Chapter eighty five

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“You can’t win against me, Sean,” Steven yelled. The clouds covered the sky and it was so thick that the little ray of sunlight couldn’t even pass through. The lightening drew and Sean wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.
“You don’t know that, I am still kicking,” he mocked, his fingers tightening on his spear.
“That is because I am going easy on you.”
“Really, and yet you are limping?” he scoffed.
“We are howlers Sean, why are you protecting a nightwalker?”
“I am protecting my sister and the mate she has longed for for so long. I am protecting my little nephew who you don’t want to see this world!”
“He is a bad egg, he would kill us all!” Steven yelled just as the first raindrop dropped on his face. He wiped it away and glared at the boy in front of him, “you were there, you heard the witch.”
“And I am telling you that she lied. Yes, he will be born with those powers she mentioned but I don’t think Selene wants to use him to eradicate her creation. Steven, the dark prince and Aliyah started our race when they were still humans. Their love is the story behind our existence.”
“More reason Selene would want to end it with their offspring,” Steven yelled and moving at great speed, slammed into Sean, sending him flying that he hit against a tree and tumbled on the ground. “I am an alpha. Yes, you are strong but a beta wolf can never win against an alpha, that’s why they can only serve an alpha.”
“You know, this little fight is reminding me why I hated you initially,” Sean grunted as he got up. He spat out blood on the ground and glanced at his once good friend, “You are so full of yourself, always talking about alpha powers this and alpha powers that. Why can’t you fight me like a normal wolf? Oh I know, because you know you can never win against me. Take away your so called alpha powers, you would already be dead.”
Steven sighed, “I loved having you as a friend, Sean.”
“Well, thanks to the high howlers, you have flushed it down the drain and now I see only the bratty future alpha of the Black wind pack I once saw and whom I thought I will never see again.” With that, he rushed him, picking up his spear along the way and he slid on the ground, trying to impale him at the process but Steven was fast, quickly averting the attack and shifting his hand into paw midair, slapped him away. He had concentrated all his energy in that slap and Sean flew once more, landing against a tree. This time, he heard many bones shattering and before he could get up, Steven had the tip of his spear on his throat.
“Tell me one good reason I shouldn’t plunge this into your throat,” he asked, panting softly.
Sean looked up at him and his eyes held no fear despite knowing he had lost. He thought of Monica and his unborn pup and only then did regret flash in his eyes, however, it was brief and smirked at Steven. “At least you are going to limp your way out of here.”
“Ugh, for Christ’s sake Sean,” Steven groaned angrily and stepped away from him, putting down his spear. “Why are you so stubborn?”
“Not as you,” Sean said, seeing his reluctance to kill him. He forced himself on his feet, clutching onto his stomach as he could hear his bones repairing themselves. “Steven, trust me on this, that witch lied. There is more to this than just killing the vampire prince.”
“I’m going to look back for a second and when I turn again, I will be killing you,” he said and turned like he said. Sean smiled, knowing what he meant and with a soft sigh, turned and ran further into the woods. Steven watched him leave and exhaled, “I have always believed you.” He turned and walked back to the Blue moon pack, hoping Tom wouldn’t notice his limping before it completely heals.
Edward stopped in a small meadow and glanced around. He took a long sniff but smelt nothing and he turned to Rasmus with a raised eyebrow.
“I saw them here, my prince, I can’t understand what is going on. There were running to this direction and they should be here by now,” Rasmus rushed to say.
“But they are not,” Edward said. His eyes scanned frantically around and when the thunder roared, he glanced up at the clouded sky. “Rasmus,” he called softly, “did you lure me out?” His eyes went to the man but they held no anger or betrayal.
“My prince,” Rasmus whispered, his face scrunched up in pain, “I’m sorry.”
“Indeed, once a general, always a general,” a voice said and Edward turned to see the ten High Chiefs walking out into the meadows and he wasn’t surprised to see the High Howlers following behind. “You already captured the traitor without thinking twice,” Damien said.
“I will forgive you Rasmus if you do one thing for me,” Edward said and Rasmus fell on his knees immediately.
“Anything my prince, anything,” he said.
“Go and protect her, I will cover you,” Edward said and Rasmus sprang to his feet immediately. With a bow to Edward, he sprinted out of there.
“Don’t you think it’s wrong trusting him again?” Damien asked.
“Unlike you, I know who to trust and who to not. I know when people do things willingly and when they are forced to in order to protect the ones they love,” Edward replied, his eyes going to Malachi. “And I am not surprised to see you working together. After all, you will need all the strong ones if you are planning to take down the mighty one,” he scoffed, his eyes flickering red. “Now, who is going first?” he titled his head to the side.
A big brown wolf jumped out behind him and he turned sharply, grabbing it on the neck but immediately he took a good look at it, he recognized him as the father of his beloved mate and so, rather than going for the kill, he flung him away, caring less where he landed. Another one jumped out from his right and be blocked the attack aimed at his face with his arm. The wolf’s teeth pierced into his skin and he grunted, grabbing onto the wolf’s head with his other hand to yank him off. However, another landed on his back, delivering a strong bite on his neck and he growled in pain. At that moment, he figured it out, these were not ordinary wolves but Alpha wolves with the alpha power coursing through their veins. Ha, they really prepared for him.
“Calm down Aliyah, your body don’t need this,” Irene said to the younger girl that have been pacing around the kitchen. “Have faith in your mate.”
“You don’t understand, Irene, something is wrong, I can feel it. I can feel it deep in my bones,” she replied and paused. “Rasmus, why did he look at me like that?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Rasmus, when he was leaving with Edward, he looked at me. It was a look of guilt and pain mixed together.”
“Why would Rasmus feel guilty or pain? I am not understanding you at all. This evening was going okay until those rogues showed up,” Irene sighed. “Seriously, I wish I can find a way to intercept the demon king’s powers on them.”
Aliyah chew on her fingernails, her eyes looked distant as she tried to make a meaning out of what she was feeling. Everything had been going okay tonight, everything had been perfect and she had definitely not planned on telling Edward that she loved him tonight but when she watched him leave, she felt this feeling that this could be her only chance. She shook her head to shake off the thought, he told he would come back and he would, he always does.
A loud thunder roaring made them both jump and Irene stood up immediately. “The sky has been clear throughout today with no sign of rain, why is there a thunder now?” she asked, walking to the window to have a look. However, when she saw the darkened sky, her body froze as she shook her head frantically, saying, “no,” repeatedly.
“Irene?” Aliyah asked, walking up to her and wondering if she was having a vision but when she placed her hand on her body, the woman was ice cold. “Irene!” she screamed shaking her then until the older woman brought her ashen eyes to her.
“It’s tonight,” Irene said distantly with a voice that sounded nothing like hers, scaring the living dead out of Aliyah.

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