with no luck. We had assumed he had been abducted by the German mafia, we hoped not as they were very cruel. I reached my dads office before knocking on the door, "enter" he spoke as I opened the door and walked up to his desk. "Hey Sandro, what do you need?" He asked looking up from his laptop "Nikolai is here, upstairs in one of the guest rooms" I spoke "seriously?" He asked in disbelief as I nodded, "alright you go check for any wounds and I'll call Alexei, ok?" He spoke, "alright" I replied before going upstairs to the room Nikolai's staying in.

(P O V  S W I T C H ! !)

A L E X E I ' S  P O V :

I was trying to track down Nikolai but yet again, no luck. God how could I have let this happen?!

I groaned in frustration as I started throwing things which turned into punching the wall which had resulted in a dent on the wall. Before I had went on another rampage, I got a phone call from.. Antonio? I wonder what he wants.

I accepted the call before raising the phone up to my ear.

S T A R T O F P H O N E C A L L :

B O L D : A N T O N I O
N O R M A L : A L E X E I

hey Alexei um I have something I need to tell you, but your gonna have to come because it too big to be told in a phone call

Um alright, but when should I come?

Uh right now would be great

Alright, bye


E N D O F P H O N E C A L L :

I slid my phone in my pocket and went to Valentino's room to tell him that I'm gonna go so he can look after Ivan since valeriy is at the tattoo parlor, sometimes he just works their to take his mind off of stuff. I knocked on the door, entering after Valentino said 'come in'.

"Hey Val, I'm going out could you take care of Ivan if he needs anything? There's some food in the oven if you or Ivan get hungry by the way" I spoke walking over to him. I had already made dinner for them but they eat late, it was 1 am now and they get hungry around 2 or 3 am on the weekends "конечно папа" he answered with a neutral face, I kissed him on his forehead before leaving my house to go to Antonio's house.

I went to the garage and got into my car before leaving for his house. After 30 minutes or so I finally arrived. I got out of my car and walked to his gates and informed his guards before they reluctantly let me in. I walked in his house and into his living room, sitting in the couch in front of the couch he was in, "so what is it that was so important you had to tell me? I have to go back to trying to find my son so please, make it quick." I spoke "uh yea about that, you're son just came around 1 hour ago. Although he's passed out right now" he spoke with a sad smile leaving my frozen. "Do you want to see him?" He asked, I nodded not being able to speak. He gestured for me to follow him as we walked to an elevator, he pressed one the buttons which took as where I assume is the 3 third floor. He then lead me to a room that was blankly decorated.

When we walked in I saw Nikolai laying on the king sized bed unconscious, with blood and bruises on his face. I gasped as I went over to him, "I'll give you some space.." Antonio spoke before leaving. Tears swelled in my eyes as I looked at my sons beat up, pale face. I leaned in and kissed his forehead before sitting down on the bed. How could I have let this happen?



Heyyy guysss, sorry for not updating especially after leaving y'all on a cliffhanger 🥲 but anyways I'm backkkkk!!!! And I only have 3 more days of tests then I'm finally done, my dads sending me to summer camp but that's okay because I can just skip class and write for you guysss anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and also I have a question, should I keep doing these notes at the end? Because I feel like it's annoying so please tell me if I should stop cause that's totally fine as well 😌. I hope y'all have a good day, I love y'all!<33

1310 words

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