Chapter eighty two

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“I have to tell Aliyah. It’s been five days already. No one knows what the High howlers are thinking or even the High chiefs. If she is there, she has to know what is happening and know how to protect herself,” Scarlet said to the man pacing around the room. “Are you even listening to anything I have been saying?”
“I heard you honey, but what does telling her change? Her mate is about to be killed and after that, she and her son would follow suit. I think the thing we should be worried about is how to get her to safety,” Alan said.
“And that is what telling her would do,” Scarlet replied. “That is what it would change. We can’t just sit back and watch as everything happen. I can’t lose her, Alan, I really can’t. You know how many I have lost already. I can’t lose the only one that stayed and I don’t care what that witch said.”
“Calm down,” Alan said, going to her. “As long as they are together, I have every reason to believe that nothing would happen to her. We just have to have faith in him and…” he stopped just as his phone started ringing. He sighed and went to pick up the phone and he was surprised to see that it was one of the High howlers that was calling. He glanced at Scarlet before he answered the call. “Yes, High Howler David?”
“They would be a meeting at the High mansion tomorrow. Every alpha is expected to show up with his beta. As the instigator of this issue, you better not be late,” the man announced and the call ended.
“What happened?” Scarlet asked when the man dropped the phone on the table. She had already stood on her feet once she heard the man’s name and knew it must be something serious. Now seeing the look on her mate’s face, she knew she was right. “What did he say?”
“The High Howlers are calling all alphas for a meeting. The last time they did it was when my father was still alive and it was about the Red Rose pack that was later eradicated.”
“Oh my God, do you think they want to eradicate Blue moon pack and turn us rogues?” Scarlet asked, sacred.
“I don’t think so but whatever it would be, Blue Moon pack would take all the blames. I have to summon Aton and prepare him for the meeting tomorrow.” He sighed, “to be honest, I can’t wait for when all these things would be over.”
Scarlet nodded and she could feel her heart weighing down the more with pain and heartache.
“How are you feeling?” Aliyah asked Irene as she helped her walk around in the garden.
“Come on, Aliyah, I am not as weak as you think. It’s been five days since I woke up, of course you should know that my strength is back. Plus, you seem to always forget that I have nightwalker’s blood in my system,” the woman smiled as she went to sit on a bench.
“I just want you to heal perfectly without any complication,” Aliyah replied, joining her on the bench.
“Don’t worry, I will be fine, in fact, I am fine.”
Aliyah nodded with a sigh. She twirled her fingers as she watched a lizard run out from under the bench. The reptile glanced around and then nodded at itself, however, Irene reached down immediately and caught it with such expertise before it could run away. “Red-head lizard, hard to come by,” she smiled, watching as the creature tired to escape her fingers but she just reached up with her other hand and snapped the head. Aliyah shut her eyes immediately and sighed once more. “You have been sighing all day, what could possibly be in your mind?”
“Nothing, it’s just that…I have never really thanked you for saving my life that night. If it weren’t for you, it would have been a different case and even if I had survived, I am sure my baby wouldn’t.”
Irene placed the dead lizard beside her on the bench and exhaled. “You have thanked me enough, Aliyah and let’s not forget, you saved me first. If it weren’t for you, I am sure I would have been taken away by that rogue and then now, I would have been serving that demon.”
“Do you really think it’s the demon king?”
“I have never seen the demon king and the man I met that night is a strong demon. Only the demon king can possess such power. Also, it seems reasonable if it is him. Edward killed his daughter so he has a reason to come after his mate.”
Aliyah nodded in support. “It’s strange though. Ever since the rogues started attacking, five days have never gone by without them showing up. I wonder what the demon must be up to now.”
“They won’t dare attack recklessly here. The dark prince is not to be trifled with.”
Aliyah nodded once again but she said nothing.
Irene smiled and placed her hand on hers. “Why do I feel like that is not really what you wanted to talk about.”
“I have already told you. I just want to thank you properly for saving I and my baby’s life. We owe you all the thanks.”
“To be honest, he is growing really well despite everything that is happening.”
“He is?” Aliyah asked excitedly.
“Indeed,” Irene replied with a smile. “But really, tell me what is bothering you. I can see through you, Aliyah and I know you want to ask me something, something only I can answer.”
Aliyah closed her eyes then and exhaled deeply. “That day you woke up, you said something. Although Edward told me it’s nothing and you said it was a dream and not a vision, I really want to know the truth, Irene. Was it really a dream?”
“Aliyah, I care about Edward too. Maybe not as much as you because you are his mate but I have my own share of care for him and it is really strong. A fight is brewing, Aliyah, a fight that I really don’t know what the outcome would be. But honestly, that day, I saw Edward die, he was stabbed in the chest. However, it was a dream and not a vision. I know my visions just as I know my dreams. I think the reason I had that dream is because I am worried. That day before you let my hut, I had a vision of the tree of death.”
“The tree of death? The one that created the nightwalkers?”
“Yes, the very one. I saw that tree and then I saw Edward. Nothing happened and there was no one else there with him. However, when I woke up from the vision, I felt a sharp pain in my chest. My instincts told me that it has a link with the vision and I deciphered it to mean that Edward would be stabbed with the tree of death just like his men had killed themselves using it’s bark. My speculation could be what I saw in my dream and like you said, I have been in coma, so it’s expected. Rest assured that if anything is going to happen to Edward, you would be the first to know, I promise.”
Aliyah nodded, her eyes filled with unshed tears. She sniffled and whispered to the older woman, “thank you.”
Irene squeezed her hand affectionately and sighed, looking up at the clear blue sky. Deep in her heart, she felt sorry for the young wolf for she knew that in a few days, the clear sky would darken and with that, the forest ground would be bloodied. Who would die and who would walk out alive undetermined since her vision has no clear fate. She closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer to the moon goddess, she was the one that wanted to see the couple triumph, it would be nice if she intervenes now and keep them both safe. Edward may be strong but he really is unprepared for what could be waiting for him and for his sake and his mate’s, she hopes he would fight till the very end, at least, just like he had promised to protect her.

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