Chapter twenty six

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“Stay back,” Aliyah shouted, panting heavily, “I am not afraid of you.”
“Oh but you are, little wolf,” Edward smiled. “I can smell your fear.”
“Listen, you don’t have to do this.” She said, panting. “Let’s go our separate ways from here, I assure you that I won’t tell anyone about tonight or whatever the moon goddess is hoping to achieve by mating us. We can just forget about tonight and live our separate lives.”
Edward had been enjoying the little chase and banter until he heard what she had to say. Every trace of fun disappeared from his face and his fingers were tightening on her neck the next second. “Are you rejecting me, little wolf?” he asked coldly.
Aliyah was scared, she thought she would be doing him a favor when she said that and now he wants to kill her? Just what can she do that he would happy with without threatening to kill her? “What do you want from me?” she asked, the tears slowly clouding in her eyes as she found herself in the very same position she just escaped from a few minutes ago. For Christ sake, her neck still hurts from earlier. “You don’t want me and I don’t want you, isn’t better that we reject each other?”
“I, only I have the right to reject you, you can’t reject me, little wolf,” he snarled.
“Why can’t I, why only you has the right to reject me? I hate you just as much, so why can’t I reject you?” Aliyah asked, refusing to be bullied by him. He may be stronger but that doesn’t mean she would let him treat her just as he wants.
“You really have a death wish, little wolf.”
“Stop calling me that,” she shouted and sensed his fingers on her neck loosing. “My name is Aliyah and I am the Alpha’s daughter, so you should treat me with respect.”
Edward raised an eyebrow and he released her, his eyes lurked on her, half taunting and half stunned. “You are suddenly talking back.”
“Like I said, I am not afraid of you,” and indeed she wasn’t and she doesn’t know why. “You don’t have the right to treat me just as you want.” She snarled, her eyes shining bright blue and tiny white furs appeared on her face. Aliyah was surprised at where she got her sudden courage from and she soon realized that it was her wolf reacting. Perhaps she was tired of being taunted by her mate and wanted to show her own strength.
Edward watched her, the taunt leaving his eyes, leaving only stun and a slight admiration. “Perhaps, you aren’t so weak after all,” he whispered.
Aliyah frowned, “what is that supposed to mean?” She asked but she felt someone trying to contact her and opened her mind link.
‘Aliyah, where are you? The rogues are attacking,’ Sean’s voice rang in her mind.
‘Why?’ she asked.
‘No one knows but there is something about their eyes, they almost look lifeless. Where the hell are you, I can’t find you anywhere in the pack.’
‘I’m in the woods.’
‘Damn Aliyah, they are in the woods. Where exactly are you, I’m coming over.’
Aliyah looked at the man that was staring at her with interest, probably wondering why she was suddenly quiet. She remembered what happened to Gerald and she was afraid of Sean coming over and meeting the same fate. And knowing Sean, he wasn’t going to give up without a fight, especially where she was concerned. ‘No need Sean, I’m fine.’
‘What do you mean you are fine? They are in the woods. We have managed to save all the newly mated wolves and everyone is safe now in the pack but Alpha and the warriors are guarding the gate, preventing them from entering. I need to make sure you are safe before anyone notices you are not here. Fuck, there are attacking again, come home Aliyah.’ He shouted and the mind link ended.
Aliyah never took her gaze off of Edward, her mind contemplating about what Sean just told her. They almost looked lifeless? What the hell is wrong with the Rogues? A sudden movement made her gasps as Edward pushed her behind him and she saw as something flew into a tree.
“How dare you?” Edward asked and she wondered what was going on when she saw them; Rogues. Sean was right, there was something about their eyes, like they were not in control of themselves. What is wrong with them? “You dare attack her in my presence?” Edward was saying and another rogue was sent flying into the sky and right before it landed on the ground, Edward grabbed it on the tail and used it’s body to slap the others way.
The rogues snarled and saliva was dripping from every corner of their mouths. Aliyah frowned, she had met the rogues before and they definitely don’t look like deranged animals, so what was wrong with them tonight? Another Rogue leaped on Edward but it was stopped midair as Edward grabbed it on the neck and as it was wriggling and snarling, trying to get free, he yanked it’s head away from its body and dumped the carcass on the ground. His eyes flashed red for a second before he rushed another in a lightning speed, grabbing it on the muzzle and pulling the mouth apart.
Aliyah watched in horror as he was killing the wolves with none of them inflicting a little as a scratch on him. A low growl behind her made her turn to see a rogue approaching. The eyes were white with no sign of an eyeball and saliva dripped from its mouth. Aliyah knew it must have eaten something to make it deranged, but what could it be? The animal leaped at her but she dodged the attack and then noticed another one approaching. She won’t be able to fight them off in her human form and Edward looked pretty much occupied even if he was winning. The damned rogues were too many, the more he killed, the more they appeared.
She didn’t want to change into her form with Edward there, God, she can’t bear being naked in his presence again. She picked a strong log and hit the first rogue on the head, disorienting it and she turned to other one. She may not be in her wolf form, but she was still an able fighter otherwise she wouldn’t have been part of the warrior wolves in her pack. She managed to kill the two wolves but others appeared and soon, she saw a flying silhouette flashed through her eyes and wolves dropped dead one after the other.
She watched the man, how could he be so fast? She wondered as another wolf jumped out from the darkness and he grabbed it as she watched his fangs elongate and it was piercing the wolf’s flesh immediately. However, something unexpected happened, he soon dropped the body of the wolf but he fell as well, convulsing on the ground.
Aliyah watched in horror, wondering what was wrong with him and she soon realized she was right. There was something wrong with the wolves and he may have contacted it through the blood. Another wolf rushed him them, wanting to end him while he was vulnerable. Aliyah knew that that was the perfect time to finally get rid of him but for some reason which she can’t possibly tell, she found herself shape shifting midair and attacking the wolf head on. She managed to kill it after some minutes and turned back to check on the man but he was already on his feet and killing other wolves. How? She wondered and when he turned to look at her, she noticed his eyes were burning red. He was mad, really mad and she watched as he killed the rest of the wolves in a matter of seconds, obviously no longer enjoying the fight as he wanted to be done with it as soon as possible.
In a matter of seconds, they were surrounded by dead naked bodies and Edward was looking like a blood God that walked out from hell. Aliyah had noticed he didn’t use his fangs again so his hands were bloodied as well as his face and clothes. He was in front of her in a nanosecond and was kneeling. His eyes were still red and she must admit, it made her afraid if he really was still the one in there, after all, he must have contacted whatever that made the rogues deranged which made him convulse a while back on the ground.
“Change back,” he ordered, his voice slightly distorted.
Aliyah wanted to but hell, her clothes were shredded when she shape shifted without thinking to save him. Hell, why did she even do that? She should have let him be killed if she had known he would be attacking her as soon as the fight was over. But he got better soon enough, she noted, which still is a surprise.
“Change back!” he snarled and she retreated a few steps from him, whimpering softly.
Edward sensed her fear and sighed, his eyes changing back to midnight blue. “Something is wrong with them,” he whispered, his voice back to normal. “I tasted it in the blood and…” he looked deep into her eyes, “it…disoriented me for a second.”
‘Yeah, and I had to rush in and save you,’ Aliyah wished she could gloat for him to hear but she was stuck in her true form and he can’t hear her through the mind link.
“But something else surprises me,” Edward said, glancing away from her for a minute.
‘That I rushed in to save you? Yeah, I’m surprised myself.’
Edward glanced at her sharply then like he had heard her. “What do the rogues want with you?” he asked seriously.

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