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A N T O N I O ' S P O V :

I was about to close my laptop and go to sleep when I heard a scream followed by some whimpers coming from Blake's room. I took my gun from my drawer and ran to his room where I saw Alessandro, I put away my gun when I saw that we was thrashing around his bed. I went to him and shook him awake, "Blake wake up! It's just a dream,your okay! Your okay!" I said as he gasped as he jolted up. He clung on me as I hugged him back. I took him on my lap whispering sweet nothings to his ears. Once he finally calmed down Alessandro sat next to me and rested his head on my shoulder,he was pretty tired since I gave him a load of paperwork. "Hey Blake what happened?" I asked softly as I brushed through his tangled curls. "Nothing just a nightmare" he mumbled with tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. My eyes softened, "that was not a nightmare bambino that was more like a flash back" I spoke "would you like to tell me about it? You don't have to" I say softly. He hesitated before breaking down into tears while spilling everything.


B L A K E ' S P O V :

I jolted up from my bed with tears running down my cheeks,I saw Alessandro and Antonio, I clung onto Antonio since he was closest next to me, he hugged me back back and put on his lap as he started brushing through my tangled curly hair,whispering sweet nothings to me.

When I finally calmed down he asked me if I wanted to talk about my 'nightmare' I hesitated, i never intended for them to find out and I never want them too but I had it coming.

F L A S H B A C K :

I accidentally ate without permission and miss Lou saw me, oh crap! He gestured for me to meet her at her office with a look that said 'you better be there or else..' I swallowed nervously and went to her office as soon as I opened the door she grabbed my hair in her fist,dragging me and room and through ig me down making me hit my head and on the corner of her desk making my head bleed as I yelped in pain trying not to make noise knowing it'll motivate her to do more damage to my already damaged body. She then to out a beer bottle and shattered on my head before picking up the small but sharp pieces of glass and making cuts all over my body and pouring alcohol on it making it burn. I bit my cheeks to stop myself from screaming.

E N D O F F L A S H B A C K :

"I uhm" I started out "hey it's ok take ur time" Antonio spoke "well I used to live with my mom and dad with my twin sister then they dropped me off at the orphanage then miss Lou started abusing me and then I ran away then I found u guys" I spilled while tears trickled down my cheeks non stop Antonio hugged me tight "do you mind showing us?" Alessandro asked hesitantly. I nodded slowly and took off my cloths leaving me in boxers. They both looked angry at my scars making me squirm, they looked at me softly before Alessandro engulfed me in a hug. I clung onto him as muffled sobs left my throat.

After that I slept next to Alessandro who slept next to Antonio since they were too tired to go back to their rooms.


B L A K E ' S P O V :

I woke with my face against Sandros chest I got up as he grumbled and turned around cuddling dad (don't take this as something sexual 😭), I smirked before going to ares's room and watching Spider-Man with him as it was still early (6 am btw) and everyone else was asleep still.

When we finished the movie it was already 8 am and everyone should be awake by know so me and ares went downstairs and into the dining room where the rest of our brothers were, we all started eating till Antonio came down and kissed all of our heads before sitting down and eating. I ate half of my meal before Alessandro told me to come with him to his office. I followed him into his office feeling a bit nervous I know they aren't gonna hurt me but it slightly brought back memories from when miss Lou used to make me meet up with her in her office for her daily beatings. We entered his office and sat down on a chair in front of his desk while he leaned on his desk "so you know with everything that happened last night me and dad were wondering if you wanted to tell the others or if you don't want to tell them or if u want I could tell them for u?" he asked as I hesitated "can you please tell them for me?" I asked quietly but loud enough for him to hear me "sure" he said with sad smile.


A L E S S A N D R O ' S P O V :

After Blake told me he wanted me to tell the others I told him to wait in my office so that I could go and break the news to them. I walked out and went to the living room where all of them were waiting except for dad cause he was probably at work. "Hey guys?" I asked getting a chorus of yes's from them and with that I explained everything blake had told me, and by the end of that Leonardo was crying in Lorenzo's arms who looked like he could kill anyone,mateo was in tears while hugging Elijah and I was comforting ares. If u couldn't tell half of us were sensitive. I rubbed ares's back till he stopped crying and sniffled a few times.


T H I R D  P E R S O N  P O V :

that nights the reeves family spent the whole night watching movies,playing board games laughing and having the time of their lives.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry if I haven't been updating that much I'm currently sick and my runny nose is so annoying and it's making it hard for me to breathe but I finally got a chance to write another page and I'll probably write another chapter after this as well and before I say anything else I just want to give a shout-out to my friend @260306mrc I love her so much she's so amazing and she's so supportive and she is literally my biggest supporter I love her so much if your reading this tas I love you so much <3 anyways I hope you Guys have a good day/night I love y'all<3

1204 words

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