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B L A K E ' S  P O V :

I woke up on someone's chest, I lifted my head to see who it was,it was Ares. I tried to get up but he wouldn't let me so I just stayed laying there on his chest till I got bored and woke him up. "Ares wake up" I shook him,he grumbled as his eyelids opened. "Good morning" I spoke "morning" he mumbled. I got up and dragged ares downstairs with me to the dining table. Me and ares greeted everyone before sitting down and eating I ate a 2 bites from my French toast then waited for everyone to finish "why aren't you eating Blake?" Alessandro asked as I shrugged "well you have to eat at least half,ok?" He asked demanding more than asking. I nodded meekly and ate half as I took my last bite Antonio came.

He kissed everyone's head then came to me I shrunk in my seat thinking he was gonna hit me but instead he kissed my head, I got a really warm feeling inside me, it was the first kiss I had ever gotten. He sat down at the head of the table and everyone started eating again I waited till mateo and ares were finished because they said they wanted to watch a movie together.

When they finished we all went to the movie room and sat down and cuddled together with me in the middle. "So which movie you wanna watch Blake?" Mateo asked "I don't know,never watched one." I said quit,y but loud enough for them to hear "what?? You haven't?" Ares exclaimed as I shook my head yes "oh well then we could watch Harry Potter" Mateo spoke. And with that we spent half the day watching a bunch of Harry Potter movies, and unlike with Brianna I felt safe with them. If my family doesn't want me then maybe this one does? No don't be stupid,there only doing this because you saved Antonio's life and now they feel pity for you. I told myself if my family didn't want me then why should this one?

Soon I felt my eyelids getting droopy so fell asleep on ares's lap felling content. (I don't know if this means what I think it means but whatever 😭).

(After he wakes up)

Since it was 7 pm I decided to go and check if dinner was done and it was so I sat in my assigned seat and ate a few bites from the stake then I got full, "hey Blake why don't you eat?" Lorenzo asked as I shrugged "come one you barley eat at all, your gonna have to eat all of it" he spoke with authority I shook my head no as he gave me a warning glare, I sighed in defeat and ate all of my food before I could even process anything I felt something rising up my throat,my eyes widened as I ran to the nearest bathroom as someone followed me. I knelt down in front of the toilet bowl and threw up as someone rubbed my back. After I was done I brushed my teeth to get the disgusting smell and taste out of my mouth. "Sorry for making you eat all of it I didn't know you would throw up" Lorenzo apologize with slight guilt in his voice "it's ok Enzo" I said with a small smile, "hey! How come he only gets a nickname?" Leonardo huffs playfully, I felt guilty "sorry Leonardo! Don't worry I'll give u name name" I said as I gave him a hug he chuckled and hugged me back "hmm how about Leon?" I asked "I like it! Thanks Blake" he said as I giggled. "Hey what about us?!" Everyone started grumbling as I looked at them thinking of nicknames for each of them "umm tony, Sandro,Eli,teo,xandy and ari?" I asked seeking approval as they all nodded with small smiles.

After that we all decided on telling each other some of our funny,embarrassing moments to try and get to know each other's personalities and such. "Ok oldest to youngest, Alessandro go" tony spoke.
And with that,we spent the whole night laughing and having fun. It was the best night I had ever had.

When it was time for bed me and ares went to get change and they told me that I could finally have my own room,it looked nice but I was nervous to sleep alone again.


I went in my bed and layed down,the bed was so soft it felt like I was on the ninth cloud and with that I fell asleep

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I went in my bed and layed down,the bed was so soft it felt like I was on the ninth cloud and with that I fell asleep.


hey guys sorry for not updating a lot and I'm also sorry for making this page short but don't worry because the next chapter will have ✨drama✨🥹 also if you have anything to say or feedback pls tell me! anyways I hope you have a good day/night!<3

843 words

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