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B L A K E ' S P O V :

I woke up on a soft mattress all snuggled up into someone's chest who I found out was Alessandro I panicked a little before remembering what happened yesterday. I sat up and shook Alessandro awake, "morning" he mumbled "good morning" I spoke back quietly, "come on let's go downstairs" he said as I nodded and got out of his bed. I followed him down all the way to a room where there were 5 guys and a familiar man who I noticed was Antonio. Alessandro told me to sit down, I pulled the chair and sat down as Alessandro introduced me to the 5 guys who were sitting, "thats Elijah he's 22 then Matteo who's 19 then the twins Lorenzo and Leonardo they are 17 then Alexander he's 15 and that's Ares he's 13, boys this is Blake he's 13" he spoke, the boys all said hi as I waved shyly.

After a few minutes some maids came in with a whole dang feast, they set a plate in front of everyone and left, I was confused on whether to eat or not because of what happened with miss Lou in the orphanage, would they make me throw it up? Is this just a test to see if I would eat? No they wouldn't do that they helped me, right? God I don't know what to do, everyone started to eat then I felt Alessandro nudge me gesturing me to eat, I took 3 bites of the scrambled egg and a half of the bacon before I couldn't eat anymore, I put my spoon down and just sat there, "why aren't you eating?" Elijah I think asked "I'm full" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear, he just nodded and continued eating, I'm glad they didn't force me to throw it up.

(After breakfast)

I was sitting on the couch next to Ares, "hey Blake? My dad wants to talk to you in his office come on" he said pulling me up from the couch,I followed him to Antonio's office when we got there Ares wished me good luck and left. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer, once I heard an enter I opened the door and walked in seeing Antonio sit down at a desk with Alessandro standing beside him, "sit down" Antonio said gesturing to two chairs in front of him, I pulled the chair on the left and sat down, my leg shaking up and down. "Listen Blake, I wouldn't mind having you here but I'm sure you have parents that miss you right now and I also don't want to hold you back from your family, so if you wouldn't mind telling us where your family is?" Antonio spoke softly, I looked down "I don't have one.." I mumbled quietly "huh?" Antonio asked confused as Alessandro frowned "I don't have a family. I'm an orphan." I said a bit louder, Antonio and Alessandro froze sympathy swimming in their eyes, "oh ok well then which orphanage do you stay in?" Alessandro asked this time "no! Please don't make me go back" I said hysterically, "hey hey calm down, ok well how about I foster you and then you can stay at this house if you want just so you don't have to go back to the orphanage ok?" Antonio spoke softly kneeling in front of me with his lips slightly tilted up slightly forming a small smile,  I got up and tackled him In a hug he Stumbled a bit and went stiff for a moment before hugging me back, "thank you!" I said happily. He chuckled before letting go, "come on we have to go to the orphanage so I can sign papers to foster you, ok?" He said I nodded and told him the name of the orphanage, he lead me to a very expensive looking car and got in the drivers seat as I got in the backseat, we both put on our seat belt as he started driving to the orphanage, I got really nervous and started fidgeting. Soon we arrived I got out the car and walked behind Antonio, we walked in to the front desk who had a caretaker behind it, Antonio explained the situation before the nurse lead him to miss Lou's office. He knocked on the door before entering. "Oh good morning sir how can I help you?" Miss Lou asked in a sickly sweet voice as she glared at me when Antonio wasn't looking I shrunk and my hands started shaking. We both sat down and Antonio asked if he could foster me. Miss Lou said yes and gave a clipboard and told to sign about 5 times, she then explained what he would have to do if he wanted to adopt me she then gave my file before we left to the car. The car ride was pretty silent but a comforting silence not awkward.

When we got to Antonio's house he told ares to let me borrow some pajamas and that I have to sleep with him. Me and Antonio and ares ate dinner since the rest had already eaten though ares wanted to wait for his dad and me. After dinner me and ares went to his room and changed before getting into bed and sleeping.

I'm Finally free..

A/N'S NOTE: hey guys ! I hope you enjoyed this page and also I'm sorry for the rushed ending I got a bit lazy T-T and any thoughts on this page or book? If so please let me know I love reading comments :),pls don't leave hate comments tho. Anyways I hope you have a good day/night, I love you ! <3

967 words
:) <3

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