Chapter seventy nine

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“How rude,” Damien said, his eyes not leaving the man.
Edward let his gaze rest on the man then and his lips curved up a smirk. “I have always been rude. If you were born during my time, you should have known that by now.”
“Careful, Dark prince, you are in the Howlers territory,” Argon said.
Edward glanced at the man and it all happened so fast that the next thing everyone in the room knew, he was holding the man tightly on the neck and slowly lifted him off the ground. He tilted his head to the side while he glared at the man with red eyes. “I can kill you now, and no one would do anything about it.”
“That is not true. You can’t kill here dark prince and you can’t kill any night howler as it is. The peace treaty governs you. The peace treaty that you signed,” Damien said as he stood up, his eyes not leaving the man and slightly afraid of what he might do as there was no telling with the dark prince.
Edward turned around then, his eyes went everywhere in the room before landing on Damien. “The thing is, I can do anything I want. I signed that treaty with your ancestors and they are long gone and the only thing keeping me from wiping off your entire race is her,” he pointed at Aliyah who was still shocked at how he moved away while placing her on the chair. “Our union is the only thing keeping you alive and so let me say this clear and make sure it sinks into your thick skull, whoever that lays a hand on her, even if the person just cut off a strand of her hair, I would be killing first and asking question later. Here me clearly, this warning goes both ways,” his eyes landed on Malachi. “You all are nothing but riff-raffs and you can’t tell me what to do and who to be with it. I shall forgive this gathering this time simply because it’s the first. The next time it happens, the people that were not present in the room would be the ones to tell the story. Do I make myself clear, Malachi?”
“But my prince, we are doing this for you. You are not with your senses, she is obviously using a spell on you. Otherwise, why would you get together with a night howler? You hate them the most,” Malachi said and the rest of the nightwalkers nodded.
“Do I look like I am not in my senses, Malachi?” Edward asked, letting Argon go then when he sensed the man slipping away to darkness. “I give my warning once and this is a warning. Trust me dear High Howlers and High chiefs, all of you combine are nothing but a trifle compared to me. I am willing to stay away from your current constitution and your world as the oldest but if you do not allow me to do it in peace and with the one I want, then I will be taking you all out of this world to get that peace. Do you understand me?” His voice thundered through the whole room and although Damien wanted to refute, for some reason, he couldn’t understand why he can’t move. “I will take your silence as an agreement.”
Damien frowned, he tried to move his mouth but he couldn’t. he glanced around at his elders and discovered they were having the same problem. Even if Edward is an original, it was not said anywhere that they could control people without compelling them and he obviously did not compel them so what could be happening?
Edward walked up to Aliyah and smiled, offering his hand to her and helped to pull her up. “I think we are done here my sweet. Is there anyone you want to say hi to before we leave?”
Aliyah nodded immediately and ran off to her mother, hugging her immediately. “Oh, my dear,” Scarlet whispered as her eyes welled up in tears. “I have missed you.”
“I missed you too mom,” Aliyah replied and smiled when the woman cupped her cheek.
“Sean was right, you are glowing,” Scarlet noticed.
“He said the same thing,” she replied and her eyes went to Sean who bowed slightly in greetings and she offered him a tiny wave before frowning when she didn’t see his mate with him. ‘Where is Monica?’
‘I had to take her somewhere safe. No one knows how this meeting is going to end,’ Sean replied.
Aliyah nodded in understanding and turned to her mom. “We have to go now, Mom,” she said, ‘I promise I will call you every day,’ she added in the mind link.
Scarlet smiled and nodded, kissing her cheeks before sending her away. Aliyah bowed slightly at her father and the man sighed with a painful smile on his face. Going back to Edward, she linked her hand with his and he started walking her to the door. Her eyes caught a sight then and she turned sharply to see Natasha. Smirking, she raised her intertwined hands with Edward and said in the mind link, ‘I did find a stronger mate, didn’t I?’ and she almost laughed out loud when Natasha rolled her eyes.
It happened so fast that no one could tell where it came from but Aliyah was suddenly moving away from Edward in highspeed just as a flying dagger impaled the door in front of them. She turned sharply and her eyes were shining blue that Damien gasped when he saw it. “The alpha power,” he whispered, too shocked to remember that he wasn’t able to speak earlier.
Edward’s eyes landed on the culprit and Argon was breathing heavily as he started growing big. However, right before he could fully take his wolf form, his head was detached from his body and the man holding it let it drop at his feet just as the headless body slumped on the floor. Edward’s eyes were a burning flame and his fangs were elongated as his claws elongates as well. Aliyah found herself praying in her heart that he doesn’t take the form she saw him in that night. They had both refrained from talking about it and the last thing she wants is the High Howlers or High chiefs knowing about his hidden powers.
“Prince Edward!” Damien yelled seeing what the man had done as he started panting like a raging beast.
“Like I said, I would be killing first and asking questions later. Come at me, High Howler and you will meet the same fate,” Edward said without batting an eye. “Never mess with a male trying to protect his female.”
Damien knew he was right but he was so blinded by his rage that he took his wolf form, the biggest grey wolf Aliyah had ever seen and he leaped at Edward. Edward hissed and channeled his claws, his intention very clear that he wants to kill with a blow. It was like everything was in slow motion because right before Damien got to Edward, Malachi jumped and grabbed him and they both tumbled on the ground. Damien growled so loudly but Malachi pinned him down, “think about your life,” he yelled at the angry man.
The other High chiefs knew Malachi was saving the man and so when the elders started getting ready to transform, they ignored them. Edward glared at Malachi and the man stood up then, “my Prince please, you already killed the one that wanted to kill her, no need to kill another and bring a war that won’t end.”
“He already brought the war,” Damien yelled and Malachi turned, a tidbit surprised that the man had shifted back. His black eyes were glowing blue then and every howler in the room knew it was because of the immense alpha powers flowing in his bloodstream. “Prince Edward, you killed a high howler!”
Edward glanced at him and scoffed. “And I will kill more if care is not taken. I am a man of my words, High Howler, dare me again and see for yourself.”
Damien growled as he grew big, already at the edge of turning again. However, Edward ignored him and his obvious rage and went to Aliyah. He placed his hand on her shoulders and his eyes scanned her quickly, “are you okay?”
Aliyah nodded, still in shock of everything that happened. She glanced at the headless body of Argon and couldn’t believe her eyes. One second the man was alive and in the next, he was beheaded. She closed her eyes and heaved a sigh, feeling deep in her heart that this would only cause more animosity between the high howlers and their union. She could understand why Edward did what he did, but she wished he hadn’t killed the man. Inflicting injury on him would have been more forgiving than killing him.
“Let’s go,” Edward said, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the hall. She glanced at Damien to see the man’s gaze following them and she closed her eyes with a soft sigh, a new hatred had just been sowed.

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