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Third person Pov

"I made breakfast" David says walking in on the couple who were cuddled up on the couch. They both groaned in annoyance earnings a glare from David. "Look here I spent 8 minutes slaving over that hot stove" David says.

"By choice" Ethan says earning a laugh from darrian. David placed the plates down on the table and grabbed Ethan's shirt taking him off the chair. "You are gonna eat that food even if I have to shove it down your throat" David says.

Ethan nods and David smiles sweetly before letting him go. "Enjoy" David says before leaving and darrian laughs. "Your brother is insane" darrian says as Ethan picks up one of the plates. "Most definitely" Ethan says.

The two had been going out for some time and wish day grew happier and found their connection getting stronger. After Ethan was hurt darrian did find home self being extremely overprotective and clingy at times.

But it was only because he didn't want to lose his favorite person in the entire world. He loved Ethan and would truly die without him. When they announced they were going out most honestly weren't shocked.

I mean the two already had a lot in common and with their connection it wasn't exactly a surprise to people that they were finally taking the next step in their relationship. "I love you" Darrian says randomly.

Ethan smiled and placed his plate down. "I love you to" Ethan says before kissing darrian sweetly. Darrian smiled into it he honestly wouldn't ever get used to how amazing the kisses felt he found himself growing addicted each was better than the last.

Darrian wrapped his arms around Ethan's neck and they found the kiss growing heated. They both piled away not wanting to get to lost in the moment and Ethan kissed Darrian's cheek before grabbing a piece of bacon from his plate.

The two were excited for the future knowing they would remain with their favorite person in the world and their connection would continue to grow stronger. When one feels something so does the other and what ever the other needs is what they'll be.

The end

This book was trash and I apologize I wasn't planning on doing a book on these two but so many were requesting it

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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