Edward had been on his way back when he sensed that something was wrong. Getting the python’s oil ended up proving difficult as he had thought and he ended up killing more than one since they had attacked him to save their own. He blamed them though, they could have just let him leave with one but no, they wanted to protect one of their own and ended up losing more lives in the process.
He had increased his speed, hoping to get home on time for two reasons:, one because Irene’s time was almost up and two, he can sense his castle was at unrest. However, right before he could get home, he sensed his mate calling for him and it just proved his suspicion that something was wrong. Although he knew that Rasmus could protect his home but he really doesn’t want to depend on another man protecting his mate for him and so he had tapped into the powers he always kept hidden and was sprinting home like light.
He was almost home when he felt it, Aliyah being slammed against the wall painfully and the danger lurking towards her. He had seen other rogues fighting with Rasmus and Sean but he had only one destination in mind and when he finally got there, he saw Irene lying on top of Aliyah with a ghastly wound on her back and the culprit preparing to launch another attack since the first one had missed his target. Every sense of reasoning had left him then as all he could think about was to protect his mate and the wolf mainly died out of the rage in his thought, thanks to the power of telekinesis.
Now that the danger was cleared, he glanced at his mate but he saw the obvious fear in her eyes on seeing him and he knew he must have taken his demon form, something he has—although he may have told her that he was part demon— vowed to never let her see. In as much as he wanted to go to her and make sure she was okay, he knew he couldn’t stay there, he mustn’t let her see him enough to loathe him and since he had unleashed the power, he should put it into use and so, he was out of the window the next second and flying to his front yard where he set every single rogue on fire.
He landed on the ground, walking through the fire to the shocked man who was looking at him like he had seen a ghost. Sean couldn’t believe his eyes either and quickly shifted into human to avoid his fur catching onto the fire as he stood beside Ramus, watching the creature that was walking up to them.
“A demon,” Rasmus said, taking a step back from the monster. “A royal blood demon.”
“What the heck, that is a possibility?” Sean asked, stunned.
“Aye, the strongest creatures on earth and very few.”
“What are our chances of defeating him?” Sean asked, backing a few steps like the older man.
Rasmus scoffed, “we might as well just surrender.”
“What? But we can’t, we still have to protect Aliyah and that witch.”
Rasmus smiled painfully, “there is nothing we can do,” he sighed. “Besides, he would never hurt them.” He closed his eyes and fell on his knees. “Welcome back, my Prince,” he bowed.
Sean couldn’t believe his ears, his Prince, wait, the demon is Edward? The Dark Prince? He stared at the monster with red eyes and pointed ears. Face red and demonic that the sight would make any child cry. Also, the added five feet that made him too tall to look directly in the eyes and the torn on his clothes due to his growth sprout. Sean couldn’t believe his eyes.
Edward sighed and flung the bag he was carrying at Rasmus. “Take this to them, Irene may not be able to concoct the medicine anymore but listen to her for instruction and do what she says. Give her some blood while at it. As a third generation, you can be able to give her some strength to wait for the antidote.” His voice was deep and distorted but still, they heard the care hidden in it.
“But your blood would work faster, My Prince.”
Edward sighed and glanced away, “I can’t let her see me like this.”
And by her, Rasmus knew who he was referring to immediately and so he nodded and stood up. “Of course, my prince.”
Edward nodded and he was gone in the next second. Rasmus sighed and quickly rushed into the house to meet Irene and Aliyah. Sean, although still stupefied at what he just witnessed, followed him inside. They were shocked to the bones when they entered the blood room with dead rogue bodies and broken body parts. Aliyah looked up on seeing them and they rushed to her then. “How is she?” Rasmus asked, refraining from asking what happened to the room and why they were soaked in blood.
“She is hanging by a tread,” Aliyah answered amidst cry, “where is Edward, why did he leave?”
“He will be back, he has something to take care of,” Rasmus answered, slitting his wrist with his claws and placing it on Irene’s wound. They could see the wound healing but it was slow, however, it worked enough to bring her back to conscious. “How should I prepare the antidote?” Irene’s eyes fluttered open and she winced in pain. “It’s okay, my blood is not that strong but it should give you enough strength to wait for the antidote,” Rasmus assured her.
Irene closed her eyes and shook her head softly, “there is no need. There is no time anymore. The loss of blood sped up the poison, I don’t think I can survive it now. Quickly, stab me in the chest,” she grabbed his hand and placed on her chest, “it’s the only way now.”
“No,” Aliyah shouted. “You are wasting time saying this, no one is going to do it here so tell us how to prepare the potion, what should go in first and what time should the others be added?”
“A-Aliyah,” Irene whispered, “please, listen to me, there is no…”
“Just tell me the damn way to make the potion!” Aliyah interrupted with a yell and everyone in the room was surprised at the power she willed. Sean gulped sensing the aura that exploded around her and when he saw the light flashed in her eyes, his eyes widened in shock as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The aura was similar to the alpha power and he had seen that light in Alan’s eyes a number of times to know it means an enraged alpha tapping onto his powers. But how come she has it? Aliyah has never had or shown any sign of the alpha powers, why does she have it now?
“The python oil goes in the pot first,” Irene whispered. “The tortoise shell would be hard for you to grind but that shouldn’t be a problem, Rasmus would help you. You will add it ten minutes after boiling the oil, the rabbit’s heart comes last and its added five minutes after the shell. You will stir for another five minutes and then the potion is ready. However,” she smiled sadly, “the poison would have consumed me by the time you are done.”
“Can’t we speed things up by lessening the time process?” Rasmus asked.
“It won’t work,” she shook her head. “That’s the thing with potion, the effectiveness of it is determined by the way you mix it. You mix it right, you get your desired result but if you mix it wrong, not only will it not solve your problem but it would add another one to it,” she closed her eyes and breathed out through the mouth. “Please Aliyah, do this for me, it’s the only way now.”
“No,” Aliyah cried, “no, no, no, this is my fault, at least let me try. Please Irene. You didn’t have to jump in, you were already so weak, you didn’t have…” she sobbed.
“Step aside,” a voice said and they turned to see Edward standing by the door. He was looking more like himself now and Aliyah sighed in relief on seeing him. Sean was stunned, the man looked nothing like the demon he had seen just a few short minutes ago. Even his clothes were neat and of the right size. “I can delay the poison power by mixing my blood with hers. I had fought off the poison before, remember?” he said to Aliyah when he saw the worry in her eyes.
Aliyah remembered the blood moon night when he had bitten a rogue and how he was fighting the next second after just falling and convulsing on the ground. She nodded then and stepped aside, watching as he squatted in front of Irene.
“Go make the antidote, and bring it once it’s done,” he ordered and she nodded, running out of the room immediately and Rasmus had followed to help but mostly because she had forgotten to carry the ingredients with her. “You think I will let you die on me?” Edward asked Irene and the woman smiled just as he cut open his wrist with his fangs and placed the bleeding hand on her wound. “Thank you,” he whispered and she nodded, knowing what he was thanking her for already. She closed her eyes, feeling as the two powers inside her were fighting for dominance and it was followed by an excruciating pain that knocked her unconscious right away.
“Oh my God, is she okay?” Sean asked immediately, seeing her go limp.
“Yes,” Edward nodded, leaving her now to stand up. “My blood will keep fighting with the poison and hopefully, the potion would be done before the poison feeds on my blood completely.”
“How long do you think that would be?”
“An hour.”
“Oh, it would be enough,” Sean sighed in relief. “The potion only needs twenty minutes to be prepared.”
Edward nodded then and sighed, glancing around the room that looked like a horror movie. “What’s with Aliyah?”
Sean frowned, “what do you mean?”
“There is this…power inside her,” Edward frowned, “I have never sensed it before.”
“Oh, that’s the alpha power,” Sean explained. “Aliyah never had it before because females are not born with it. So, if she does now, it could mean she just started getting it due to something that may have happened or that…” he paused, his eyes widening in shock.
Edward glanced at him, “or that what?”
“Or that she is carrying the next alpha and had been in danger to cause the power to awake, making the baby alpha to protect the vessel that would bring him into this world.”
Edward stared at the young boy, frozen in shock at what he just heard.
Meanwhile in Blue Moon pack at the alpha’s mansion, Alan suddenly stopped from taking off his shirt and his eyes widened in shock.
“What is it?” Scarlet asked, sensing the difference in the man.
Alan glanced at his mate. He didn’t know the best way to react to the news but he had said amidst shock and happiness, “the future alpha of Blue Moon pack has been conceived.”

His Mate
Vampiros"You are a long way from home, little wolf." "Stay back, I am not afraid of you." "Oh but you should be wolf, I can be your worst nightmare." He took a step closer and it hit him; her blood. Aliyah has passed through three mating seasons but she was...