“Edward,” Aliyah called softly, sensing the dangerous aura that was surrounding him, “it’s me,” she whispered, hoping he could hear the hidden meaning in her words.
Edward stared at the girl in front of him, her long deep brown hair cascaded down her shoulders like waterfall and then the face from his dream last night flashed in his mind and slowly it merged with the one in front of him. A stinging pain in his head made him take a step back and he winced as he grabbed his head in his hands and squatted down.
“Edward,” Aliyah called worriedly, squatting down in front of the man and placing her hands on his, surprised that she couldn’t feel whatever pain he was going through.
Edward winced and grunted softly in pain as memories flashed in his mind, all about one girl, when she was laughing, when she was smiling, when she was twirling in circles in the garden and the flays of her skirt surrounded her, making her look like a blossoming flower and he could remember that he had stood in his balcony and had watched her, a tiny smile playing on his lips. He saw her, all downed up in gold jewelries in what looked like a party and how her eyes never left him. He saw her flash him a soft smile and he could remember he had thought the smile as the most beautiful he had ever seen. He remembered her sneaking into his room to talk with him. He remembered her sitting across the table from him and watched him eat the foods she had baked for him.
He remembered her smiling shyly as she leaned up and kissed his cheek. He remembered her biting from an apple and then insisting he must take a bite from it as well. And then he remembered meeting a prince on his way to see her, only to be told that she was dead, slit her wrists because of the pain he had brought her and then there was blood everywhere, the endless fights, the massacre of innocent lives. He shut his eyes tightly, a pain gripping onto his heart like someone was squishing it, wanting to make it pop into a million pieces.
“Edward,” he heard a soft voice call to him and he looked up, slowly opening his eyes to see the very face he had just been mourning. “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice gentle like he had remembered. “Please, tell me you are fine.” He kept looking at her and slowly, her crown disappeared from his view and her princess outfit disappeared as well, but she was there, looking worried over him.
He closed his eyes once more and pulled her into his arms, “I’m sorry,” his voice trembled. “I am terribly sorry,” he whispered. “I should have gone after you sooner, I should have…” his voice broke but he didn’t let her go, he didn’t let her leave him.
Aliyah closed her eyes and melted in his arms. She may not remember the day he was apologizing for but she could feel an empty void in her heart being filled up. She has always lived like there was a hole in her chest, she never knew why but after listening to Irene’s story this morning, she could say she had gotten an idea why but now, hearing him apologize, she really does know why. Her mind never remembered but her heart had always remembered, her heart had always known that she needed an apology, she just never knew why or from who but now she does and she could say that she is finally at peace.
“I made a mistake,” Edward whispered, “but I will never do it again.” He released her from his tight hug and looked deep into her bright blue eyes. “I promise,” he reached up and tucked a tendril of hair behind her ear, “it is you and me against the world now, Mariah, and I will do everything within my power to protect you this time.”
Aliyah smiled as tears trailed down her cheeks and she responded by clashing her lips on his, kissing him like her very life depended on it. Edward wrapped his hands on her waist and responded to the kiss gingerly. He picked them up slowly, her legs encircling his waist and he carried her swiftly to the bedroom, all without breaking their kiss.
They landed on the bed with him on top of her but he had instinctively placed his hand on the bed to avoid crushing her with his weight. His lips moved over hers so gently yet with fiery passion as his hand now roam over her skin, burning her wherever he touched. She moaned at his caresses and circled her hands on his neck, pushing her body into his almost like she wanted to be buried inside him. Edward didn’t think he would be glad to see her wearing only his shirt but now he was as it made accessing her honey pot way too easy. He quickly undid his belt buckle and pant's button and he was joining their bodies the next second.
Aliyah moaned at the intrusion and her eyes tightened in pleasure as he started moving, taking his time to give her gentle strokes unlike last night that they were pretty wild with each other. It was almost like he wanted to take her gently, to treat her like a princess. He tore his shirt on her open, the buttons flying everywhere and he didn’t mind as he bent over and took her erected nipple in his mouth. He stroked with his tongue as he thrust into her gently, his hands holding onto her waist to keep her steady, steady enough for him to drown in the elixir of her body that seemed to be driving him crazy now.
Aliyah wriggled beneath him, loving his slow torturous thrusts and not wanting to ask him to go faster and harder. She loved his gentleness to her, the way his hand roamed on her body and the feeling of his tongue on her nipple. Her eyes shut tightly as the pleasure he brought her nearly drove her crazy but she wrapped her legs on his waist, giving him more access to thrust deeper into her. She pulled down his long coat and he slowly removed his sleeves and all without letting her go or stopping his thrusts. She moaned softly as she started unbuttoning his shirt and soon, his smooth pale skin was hers to caress and running her fingers on that strong flawless back nearly brought her to her orgasm.
Outside the cottage, a woman sighed and shook her head knowing what was going on inside. She exhaled and turned back to leave the way that she had come, not wanting to listen to them like she had done last night.
“I killed them,” Edward whispered, tracing invisible circles on Aliyah’s back. “The first time I had found out, I had killed the maid and pardoned my brother, doing it because he was family and killing him might anger our father. But when I learnt of your death…Princess Mariah’s death, I lost all sense of reasoning and had killed him upon arrival. My two other brothers had been shocked at that and his wife had called me a murderer, threatening to report me to the King and in my rage, I had placed my sword on her neck and told her that I can send her to him if she wanted him so bad but like I expected, she shut up and didn’t make a sound again.”
Aliyah chuckled at that, “I talked with Irene today, she told me the story and damn it, how wrong we are about everything.”
“Really?” he asked, a tiny smile playing on his lips. “What did your leaders come up with?”
“That you, the Dark Prince goes around concurring lands but our kingdom was not afraid and were the only ones that matched you so we refused to let you win. You got angry and declared war on us, something like that. They said you started the war.”
Edward chuckled. “Prince David started the war and I wouldn’t blame him. I would have let him walk away with the victory if only he had listened to reason and fought only me but no, he secretly sent Vallahanian soldiers to kill women and children in Antaddon and I couldn’t take it. It was after our transformation and after trying but failing in killing each other did he finally listen to reason. But even still, he hates me and I hate him but to stop ourselves from being in an endless fight since we were equally matched, he agreed to sign my peace treaty.”
“You brought up the treaty?”
“Aye and I set the rules as well. So, do you understand why it was very hard to take a howler as a mate?” he looked at her. “Imagine setting a rule and being the first to break it.”
Aliyah chuckled at that and kissed his chest, “but you are still the first to break it.”
“Ah,” Edward groaned, “kill me now.”
Aliyah laughed softly then. “No, I still need you very much alive.”
Edward sighed when he heard that. “When he died, I was compelled to visit his grave, even though I couldn’t possibly tell why. Now I understand, in as much as my transformation has come with losing every memory of you, I still paid homage to the grave of your only brother that really loved you.”
“Aye, Irene mentioned about Princess Mariah’s brothers not caring about her but one.”
“Hmm. Although now I need to talk to Irene and find out how she knows so much.”
Aliyah smiled at that and licked her lips after. She looked up at him, knowing that now was the time to get her answer. “How did you fall into your slumber?”
“Ah,” Edward groaned, “you really want to know that don’t you?”
Aliyah shrugged. “You are so strong, chances of you getting hurt in a fight are one percent or should I say zero.”
“I got hurt in the meadow remember?”
“True, that’s why I want to know how it happened the first time.”
“Well, to cut it short, the demon princess challenged me to a fight. I don’t know how to fight and keep alive so I was draining her blood before she was dead. The king found out and was enraged, I didn’t know he was coming after me and they happened to find me the day I was thirsty and was on my way to the human realm to feed. It was a bloody fight and I managed to escape but I was really wounded and without enough blood, I couldn’t heal like you already know. I was able to get to my palace, thinking that after a rest I would be fine and then, I woke up eight hundred years later.”
“Yes,” he nodded.
Aliyah looked at him, “why do I feel like there is more to the story?”
Edward smiled softly. “There is something I have to tell you, something only Irene knows.”
Aliyah sat up then sensing the seriousness of the issue. “What is it?”
“It took the demon King six months to find me and during that time, I had transformed.”
Aliyah frowned, “I don’t understand.”
“The demon princess is the only offspring of the demon King and so, more than half of his powers were transferred to her. When I fed on her blood, those powers transferred to me. It was three painful nights that I don’t want to remember.” He shook his head, “the transformation was way painful than when I became a nightwalker,” he sighed. “Anyways, after that, I noticed the difference in me and the changes to my strength. It’s why I can lift things through telekinesis and I can also set fire on things with just thinking about it, also, why I can change my form into a smoky creature.”
The more he spoke, the more the memories came to Aliyah. She remembered how he had burned the rope that was tying her hands on the execution ground and how he had killed the executioner without touching him and then that smoky creature that made it hard for her pack to identify him as a nightwalker. “So you are saying…”
“I am part demon,” Edward interrupted, “and not just any demon but from the royal blood.”

His Mate
Vampire"You are a long way from home, little wolf." "Stay back, I am not afraid of you." "Oh but you should be wolf, I can be your worst nightmare." He took a step closer and it hit him; her blood. Aliyah has passed through three mating seasons but she was...