006. ━ surprise parties and idols

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chapter six ━ surprise parties and idols( season one, episode six )

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chapter six ━ surprise parties and idols
( season one, episode six )

❝If this thing with Bobby Wasabi
doesn't go through, you have to deal
with a blubbering Rudy, okay?❞

"𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍?" 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀 asked as soon as Jack had set down his skateboard and helmet on the mat in the dojo. The entire room had been decorated with streamers and balloons, and Veronica was walking around ensuring it all looked decent enough. "You're late."

"For what?" he asked her, joining her by the lockers.

"Rudy's surprise birthday party," Eddie replied and Veronica pressed her lips together. "Remember? The one he's been planning for himself for two weeks?"

"I just need someone to remind me how I'm related to him," Veronica said with a sigh before shaking her head. "No, actually, tell me how he and my mother are related."

Suddenly, the lights turned off and they could hear Rudy's strained whisper. "He's coming!" She rolled her eyes and glanced at Jack. Rudy walked in and turned on the light, turning to see his karate students.

"Surprise..." they said with no enthusiasm.

He dramatically clutched his heart and stumbled against the wall. "How did you know it was my birthday?" he asked and Veronica leaned her arm on Jack's shoulder in annoyance. "Are you guys trying to kill me?" He put on a cake hat on his head and she shook her head. "You'd better not have brought gifts. But if you did, now would be the time to load me up."

Veronica sat down on the mat and leaned her head on Kim's shoulder as Milton and Jack walked back to the group. "This is from Jerry, Eddie, and me," Milton said, giving Rudy the box.

He ripped the top off and gasped. "Oh, joke-a-day toilet paper," he said. "Get out." Veronica shook her head with a chuckle. "My cousin had this at his house. I literally laughed myself off the bowl."

Veronica nodded. "It's true," she added. "We haven't seen him since..."

"Thank you, guys," Rudy said, looking at the three and disregarding his niece's quip. "Now, I don't want to turn this whole gift thing into a competition, but, Kim, it's time to top that gift."

"Unlike some people," Kim began, looking pointedly at the boys. "I put a lot of thought into my gift. I hope you like it, Rudy."

He tore the paper off and dropped it on the floor, looking up in surprise. "A signed picture of Bobby Wasabi, my hero, my idol, the man I patterned my life after?" Veronica smiled softly; she knew how much Bobby Wasabi meant to him. "'To whom it may concern, Bobby Wasabi.' That's me. I'm whom. I'm concern!"

Veronica tilted her head. "You're not wrong about the last part..."

She stood up and let out a breath, walking over to her locker and Jack hurried after her. "Ronnie, please say I can get in on your gift."

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