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B R I A N N A ' S  P O V :

I was getting tired of my twin and my last plan of getting rid of Blake went wrong so I decided on a new plan, I will just fake cry and tell mom that I don't feel safe with him here and that everybody hates me because of him and everyone is ignoring me and paying attention to him,I just hope it works because I don't like him.

I keep my eyes open till tears start to fall out then I make my way out of my room and into my moms room. "Mom?" I say "yes honey?" She says coming to me "why are you crying?" She asks with concern "I don't want Blake to stay here everyone is leaving me for him.." I say "oh well I'll talk to your dad about it ok?" She says as I nod in here shoulder hiding my smirk.

(Pov switch)

B L A K E ' S  P O V :

I sat in my room doing my homework when my mom barged. "Blake come to the dining table, me and your father have to talk to you" she spoke then left, confused, I got up and went to the dining table and sat down while my mom and stare at me. "What did you want to talk about?" I ask nervously "well me and your father talked about about it and we.. we think it's best to disown you" she says leaving me flabbergasted "what? What do you mean?" I say "well Brianna isn't comfortable with you here.. but you understand right? you want what's best for her right?" Mom spoke trying to guilt trip me into saying yes "f-fine whatever" I mumble loud enough for them to hear "well I'm taking you to an orphanage also we are leaving tomorrow morning so go pack" my dad says as I make my way to my room with tears in my eyes not letting them fall in front of them.

What the hell? I can't believe Brianna would stoop so low. And I can't believe mom and dad would listen to her nasty lies! I flop on my bed as muffled sobs come from my mouth. After I'm down with sobbing I get up and start packing, I pack all my cloths in my duffel bag and my belongings in a bag then I put all my school stuff in my school bag too.

Once I'm done I go into the bathroom and shower and get dressed in pajamas. Once I'm done I watch a movie on my phone then fall asleep after 1 hour.

(Next day)

I woke up and went to the bathroom to get dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked horrible, tear stained cheeks, red eyes, eye bags. I started crying again as I took my razor from the cupboard and I started cutting after 15 cuts I was interrupted, "BLAKE COME ON WE HAVE TO LEAVE" my dad called called for me "COMING!" I responded quickly throwing the razor in my bag and washed my wrist before pulling down the sleeve, I then went downstairs and into the car.

(30 minutes later)

We finally arrived, I got out of the car and followed my dad in the orphanage. When we got in we headed to the front desk. I zoned out as my dad started talking to the lady. I snapped out of my thoughts as the caretaker spoke "follow me I'll show you your room" she said, I didn't even notice that my dad was gone. I followed the women as she lead me to a room that was the size of a small bath room with a twin size mattress and a bookshelf. I walked in and but my stuff on the book shelf.
As I was about to lay down the care taker told me that the owner of the orphanage wanted to see me. I followed her to the owners office. Once we got there she shoved me in. "What's your name?" The owner asked "Blake" I answered "well, I'm mrs Lou, and let me tell you Blake, your parents made a bad choice by sending you here." She said with a mischievous smirk, my eyes widened as she made her way over to me, she then slapped me, hard I fell on the ground, she then proceeded to kick me as I begged for her to stop but that only encouraged her to do more. I started choking on my sobs. After 11 minutes she finally stoped I thought we were done but boy was i wrong. She sat me up against the wall and took of my hoodie as I started screaming for her to stop, she took a knife and carved 'freak' on my bruised left rib. I started crying even more she then made a bunch of cuts.

After that whole thing, she let me leave. I limped up the stairs and into my room I then flopped on my bed and cried myself to sleep. Why me?


A/N'S NOTE: how'd you like this page? I hope you enjoyed it! This is so sad T-T anyways I hope you have a great day/night!

885 words
:) <3

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