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A L E X E I 'S P O V :
I woke up and got out of bed kissing y wife's head before changing into a suit and going downstairs to greet my sons before going to work, "good morning dad" they spoke as they continued eating "Good morning мои мальчики" ("Good morning my boys" im not that good at Russian sorry) I said before kissing their heads and sitting down at the head of the table, Valentino handed me a plate of food before getting back to his own "thanks" I spoke before eating, he nodded his head as a gesture saying 'you're welcome'.
after eating I left and got in my car leaving to work.
(after work)
I had just come back from a meeting with the Sicilian mafia and was hoping to see my wife, Yelena, I went into our bedroom shock and anger filling me when I saw my wife sleeping with a guy in OUR bed, "WHAT THE FUCK YELENA?!" I shouted in anger as she woke up with a horrified look on her face with her little boy toy waking up right after her "YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU ASSFACE" I shouted at the guy as he scrambled off the bed and left with his clothes in his hands, "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WE HAVE FOUR KIDS WVE BEEN MARRIED FOR 23 YEARS YELENA! 23! HOW ARE THE BOYS GONNA TAKE THIS? HUH?! HOW DARE YOU SLEEP WITH A MAN WITH MY KIDS IN THE SAME HOUSE, THEY COULD OF WALKED IN ON YOU! WHAT WOULD YOU DO THEN?!" I shouted at her giving her a lecture as she rolled her eyes "Whatever their little shits anyways I only had them because you wanted them they are disgraces" After she said that my blood boiled and I saw red, before I could stop myself I slapped her across her face catching her off guard before I could say anything the boys all rushed in taking their mothers face as she smirked at me, "WHAT THE HELL DAD?!" Valeriy screamed at me I sighed and ignored them knowing they didn't mean it as they didn't hear or see everything, "whatever, I want a divorce I will have my lawyer send you the papers" I spoke before leaving and going for a walk till things escalated and I got dangerous thoughts, till one thought came to my head 'kill your self' i sighed before going to a bridge, taking my last breath I was about to jump when all of a sudden a boy wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed at him "What do you mean what the hell?! I should be asking that! What the hell were you doing?!" he shouted as I got quiet before breaking out in tears, his eyes softened as he pulled me into a hug.
we ended up talking before he had to go I stayed there till I got the courage to finally get up and go home.
after blake had stopped me from killing myself I went back to my house to see all my sons waiting anxiously. when they noticed me they all lunged in my arms as I looked at them in confusion "Hey guys, I'm sorry I didn't think about you guys not living with a mom ill try to get her back if u-" I said before Nikolai cut me off "no its ok dad were sorry for not considering your feelings" he spoke "its okay, I don't want to hide anything from you guys so I'm just gonna tell you what happened, your mother cheated on me and I got mad and we got a divorce im sorry boys" I spoke as I comforted them as they were crying except for Nikolai, he was comforting Valeriy while I comforted Valentino and Ivan. after we were done comforting each other we went to my room and watched movies till we all fell asleep. hopefully, they don't find out about what happened today.
heyoo I hope you enjoyed this chapter and im so sorry for making it short anyway, I wanted to say thank you so much for all the reads I've been getting 825 so far damn! thanks!!!!! I love yall so much and I hope yall have a wonderful day

734 words

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