Chapter thirty four

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“No,” Aliyah turned to Edward and shook her head, “please, no killing.”
“Fuck this,” Steven replied and picked up his spear, rushing towards Edward and Aliyah.
“Steven no,” Aliyah yelled but the young wolf was already suspended in air by a mysterious force. Aliyah turned to Edward in shock, his hands were crossed on his chest and Steven was hanging in the air, how was he able to do that? No book said that the nightwalkers practiced black magic, so?
“Decide, Aliyah, I am running out of patient,” Edward said rather calmly.
“How-how are you doing that?” She asked, still shocked at what was happening.
“I am not your regular nightwalker Aliyah, you know that already,” He replied and the glint of the sun on his face made her look up at the big yellow ball.
“How can you walk under the sun?” she asked and Edward sighed, obviously bored at her questions.
“Let me go you son of a bitch,” Steven yelled from his cage but Edward didn’t even glance at him.
“What is going on, Aliyah,” Sean asked, his mind still refusing to believe what he was seeing. “How do you know a nightwalker, fuck, how are you even so comfortable standing so close to him?”
Aliyah sighed, “Sean, there is something I need to tell you.”
“Whatever you want to tell me, tell me at home,” he said, red furs appearing on his face as he glared at Edward.
“Sean don’t do that, he would kill you,” Aliyah said, tired of the whole situation. She couldn’t believe why the moon goddess chose this to happen like this. How is she going to explain to Sean that she is mated to a nightwalker and not just to any nightwalker but an original? Even she is still shocked at the whole thing.
“I don’t fucking care,” Sean growled and roared, transforming into his wolf.
“It’s you,” Edward said, remembering the red wolf he had seen hugging her that night on the blood moon night. A strange feeling enveloped him and his eyes flickered red, the only thing that was in his mind was to kill the damned wolf and because of that, Steven was freed from his power and the boy fell on the ground.
Sean rushed Edward, not willing to accept the fact that Aliyah had betrayed not only their pack but the werewolf race. He was determined to kill the nightwalker and then either fight Steven to secrecy or kill him to hide the secret.
“Sean, no,” Aliyah yelled when he leapt into the air to land on Edward. However, Edward grabbed onto his tail and flung him around, making sure he fell on a tree so forcefully that the tree broke and fell. “No!” Aliyah screamed, running after him. Edward growled at her obvious worry for the young wolf and the strange feeling in him grew stronger that she was worried about another man but him. He wanted to rush after her but an angry growl made him turn to see a big black wolf, really big considered the age of the boy that turned into it. He hissed and rushed after it, avoiding the attack of the wolf and grabbed it from behind, his hand on his neck as he wanted to rip the head off.
“Edward, no!” Aliyah left Sean and rushed to the man, her vision clouded by her tears and she hated that she was in the midst of the three stubborn men. Neither of them wanted to listen to her and it made it difficult for her fighting for the life of the other two.
Edward glanced up at her, his eyes red and his fangs elongated. His hand tightened on Steven’s neck who kept thrashing and kicking, wanting to get free. Edward’s slight distraction gave him the opportunity to bit on to his hand and the man growled and flung him away, rushing in speed and grabbing him before he could hit a tree and then smashed him on the ground, creating a hole with the impact and knocking him unconscious.
A growl sounded as Edward felt something on his back and a painful bite on his neck. He hated this fight, Aliyah kept screaming at him not to hurt them and he could feel her emotion thereby making him loosing focus and giving the damned wolves’ time to be able to hurt him. He roared in annoyance and grabbed onto Sean’s head from behind him, yanking him to his front but because Sean was biting onto his neck and tightly, the force he used caused Sean’s teeth to peel out his flesh and he grunted in pain, his elongated fangs going for the young wolf’s neck immediately.
“Edward, please!” Aliyah yelled teary eyes.
“Enough of this,” Edward yelled, throwing Sean away and was in front of Aliyah in a matter of second. “You won’t let me kill them and yet you won’t stop them from fighting me.”
“They won’t listen to me!” she screamed.
“Then I won’t listen either!” he replied angrily and turned to the approaching Sean. His claws elongated and he faced them to the charging Sean that when he charged into them, he would be impaled and he would only survive depending on how deep the wound will be.
Steven ran from the corner and bit onto his hand. Edward growled and with one look at Aliyah, he could see the tears in her eyes and her emotion was also attacking him from the inside. He grabbed onto Sean’s muzzle, preventing him from attacking with his teeth and no matter how much Sean struggled, he couldn’t open his mouth and so he kept thrashing and kicking, trying to free himself but the man’s hold was as strong as the muzzles he had seen humans use on dogs.
“If you force me to go any tighter, I will crush your snout into ashes,” Edward warned and his warning seemed to have sink into the young wolf for he stilled immediately and only panted heavily while making deep guttural sound. “Good boy,” he said and turned to Steven who was still biting onto his hand. “Haven’t you noticed that no matter how deep you bite that you can never bite my arm off?” he raised an eyebrow but Steven refused to let go as he kept biting deeper, hoping to at least harm the man. Edward sighed and turned to Aliyah who seemed to have calmed noticing that he wasn’t trying to kill them anymore. “I hate this.”
Aliyah chuckled softly and rushed to Sean, wrapping her arms round his neck and said, “Sean please, calm down and listen to me, please,” she pleaded and the red wolf calmed, making Edward release his snout from his strong hold.
He turned then to Steven that was not relenting and pried open his mouth, surprising the young wolf at how he was able to do that. He freed his hand and taunted him with a smile. “Want to see something impossible?” he raised an eyebrow and showed the young wolf his already healing arm. He didn’t need to be told that the young wolf was surprised because it was very obvious in his black eyes as he kept staring from his face to his arm. “I am not your average nightwalker,” Edward said, “and if it’s not because of her, you would already be dead, just like them,” he pointed to where the dead rogue bodies should have been but his next words seized in his throat when there was nothing there again. He frowned and his expression grabbed Steven’s attention who also followed his gaze but received the same shock.
“What is it?” Aliyah asked, seeing the man’s expression and looked behind her only to be stunned, “they are gone.”
“How possible?” Steven asked and she turned sharply to notice that he has changed back and from the look on his face, he didn’t care that he was naked in her presence and Aliyah respected herself by not looking down and turned to the empty spot where the rogues should have been.
Edward snarled at the young boy but the situation on ground was more important so he went to inspect the empty spot. “They didn’t walk on their own.”
“What happened then?” he heard and turned to see that Sean had shifted back too and was naked. He cursed in his mind and his eyes met Aliyah’s. She pretended not to know the reason he was looking at her but she still didn’t look at Sean or Steven, making the man calm down a little.
“Magic,” Edward replied to Sean’s question after cursing at the werewolf race in his mind.
“Magic?” Both Sean and Steven repeated.

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