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A L E X E I ' S  P O V :

I woke up with my feet reaching the cold floor as shivers went up my spine. I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, did my hair and changed into a suit before going to Nikolai's room to check up on him, I walked in seeing him on the bed. He's in bed rest because of his wounds and he'll probably wake up later but it's fine cause one of his brothers will bring breakfast when he does wake up, I smiled before kissing his forehead and going downstairs and into the dining room seeing all my sons eating, "good morning dad" the spoke, I kissed their foreheads before sitting at the head of the table and getting started on my own breakfast. After breakfast I grabbed my car keys and went to the garage. I got in my car and drove to work. I don't know why I'm going since I'm the boss and no one can tell me to go to work but I have nothing else to do so why not?

I arrived and got out of my car, I walked through the glass doors as they separated letting me walk through.
"Good Morning mr Volkov" my assistant, Sarah Kerrigan spoke "Good morning miss Kerrigan, would you get me a coffee please?" I asked "of course mr Volkov" she replied, walking off.

I went over to the elevator and pressed on the 5th floor where my office was located. I waited for a few minutes before a ding brought me out of my thoughts. I walked out of the elevator and went to my office. I sat down on my desk and opened my laptop, I wrote some emails when a knock was heard, "enter" I spoke as my assistant walked in with a coffee cup and a coaster, she placed the coaster on my desk before placing the warm coffee on top, "thank you, miss Kerrigan" I spoke, taking my eyes off my laptop. "No problem mr Volkov , anything else I can do for you?" She asked. "No, you may be dismissed now" I spoke returning to my email which was now half written.

[ After work, just because I'm lazy :,) ]

After I was done with work I walked out and went to my car. I got in and drove back home exhausted from work.

(After the car drive, Ik I'm so sorry 😭)

Once I got home I parked my car in the garage and went in pride the house and checked up on the boys, Valentino was painting, valeriy was at the gym, Ivan was doing his homework and Nikolai was just sitting at his desk sketching, it's been a few days since We've found Nikolai, and it's safe to say he's doing good except for the nightmares that he gets usually once or twice a week. He's healing, slowly but he's healing.

Although the last time I've seen Antonio was when he told me he had found Nikolai and I should probably thank him so that's what I'm gonna do right now. I sent a text to valeriy to look after his younger siblings while I'm out since Nikolai was still on bed rest, although his scars were healing nicely but unfortunately he had to wear an oxygen mask since his arrhythmia along with the amount of pain he's been through was making it hard for him to breathe. After he sent me a text saying agreeing to look after his siblings, I left the house and went to Antonio's house or mansion whatever you wanna call it.

After 32 minutes I got there and knocked on the door. "Oh, hey Alexei" Antonio answered the door, "hey, can I come in?" I asked nervously "uh yea sure" he spoke stepping aside so I could walk in. He lead mw to the large living room with a few couches and a marble coffee table in the middle with an extremely large rug, that was till not covering the whole room, "I just wanted to thank you for taking care of my son" I spoke with a sad smile "no problem" he spoke. "Ok well I should probably go but thanks for having me over" I said with a small smile. "Of course, I'll see you out" he spoke with smile walking with me to the large front door made from oak with gold accents and doorknobs."Wait Alexei-" Antonio spoke hesitantly, reaching out. "yea?" I replied "uhm I- you know what, never mind. It was nice seeing you" he stuttered out with a small smile "yea you too" I spoke with a confused smile before leaving to my car. Wonder what that was about. He seemed a bit nervous. Oh well.

I got in my car and drove home with music blasting throughout the car.



Heyy y'all haven't done a chapter in a while and I probably won't but I wanted to finish this one since it was already half written from before, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, there wasn't a lot going on but still. Anyways I hope your enjoying my new book if you haven't seen it yet go to my page if you want. Unfortunately I still have writers block tho so I won't upload another chapter on this book for a while maybe so yea sorry about that. Also thank you so much for all the support and for 6k reads I'm so grateful!!!. Anyways I hope y'all have a great day, I love you<33 :).

926 words

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