Chapter six

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Aliyah shut her eyes and raised her hand that had shifted into a paw again, ready to strike him once more in defense at how swiftly he came to her and how tightly he was holding her but he grabbed her paw before she could even lay damage on him this time. He glanced at her paw and then at her, “haven’t you figured out already that your little claws won’t do a damage on me?” he whispered in soft tone that messed with her mind and her body reacted violently to it. His voice was soft compared to the anger held in his words. She opened her eyes and saw that he was staring at her neck but rather than react in fear knowing that a nightwalker only stares at people’s neck when they want to feed on them, she was actually expecting the bite, wanting to feel his fangs on her.
She gasped in shock, her eyes revealed her fear as she wondered what the man was doing to her. She has learnt about the compelling spells of the nightwalkers, how their beautiful face and sweet voice attracts their prey. But it has never been recorded in history that a nightwalker compelled a howler, so what could he be doing to her that was making her react in such way? She growled angrily at him, bringing his attention back to her eyes, “don’t even think about it,” she warned.
“Why? You seduced me and now you are afraid?” he asked.
“I did not seduce you,” she said in gritted teeth, “trust me, I hate what is happening right now but it’s all happening because that damned human drugged me.”
Edward didn’t understand what she said but he didn’t let it show, rather, he let go of her and retreated to a safe spot, he hated the effect the howler had on him but perhaps he would blame it on this ‘drug’ she talked about. Humans had advanced over the years, so it would be possible they have developed something that could make a woman long for a man’s touch. That was the only logic he could find because there was no way a howler would long for a nightwalker and vice versa. So it must be that drug that is affecting the both of them because never in his life would he allow himself to feel anything for a howler.
“Fine then, I will let you go today only because I’m in a good mood, but trust me little wolf, if you cross my part again, I won’t hesitate to treat you like I treated your ancestors,” he smiled and before she could reply, he was gone. He didn’t go far though, he climbed to the tallest tree and watched her, he could see her staring at the part he had left from but if only she knew he wasn’t that way again. He tried to figure her out, how could a drug make her blood so tempting? How could a drug make him want to mark her? A feeling he has never felt before, not for a nightwalker nor any human, so why with her, a howler?
He glanced around the vast forest, a human had left that trap she stepped on and for some reason he was reluctant to leave her alone hence the human comes for her but before he could be that soft, he stopped himself. Wouldn’t it be better? At least the human would rid him off the howler that messed with his mind. He took his gaze back at her, she was now coiled up on the ground, he wondered why she didn’t shift and run home but before he could figure it out, he sensed someone coming and with how lightly they walked, he knew it was one of his kind and he suddenly grew wary of the nightwalker coming over and seeing her and the fact that she was naked made him hate the idea the more so he left his hiding spot to meet the nightwalker and prevent him from approaching her.
He hasn’t gone far when he figured out who it was and somehow calmed down, “Rasmus,” he called and the running man stopped and glanced at his part, “where are you off to?”
“My Prince,” Rasmus came to him in a blink of an eye, “you left the club and you didn’t tell me where you were going. I waited for you and decided to look for you. Then I smelt a werewolf and was worried that since you haven’t regained all your powers that you will be in disadvantage. Those idiots hunts in packs, so…” he shrugged,
Edward smiled, “yes I haven’t regained my full power but not even a hundred howlers can hurt me, I am an original after all.”
“Indeed my Prince, forgive this humble servant for his mistake,” Rasmus bowed apologetically.
“There is nothing to forgive Rasmus, it’s the thought that matters.”
“Thank you my Prince. Where do you want to go from here, should we hunt down the werewolf, I still have the scent,” he growled.
“No need, I have finished him off,” Edward replied immediately.
Rasmus smiled, “no wonder I smelt the scent from you.”
Edward smiled and intended to walk off but stopped, “Rasmus, what does it mean to be drugged?”
“Um…it depends on the kind of drug. The humans have developed a lot of pills in the recent years, there is one that can make you sleep and there is one that will make you want to be with a woman or woman with a man, it induces sexual feelings. So which drug is my Prince asking about?”
“The one that induces sexual feelings.”
“Oh, the human males mostly give it to their females, you will see it a lot in clubs. They will offer to buy a drink for her and when she is not looking, they will add it to their drink. So when she takes it, in a short while, she would start getting the urge to be with someone and that’s when they will either take her home and have their way with her or to any hidden spot.”
“I see,” Edward growled softly and the face of the man flashed in his mind.
“Why do you ask my Prince?”
“I overhead a woman complaining to a man that she was drugged when I was chasing the howler.”
“Oh,” Rasmus nodded, “it’s very common with them,” he shrugged, “so, where to now?”
“Back to the club, I have an unfinished business,” Edward replied.
“Oh, alright then,” Rasmus was saying when the man ran off and he could only sigh and follow suit.
When they got to the club, Edward searched around and he didn’t have to search for long for he saw the sandy brown hair coming out of the exit with an intoxicated woman. For a short second, he pictured the little wolf as the woman in his hand and the fact that it would have been like that if he hadn’t made her run away angered him. “Rasmus, wait here for me.”
“But my Prince…” he wanted to protest but the man was long gone, “I hate it when he does that,” he complained.
Edward followed the man silently and overhead his discussion with the woman, “you really sure you will take me home?” she asked.
“Of course, let’s just get to my car, I will drive you home, I promise,” he replied.
“Thank you,” she said, “I can’t believe I let myself get this drunk,” she chuckled.
“Oh don’t worry, before we get to your home you will feel better and if you want me to stay, all you have to do is ask,” he replied as he pressed the remote of a red Chevrolet and opened the passenger’s door, helping her to get in. “You just wait here for me baby, I’m coming in after you.”
“Wow, you are rich,” she praised.
“I’m doing my best,” he replied and shut the door, turning to go to the driver’s side but only to stop short when he saw a man blocking his path, “excuse me,” he said, wanting to walk past him.
“Hello,” Edward said with a smile, “you didn’t notice me following you.”
The man looked up at him then and was smitten by the man’s beauty, “sorry, I was occupied,” he smiled, “is there a problem?”
“Yes, do you remember a lady you offered a drink earlier?”
“I’m sorry, I bought drink for a lot of women tonight, which one exactly?”
“She had long wavy brown hair and beautiful blue eyes,” Edward described, cursing himself internally at what he was doing but still couldn’t stop himself.
“Oh, the beautiful one that escaped me, yeah why?” the man asked.
Edward smiled, “you shouldn’t have,” he said but before the man could reply or make sense of what he said, he had buried his fangs on his neck, sucking him dry. He let his empty carcass drop on his feet and licked his lips dry. He kicked the corpse under the car before opening the car door. “What is taking you so long?” the woman in the car was asking when she saw the face of the man that opened the door and froze.
Edward offered a dazzling smile, “he won’t be coming back soon, I suggest you get down and find your way home, it would be better for you.”
The woman reacted by throwing herself into his arms, “then can you offer me a ride, handsome?”
Edward perceived the sexual tension hovering in the air and knew the drug has taken effect on her. “I’m sorry but I don’t offer rides. But you can stay here till morning, no one would disturb you.”
“But I want to go with you,” she whined.
“Hey, who the hell are you, where is Tom?” someone asked.
Edward glanced at the man that was walking up to them. He pushed the lady into the car and turned to the man. “He went to answer nature’s call,” he smiled.
The man glanced from him to the car and back at him, “who are you?”
“I was just leaving,” he replied, wanting to walk by the man but he placed his hand on his chest and stopped him.
“I asked who the hell are you?”
Edward reacted fast and in the next second, he had the man pinned on the car, “I said I was just leaving so you either let me leave or I will help you to meet Tom, your choice.” The man lifted his hands in surrender and Edward smirked, letting him go and without a glance at him, walked out of the parking lot. He met with Rasmus where he was waiting, “you can go home Rasmus, I am going for a run.”
“But my Prince…” he started but he was gone. He didn’t let himself complain this time as he told himself to get used to it while he walked over to their Maybach to go home.
Edward didn’t bother to know if Rasmus was following him or if he took his order as he ran straight to the woods to check on a particular little wolf even though he hated himself for doing so.

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