Chapter eight

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Aliyah curled up on the ground wincing softly in pain. Turned out it was a hunter after her kind that left the trap because now there was poison in her wound. Only wolf hunters poison their traps so that it would stop them from healing fast and running away. She was already drained off strength and knew that if she doesn’t get home soon and have the poison detoxified, she will be too weak to fight off the hunter when he comes or even be dead, judging by how weak she was now.
The drug’s effect had worn out a long time ago and she really wished she could go home but if she should shape shift with how weak she was, the poison would spread faster and if she doesn’t get treatment soon enough, she might die. So being in her human form helps to conserve a little energy to endure and wait for help to come. She tried using her mind link to reach home again but like it has been doing since, it bounced back, reason being because she was wounded and far from home. The mind link getting blocked when a wolf is wounded is a way to let the alpha know that something was wrong.
Usually, if she was just far from home, she would just not be able to contact anyone but she would be feeling anyone that left their mind link open and if she kept trying hard, the wolf will get the feeling and then start looking for her by following the strange feeling till they will get to the distance to hear what she has to say. But because of her wound, her mind link was blocked to alert the alpha and only till he was close enough or any wolf from her pack was close enough can they feel her.
She tossed on the ground, searching for a better position to reduce the pain, her eyes were closed and she could feel sweat beads dripping from her forehead and every part of her body. She moaned in pain and shut her eyes tightly, silently praying for help, anyone that would take pity on her.
‘Aliyah, can you hear me Aliyah?’ she heard just as she was about to pass out.
“Sean?” she whispered.
‘I can feel her, she is close by,’ she heard and gasped, ‘dad’, she thought, he found her, he really noticed her absence, she smiled in relief. ‘Aliyah, can you hear me? Aliyah?’ his voice came in her mind loudly, showing how close he had gotten to her.
‘I’m here,’ she responded weakly and with her last remaining strength she changed into her wolf form. If her father was there, it means there was a search party so there was no way she was going to let them find her naked.
‘I have her,’ Alan announced and followed the way her mind link came to him. ‘Are you okay?’
‘I stepped into a trap’
‘Is it poisoned?’
‘Shit, we are coming.’
‘Alright.’ She closed her eyes with a weak smile, happy that finally, help came and from home. It wasn’t long, countless wolves surrendered her and the biggest brown one walked up to her. His brown eyes pierced into her and she bowed in fear, she didn’t need to be told that he was really, really angry with her. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Let’s go home,’ Alan replied and swiftly carried her on his back and then turned to his wolves, he ordered, ‘keep your ears and eyes open, this is the human realm and those blood suckers are often here. Let’s move.’
‘Yes Alpha,’ they all replied and with a howl, they charged back home.
A shadow descended from the tallest tree and landed noiselessly on the ground. He watched them leave and sigh, glad that her people came for her, finally he can go home and then tackle his conscience. He wondered when he developed one. With a swift movement, the spot he stood on was empty as he ran home in lightening speed.
“Detoxify the poison and let her rest, tomorrow, she serves her punishment,” Alan ordered the healer who was now checking the wound on the unconscious Aliyah.
“I can’t believe this,” she whispered.
“What is it?” Alan asked.
“This poison was made from the Garuda flower and coated with wolfsbane; the hunter sure knows what he is doing.”
“Garuda flower,” Sean said, “isn’t that hard to detoxify?”
“It is, and how long it has stayed in her body before you found her and how long it’s going to stay before I can detoxify it, I’m afraid…” she shook her head.
“Be out with it Catherine,” Alan growled.
“Calm down Alan,” a woman with deep brown hair and blue eyes touched his shoulder before taking her gaze to Catherine, “tell us Catherine, I’m sure we can handle it.”
Catherine sighed and glanced at her, “Luna Scarlet, I’m afraid she won’t be able to use the leg again.”
“What? That means she would have deformity? How can she shape shift with that?” Sean asked, paralyzed.
“She can transform but she won’t be as quick or stealth as she used to be,” Catherine said, “have you ever seen a fast wolf with three legs?”
Everyone stayed silent and Alan sighed, “can you do something about it?” he asked.
“I will try my best, who knows, I might be able to detoxify it in time,” she smiled.
“Mm,” Alan nodded and walked out of the room.
Aton sighed and followed him, leaving only Sean, scarlet and Catherine with Aliyah. “Alpha, with her state, can she take the punishment?”
“Before morning, every wolf will know that she went to the human realm, if I let her pass,” he sighed, “what kind of Alpha would I be?”
Aton nodded, “yes, considering every wolf that went there was punished. If she is let off, you will start creating doubts in everyone’s mind.”
Alan sighed, “yes and being an alpha means to be impartial, so tomorrow,” he closed his eyes, “no matter how weak she would be, she would serve her punishment. That would teach her a lesson as well, rules are meant to be kept, not broken.” He walked away immediately and Aton watched him leave. He could sense the pain the man was going through but a good alpha has to be impartial and besides, he has been partial towards Aliyah a lot. He has always known about her sneaking out at night but because no one else knows but them, he always let her off and he knew that if no one knew about this one, he would have let her off as well. However, like he said, by morning, every wolf would know because the wolves that joined in the search would tell their mates and their mates would tell their friends.
Aton sighed, Aliyah really went too far this time because the alpha’s hands are tied. He turned to go back inside and saw Sean standing behind him. He let out another sigh, “Sean…”
“This is my fault, if I had said no to her, if I had insisted she wasn’t going anyway, maybe this wouldn’t have happened and she wouldn’t be facing such heavy punishment tomorrow in such a weak state and she won’t be on the verge of losing her leg.”
“Hey, Catherine is the best healer I know, wolves from other packs always come seeking for her, I’m sure she can do something about her leg but about the punishment,” he shook his head, “there is nothing that can be done. If Alpha is partial and refused to punish her, there is a high chance it would get to the High Howlers and you know how it would be if it should get to the High Howlers. So it’s better we settle it here, and not get them involve.”
Sean nodded, “I understand.”
Aton patted his shoulder, “I told you son but I guess experience will always be the best teacher.”
“I’m sorry dad.”
Aton shook his head with a sad smile, “it’s not entirely your fault. She can be very stubborn just like her mother. She is a strong-headed wolf, now I’m actually looking forward to how she is going to react when she hears that she might lose her leg,” he grinned, “that would teach her for being too stubborn.”
“She challenged me to a fight when I said no,” Sean revealed.
Aton chuckled, “ah, so stubborn,” he sighed, “it’s a good thing that a nightwalker wasn’t passing by, I refuse to believe they wouldn’t take advantage of her weak state and finish her off. So, thanks to the goddess, we only have a leg to worry about and not mourning over her shredded skin.”
Sean nodded, “yes, thanks to the goddess.”
Aton licked his lips, “I’m going home, your mom is waiting for me.”
“Alright, I will be home later, I will like to stay till she wakes up.”
Aton nodded, “sure, see you,” he said and walked out of the house. Sean sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly before going back into the bedroom.

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