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B L A K E ' S  P O V :

I got up from my bed and saw a suit hanging in my walk in closet I looked at it with confusion before remembering that today was the mafia ball. I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth before going downstairs and eating break fast. "Good morning" I greeted my family before sitting down in my usual seat. Soon after dad came down stairs with smile. "Good morning mio figlios" he spoke before sitting down at the head of the table per usual. "We are going to the mafia ball at 8 but get ready as 6 because we are going at 6:30 since the ride is 1 hour and 30 minutes" Elijah stated as everyone nodded in agreement.

After breakfast everyone went their separate ways and I just went to xandy's room since I was bored and I love him and I also maybe live to annoy him. I ran into his room and jumped on his sleeping figure. He woke up with a groan "what do you want blake?" He asked as I settled on top of him "nothingggg can't I see my older brother?" I asked playfully dragging out the word nothing, he chuckled and hugged me close to his chest. I snuggled up to his chin, "I'm boreddd" I whined "ok well I have an amazingggg idea" he spoke lazily as I perked up "really?! What is it?!" I asked eagerly "sleep" he spoke with smirk pulling me down on his chest and closing his eyes fully "noooooo" I whined with a pout. "Yesssss" he whined back playfully. "Fine" I huffed before laying down on his chest, I didn't last long before falling asleep even though it was 11 am.

(When they woke up)

I woke up, laying in top of xandy wondering what time it was. I saw xandys phone on the bedside table and tapped on it as the time appeared to be 5 pm. Damn we slept that long? I woke xandy up before going to ares's room and watching twilight with him which lasted an hour and 13 minutes before we both had to get ready for the mafia ball.

I went to my room and grabbed the suit from the hanger in the walk in closet before heading to the bathroom and changing into it, it was a black suit with a red tie. After I was done changing I went to Alessandro's room and knocked on the door and walking in after I heard a faint 'come in' "hey Sandro" I spoke "hey- wait come here" he spoke, I got up and walked over to him. He smoothed down my hair and fixed it before he lent down and gave me kiss on my fore head "thanks Sandro" I spoke before kissing his cheek and going downstairs where everyone except for Alessandro and Alexander were. We waited five minutes before they finally came down, we all went in a limo as the car ride started.

When we arrived we made a 'grand entrance' as you would call it, dad talked to a couple mafias like the French mafia and the Spanish mafia. After that he talked with someone who I wasn't really paying attention to him till I got a glance of his face "wait- Alexei?!" I said surprised that he was here,wait that means he was probably the don of the Russian mafia "Blake?" He s spoke in shock "how are you?" He asked with a small smile handing his hand out "I'm good you?" I asked back returning the hand shake, "you guys know each other?" Dad asked,surprised. "Yeah" we both answered "he's your son?"Alexei asked dad "yea" he answered "he's a great kid your lucky to have him" he spoke softly as dad nodded with a proud smile "hey Mr Volkov, don't you think it's finally time to make alliances?" He asked Alexei "of course Mr reeves" Alexei answered "alright I'll get the forms before the ball ends" dad spoke as Alexei nodded. I then felt pretty bored so I asked dad if I could go and stay with my brothers which he agreed to but told me to call him if anything happened I smiled and hugged him before going to the others


hey guyss !! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Next chapter is gonna be something alright I don't know about dramatic but it's gonna be something. Sorry I haven't been updating it's just that I have finals for school and a load of homework so sorry about that but yeah I hope y'all have a good day and I'm sorry that this is not that long of a chapter, also I just wanna say a big huge thank u too every single one of the 1.23 k readers reading this book you guys are amazing and I love y'all sm<33

832 words

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