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A L E X E I ' S  P O V :

I woke up at some where between 4 am and 5 am to gun shots being fired, I scrambled off of my bed and saw all my sons about to run into my room, I grabbed my gun and quietly made my way downstairs with them following closely.

My eyes widened as I saw the German mafia guards in my house with their guns close, ready to shoot anyone.
I put my gun up and shot at a guy, thankfully my gun was a silent one (idk??? I'm not sure I don't rlly understand guns). I snuck behind one man and put him in a choke hold, "Warum bist du hier?" ("Why are you here?" I'm not sure if this is right) I spoke sending noticeable shivers down his spine. I pushed him on the ground his thud alarming his goons, I quickly shot at him as the others started aiming for me and my sons. Thank god for our fast reflexes/instincts none of the bullets hit us, we started spreading around as valeriy sounded the alarm for our guards. Then I got separated from my sons, as far as I know Ivan was with Nikolai and Valentino was with valeriy. I started off fighting 4 guys, who to be honest were weak so that was easy. In total I think there were 19 guys so not that big of an attack but not a small one either. I went to find my sons but instead I got 6 guys waiting to fight. I barely fought them off getting a stab wound. I then called Antonio for help since a lot of guys were coming in as I ran all around my house trying to find the boys.

( P O V S W I T C H ! ! )

A N T O N I O ' S P O V :

I woke up from an alarm coming from my phone, I sat up in confusion as I reached for my phone, grabbing it from my bed side table. I looked at the notification that was from Alexei and pressed on it. Alexei had sent me a text saying his house was under attack and he needed help.

I scrambled out of bed and put some propped cloths and a bullet proof armor under it just in case, I also took a couple weapons, I then went to Alessandro's room and shook him awake "Sandro wake up" I spoke as he groaned indicating that he was awake "yes dad?" He asked in confusion "I'm going on a mission, please take care of your brothers and your self for me?" I asked "sure dad, be careful I love you" he spoke "I love you too" I spoke before giving him a kiss on his forehead and going to my car.

I got in my car and sped to Alexei's house.

Once I arrived I saw two of his sons that I've met at the mafia ball over the years I think at least 5 times or something. I ran over giving valeriy a hand with one of the soldiers "thanks" he spoke as he shot the soldier dead. I nodded to him before more started coming in and soon enough everyone had their hands full.


After fighting most of us ended up with some bruises and cuts as well as a house with dead bodies. Alexei called some guards to clean the house as we talked, "is everyone here?" He asked panting as everyone said yes "wait- where's Nikolai?!" Valentino "shit! Ok! Everyone split up and check all the rooms in the house!" Alexei shouted in a panicked state. Everyone nodded and split up to see if he was passed out somewhere or... taken maybe worse, dead.

(P O V  S W I T C H ! !)

A L E X E I ' S  P O V :

I ran as fast as I could around the house like a lunatic on the loose, slamming all the doors open and searching for my eldest son frantically with dangerous thoughts filling my head bringing tears to my eyes.


We all met up in the living room in tears while Antonio stood there cradling ivan In his arms, trying to comfort him.

We all were left in tears as the information sunk in.

Nikolai was gone.

And he might not come back.


heyyy guysss sorry I haven't been updating as much and I probably won't but I'm trying, I fave so much tests and it's really hard to update nowadays I also have a math test on Monday that I'm not looking forward to at all as they haven't even given us revision sheet and now I'm gonna cut rambling short sorry about that anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter cause you better buckle up for the next one I mean I'm not sure if I'm the only one who loves to torture their characters but I love doing so even though I fell bad afterwards anyways I hope y'all had a nice day/night and I love you guys!<3

896 words

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