“My Lord,” a man bowed to the man standing in the center of the room. “I brought the information you asked for.”
“Be out with already,” the man said, the hood covering his face and any expression he must be wearing.
“The girl is still at the palace but we think they have consummated the mating bond.”
“No!” The man shouted, turning to the fear-stricken man immediately. “How could that have happened?”
“I don’t know my Lord, but we believed it was the incident with the witches that ignited the emotion. The Dark prince was really scared when he found her missing and he hadn’t gone easy on the witches when he found them.”
“No,” the man said, “they were not supposed to get that close. That means we are behind than I thought.”
“There is something else, my Lord.”
“What is it?” the man asked irritated.
“He is working with a witch?”
“Aye. I have taken my time to study her, it is the pure blood. She is the one working with him.”
“Hold on, the one he saved nine hundred years ago?”
“Aye, my Lord.”
“She is still alive?”
“Very much so, My Lord, and has gotten stronger. I had seen her with him in the human realm and it seems like she has mastered all her powers. It won’t be easy getting rid of her now.”
“If she is still alive, why hasn’t she tried to take over the coven, she is the real leader after all.”
“I don’t know my Lord.”
“Mm,” the man kept quiet, “if we can get her on our side, it would make this whole plan much easier.”
“I don’t think it would be possible my Lord, her loyalty lies with The Dark Prince.”
“Never the less, we have to try. It will really aid us to have a vision seeing witch in our crew. I will pay her a visit tonight, no one is to know about that.”
“Of course, my Lord,” the servant bowed.
“What about the High Howlers, I trust the elder has relayed the news to them?”
“Yes, my Lord, I followed him yesterday and he had killed five of his pack warriors to make sure he saw the Alpha. I wonder what he would do when he finds out that his stubbornness has helped us greatly.”
The man in hood chuckled. “I just need them to set my plan in motion, if they have their war, it will make it really easy to achieve my aim. How about the High Council chiefs, have they figured out why the rogues would attack them?”
“No sire but they are working towards it, they even summoned for the wisdom of the Dark prince yesterday.”
“Good, we still need help from one of them. Find a way to instigate Genevieve to visit the prince, I wonder how she would feel to find that the man of her dreams is mated to no one but their nemesis. It would be an interesting show to watch.”
The servant grinned. “Of course, My Lord, she has not been satisfied with her mate after all.”
“Interesting. This is the first time I have seen a nightwalker rejecting her mate because she is longing for another.”
“Indeed, My Lord. We nightwalkers are fond of marking each other once we find our mates and whatever romance we had before then, long forgotten. But I think why it’s so is because she has refused to mark or be marked by her mate.”
“All the more reason she would be broken when she finds the little nightwalker in her prince’s palace and to be told that she is his mate. She will help us to spread the news to the High Council Chiefs and then the Great war would be inevitable and after that, we will come in to finish from where they stopped.” He chuckled and the servant grinned devilishly.
Irene stepped into her cottage and as she reached to hang her coat, she sensed the presence that was with her. She sighed and hung her coat, running her fingers through her long midnight black hair. “You are here, I have been expecting you.”
“As expected from a pure blood witch, no one can jump in on you,” the man in the dark living room said with a tone of admiration. “I like that.”
Irene chuckled and turned to him, she wanted to turn on the lights but she knew he wouldn’t want that and so, she endured the darkness. “When I saw you coming for me, I was surprised and I couldn’t wait for you to come and tell me what you want from me.”
“I know that you are loyal to the Dark prince just like I know that your heart beats for him. How does it feel to find him mated to such a young girl while you have been waiting for him all your life? And to think that he didn’t even care about your emotion and just dumped her on you to take care of, rubbing her in your face and broken heart.”
Irene smiled. “You seemed to be forgotten something, as a pure blood witch, I know who is for me and who is not.”
“Then are you saying that you are no longer hopelessly in love with him?”
“I can never stop loving him but I have always known he won’t love me back and I have come to live with that. So, if you think you can manipulate me into joining your team because of my love for him, then I will sadly tell you that you have got the wrong witch.”
“I know you would say that, so I came prepared. What if I tell you that there is a way you can have him and he would love you more than anything in this world.”
“I know about the love potion,” Irene smiled, “I maybe not be able to concoct one on my own but that is because I have refused to involve myself with the matters of the heart. So, I will be the last witch that will hold a man against his will and talk more of a man like Edward. He would be killing me the very second he regained his senses.”
“Then how about never giving him the second to regain his senses?” the man suggested.
“What do you want?” Irene asked, “could it be that you are afraid of him and that’s why you want to turn me against him?”
“Oh no,” the man chuckled. “Not that I am afraid, I just need a pure blood witch by my side. Witches like you are hard to come by and also, if Edward was just a nightwalker, he would be dead already in my hands, but, he is not just a nightwalker.” He looked at Irene and grinned, “you don’t seem surprised which means you already know. Wow, he must trust you if he told you, he has been hiding it ever since he noticed and here, I am thinking it was just me that knows.”
“Now that you know, are you still going to try to get me on your side?”
“If you want and I promise to make it worthwhile to you and at the end, I will give you the one thing you have always wanted. The love of your Dark Prince.”
“He loves me enough right now.”
“But not the kind of love you want.”
“You know, I looked forward to our meeting. And now hearing what you have to say, I am pretty disappointed.”
The man sighed, knowing then he wasn’t going to get what he wants. “You forgot something pure blood, you are either with me or against me.”
“I know,” Irene smiled and she was throwing a spell at him the next second but she gasped when the man easily avoided her attack.
“Surprised?” he chuckled, “I know a few spells of my own. You should be surprised how I was able to go through your barrier,” and with that, he sent a bolt of lightening to her. Irene quickly raised a shield, protecting her from the attack and she was muttering something as big fiery ball started forming in her hand. Her eyes turned white and soon, every lamp in the room came on and the man quickly avoided his face, throwing on his hood immediately and Irene released the ball then, landing it on the man and he was thrown on the wall behind him.
He got up angrily and in a second, he was in front of her immediately, his fingers tightening on her neck as sharp long claws elongated on his fingers, sinking into her flesh. Irene winced in pain and then she saw his yellow eyes with a vertical black line and gasped. “You-you are a demon,” she whispered.
“Aye,” the man said and flung her away. She landed on the wall and fell on the ground. She felt her bones break as she spat out blood. The wounds on her neck hurt so badly and she knew that instant that it was infected. She glared at the man stalking towards her dangerously and she started chanting a spell. The man’s eyes widened in shock when he saw what she was doing, “no!” he yelled just as a bright light went off and he was thrown out of the cottage and he landed few feet from it and on a tree before he tumbled on the ground. He got up immediately and rushed back into the cottage but Irene was gone and he cursed heavily. “Find her,” he yelled, “she must not get to the Dark Prince.”

His Mate
Vampire"You are a long way from home, little wolf." "Stay back, I am not afraid of you." "Oh but you should be wolf, I can be your worst nightmare." He took a step closer and it hit him; her blood. Aliyah has passed through three mating seasons but she was...