Comfort after Convincing

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Deku's classmates had just managed to convince him to return to the dorms, despite his initial reluctance to do so. He knew that the villains were after him, and he didn't want to put his friends in danger. But after much convincing, he finally agreed to return and fight alongside his classmates to defeat the villains.

As soon as they got back to the dorms, Deku collapsed onto the common room couch, completely exhausted from the past few weeks of constant fighting without any sleep or food. His classmates tried to get him to eat and rest, but he was too tired and fell asleep right away.

But his sleep was plagued by nightmares. He dreamt of Shigaraki killing all of his friends and loved ones, leaving him completely alone and broken. He woke up shivering and covered in sweat, tears streaming down his face.

As he tried to calm himself down, he heard a voice calling out to him. It was Kacchan, his childhood friend and classmate, who was usually a jerk to him. But this time, Kacchan's voice was soft and gentle, filled with concern.

Deku was surprised but grateful for the comfort. He cried on Kacchan's shoulder, telling him about his nightmare and how he didn't want to lose anyone else. Kacchan listened patiently, his arms around Deku's shaking form, and tried to comfort him as best he could.

For once, Kacchan put his tough exterior aside and showed Deku the care and concern that he had been hiding all along. Deku cried and cried, finally letting out all the emotions he had been bottling up inside.

After a while, Deku finally calmed down, and Kacchan helped him back to bed. As he drifted off to sleep, he knew that he wasn't alone, and that his classmates were there for him, no matter what.

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