Chapter sixty one

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A man stood in front of a big polished gate. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again, they looked determined as he reached forward to press the bell on the wall.
“Elder Maximus, I will think twice before ringing that bell,” a voice said behind him and he turned to see five of his pack soldiers.
Maximus smiled. “I should have known. It is typical of Alan to put a tail on me.”
“Alpha did it for the future of everyone, including yours. You should think twice of what you are about doing. Your single action now can ruin many lives and even so, bring chaos upon Blue Moon pack. The last pack that involved the High howlers in a fight was eradicated. Do you wish that for the Blue moon pack?”
“No,” Maximus shook his head. “You are wrong, I am trying to protect the Blue Moon pack, I gave my sons to prove that. But Alan has become stubborn and has forgotten the Alpha code.”
“That’s a lie, he is living the alpha code. He is protecting Aliyah, our pack member.”
“He is protecting his daughter!” Maximus yelled. “If you have not seen that yet then you must be blind. You think that if it were any of you that he would care? That he wouldn’t have involved the High Howlers by now? Listen to me Kevin, that Original is going to come when you least expect it and he is going to kill you all. The numbers he killed that night will be just a trifle when he comes.”
Kevin licked his lips and shook his head. “We won’t let you ring that bell, Elder Maximus.”
Maximus smirked, “who is going to stop me?”
Kevin glanced at his mates and they all got ready to fight. Maximus scoffed and secretly brought out his pen knife. Soon, five big wolves were staring at him and he watched them, calculating his steps. Kevin attacked first and he evaded the attack, turning in time to stab him on the neck with his knife. The young wolf fell on the ground with a wince and a bleeding neck. He stared at the elder in shock and watched as the man, using his stealth and years of practice attacked the other wolves.
He charged, wanting to attack from behind but Maximus turned in time, shape shifting his hand into a paw and clawing at his face badly before he stabbed his knife into his eyes and without a blink of an eye, yanked the head out of the body. He dropped the carcass on the floor and watched the wolves that had shifted into their human bodies upon their deaths and sighed. He cursed Alan in his mind for making him do this but he knew deep in his heart that even if they didn’t attack, he would have still killed them because letting them go means Alan would know of his plan.
Getting a handkerchief out of his pocket, he wiped his face and wiped his bloodied hand. Wiping his knife clean, he shoved it back into the hiding place before walking up to the gate once more. He reached up to ring the bell but the little gate opened then and a tall huge man stood in front of him. The man glanced at the dead bodies behind and then at the man in front of him and stepped aside, “the Alpha want to see you,” he said.
Maximus sighed, no doubt they had seen him killing the younger wolves but not to worry, he has a good excuse for that. He stepped inside the building and the man closed the gate before nodding at him to move. Maximus licked his lips softly and refrained from looking around too much or even admiring the beauty of the place that was much more beautiful compared to his pack.
The man led him passed a flit of flashy cars and he gulped, indeed, this is the house of the alpha of alphas. They finally came upon a mansion and the man led him inside it. Finally, they stopped in front of the office and the man knocked and opened the door upon being ushered inside. He nodded at Maximus to enter and closed the door when he did.
Maximus cleared his throat when he realized he was alone with the man sitting behind the big mahogany desk. His hair was white and long and was cascaded down his shoulders and he had white beard to go with it. He was dressed in black shirt and was going through some papers on the desk. Maximus opened his mouth to speak but he heard, “an Elder killing members of his pack warriors, now that is something you don’t see every day.”
Maximus sighed, “Forgive me sire but I have a very good reason for doing that.”
The man finally looked up and Maximus stared at the blackest eyes he had ever seen. “The emblem on your shirt proves you are from Blue Moon pack, I guess?”
“Yes sire,” Maximus bowed. “I am Elder Maximus Kurtz, from the Blue Moon pack.”
“Hmm,” the man nodded. “If you are here, I believe you have something to tell me and if you killed your pack warriors to make sure I hear it then it must be of upmost important, I presume?” he raised an eyebrow.
“Very much sire.”
“I see,” the man nodded and finally let go of the papers on the desk. He leaned into his chair, his fingers brushing his beard as he said, “then, let me hear it.”
Maximus closed his eyes and reminded himself that he was doing this for the betterment of the pack and that one day, Alan would thank him for doing this. “The Vampire Prince is alive,” he revealed and watched as the man’s lazy eyes became serious immediately, “and he is mated to my Alpha’s daughter, Aliyah.”
“I have been waiting for you,” Aliyah said to the man entering the house.
Edward smiled softly on seeing her. He had sensed her waiting and hence why he came back. After his trip to the High Council, he had gone back to the rogues’ field hoping to find something but it proved futile like when he had gone earlier in the afternoon. He closed the door and opened his arms to the girl who rushed into them and he heard her sigh in content.
“What took you so long?” She asked.
“I was back before and you were sleeping so I decided to go handle a few things. I trust you are okay?”
“Yes,” she nodded and sighed, her eyes closing as she thought of her discussion with Irene in the morning and the things, she revealed to her.
“What are you thinking about?” Edward asked when he couldn’t make sense of her thoughts.
Aliyah shook her head and looked up at him, “nothing much,” she shrugged.
He nodded, sensing that she didn’t want to tell him and he didn’t want to pry. “Where is Irene?”
“She went to the human realm, said she need to get some plants from their woods and didn’t want to take me along.”
“Good idea.”
“I knew you would support her,” she rolled her eyes and walked away from him. Edward chuckled softly and followed her. “Anything knew?”
“The rogues. She told me you went to their field again.”
Edward sighed. Of course, he can’t tell her about his trip to the High Council, there are some things that only he is supposed to shoulder and shouldn’t worry her with. “No, but be sure that the next time they come for an attack, I will be ready.”
“You are always ready, aren’t you Dark Prince?” she chuckled.
Edward frowned as the name hit a memory, “what did you call me?”
Aliyah turned to him then, “Dark prince,” she repeated. “Irene said it’s what you were referred as back when you were human. You don’t remember?”
Edward shrugged. “I hardly remember anything of my human life anymore. When I was newly…transformed, I could remember it but even then it was a little hazy and during the years that passed, I still could, no matter how small. Little things can spark a memory but after I woke up a month ago,” he shrugged once more, “nothing. Not even the littlest of things.”
“Oh,” Aliyah bit her lower lip, “then what about Princess Mariah?”
Edward froze that he would have passed as a statue if Aliyah doesn’t know he was alive. He was in front of her in the next second and she gasped, her hair on stands as she could feel the emotions passing through him. She gulped and looked into his eyes, her heart beating like a thousand drums in her chest. “Do you remember her?” her voice trembled and it was then that she realized she wanted him to remember, she wanted him to remember her since she couldn’t.
“How do you know that name?” Edward asked after a while and his eyes flickered red.

Sorry about the delayed update dears, I just got a lot in my hands and somehow I forgot that I was supposed to update.

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