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A N T O N I O ' S P O V :

I woke up and sat up in bed feeling a weight on my chest,I looked down to see mateo as I remembered what happened last night,

F L A S H B A C K :

Mateo jolted up in bed tears streaming down his cheeks and sweat forming on his forehead, he slowly got up from his bed and went to his fathers room, he had just got another nightmare from his mom him and his brothers mom left and before she did she gave mateo a little 'treat' why him? No one knows, he opened his fathers room as Antonio shuffled around in his bed for a bit before waking up, he sat in bed before noticing mateo "ehi figliolo, cosa è successo?"("hey son,what happened?" Sorry if it's wrong I'm not that good in Italian) he whimpered "was it her?" Antonio asked him softly as he nodded meekly, "come here" Antonio sighed with open arms as mateo lunged in his arms almost immediately as he sobbed in his fathers shirt staining it with his tears but Antonio didn't care. "va bene tesoro va bene non ti preoccupare sono qui, papà è qui" ("its okay sweetheart its okay dont worry im here,dad's here") Antonio continued comforting his son pulling him into his lap.

E N D O F F L A S H B A C K :

I smiled as I brushed my fingers through his soft hair, I kissed forehead before waking him up. "Hey mateo? Mateo wake up" I said shaking him awake "hm?" He hummed with his eyes closed "I have to go okay? Wake up soon to eat breakfast" I spoke as he nodded his head before going to sleep. I rolled my eyes playfully before getting dressed to go to the orphanage because today was Blake's birthday and it was ares's birthday too actually so I'm gonna adopt Blake. I made ,y way downstairs and into my audir8, I put on google maps and drove to the orphanage.

(when he arrived because I'm lazy and hoping to publish this quick 😌)

I hoped out of my car and made my way to the front desk before I went there I saw a boy who caught my eye I ignored it and went to the bitches office after getting permission. I swung the door open and sat down on the chair "hi I would like the papers to adopt Blake" I spoke as she nodded and gave a stack of papers to sign. To be honest the only reason I haven't slit her throat yet is because this orphanage is full of kids who need caretakers and since she doesn't abuse them I've decided to not kill her but if she does then she's done for. I took the papers and hoped back into my audir8 starting google maps once again as I drove back home.

(Skip to when he arrived home cuz once again I'm lazy 😌)

I parked into the garage and got out of my car turning it off. I opened the door and went to the dining room/kitchen to see Blake and ares siting there with a cake. I went over to them and kissed all the boy's foreheads.

After ares and Blake blew the candles I decided it was time to break down the news for them, I took the adoption papers out of my pocket and unfolded it before giving it to Blake watching as all the boys stood around him reading it with him. Once they finished reading they all looked at me with tears in their eyes as they all hugged me. "Are you joking?" Blake asks as he sniffles I chuckled before shaking my head no as I hugged my new son.


B L A K E ' S  P O V :

I felt warm inside, happy tears trickling down my cheeks as I hugged tony aka my dad. Maybe this family did want me after all..

"Wanna watch movies all night?" Ares asked "ares you know you have to sleep" Antonio argued "but daddd pleaseee" ares said with puppy eyes I smiled as dad reluctantly agreed. We all went to the movie room and watched some of the marvel movies, "I love you Blake" I could hear dad whisper to me "I love you to papa" I whispered back as I fell asleep feeling content.


A N T O N I O ' S  P O V :

We were all in the movie room watching marvel movies while cuddling eachother, "I love u Blake" I accidentally spilled "I love you too papa" he whispered back before falling asleep leaving me shocked I didn't think he would actually say it back I felt my eyes watering as I felt warm inside, I wiped my eyes before drifting off to sleep.


hey guys!!!!! I'm sorry this chapter is quite short, also the next chapter will be dramatic and stuff so yeah by the way I just wanted to say that yes Antonio is in the Italian mafia and also by the way quick fun fact blake is named after me but my name is spelled blayke also I'm a girl but my mom thought it would be fun to name me after my dad his name is Blake not blayke tho different spelling :) sorry about my rant by the way anyways I hope you guys  have a good day/night, I love y'all!!!

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