Chapter sixteen

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Aliyah opened her eyes feeling drowsy. She yawned and stretched on the bed and then the details of last night flashed through her mind. Her drowsiness was forgotten as she quickly climbed out of the bed and rushed to the mirror. She glanced at her neck and her enthusiasm was lost when she saw the blood red rose sitting comfortably on her neck. She sighed and her eyes tear over. Not in pain but rather in hatred. She just wished she could be able to kill the damn nightwalker and kill him she shall. She just needs time to plan her strategy well.
A knock came on the door and she quickly rushed to her wardrobe and grabbed a scarf, carefully tying it on her neck to cover the hideous mark. She put on her pajamas and hand-combed her hair, using a lot of strands to cover her neck before she went to get the door. Opening the door, she smiled softly at Sean, “good morning.”
“What the heck are you doing out of the bed? Don’t you realize how hurt you are?” Sean asked, picking her up immediately and carrying her straight to the bed.
“Come on Sean, I’m fine. Besides, if you didn’t want me out of the bed, how did you expect me to get the door when you knocked?” Aliyah asked as he placed her gently on the bed.
“I didn’t expect you to get the door, I expected you to usher me in through the mind link, nothing more.”
“I was already up when you knocked and so decided to get the door myself,” she said, sitting up on the bed.
Sean stared at her without saying anything for a long time and she couldn’t handle his gaze anymore, she asked, “what is it?”
“Nothing,” Sean shook his head. “Only that you look…good. You look bright, no pale face or swollen body or anything. You look just normal like you always do, like you weren’t whipped two hundred times last night or abducted by a cloud of smoke and left covered in blood in the woods.”
Aliyah rubbed the back of her neck not knowing what to say. She knew not only Sean but every other person who sees her would wonder the same thing. She bit her lip and sighed, “well, Catherine is the best healer in all the wolf packs so…” she shrugged.
“I have seen her treat a lot of whipped wolves but none of them looked as you do now the next day. If I wasn’t here last night I would say the whole pack was lying saying you were whipped.”
“Come on Sean, you didn’t actually come here to talk about this now did you?” Aliyah asked, hoping to change the topic.
Sean scratched his head, “not at all.” He sighed, “I actually came to see how you are doing and if you are in a worst shape to keep you company but looking at you now, you can even go to school if you want.”
“Ah, school,” she groaned and fell on the bed. “Everybody would be surprised as you are if they see me walk through that door, don’t you think?”
“Do you intend to stay in the whole day? Everyone knows Catherine is treating you and everyone knows her medicine grows stronger each day. So I don’t see why you should hide inside.”
Aliyah bite her lip and thought about it. She contemplated in her mind, Sean would expect her to be acting weak even for a little, however, she is not feeling an atom of weakness. How can she keep up the act the whole day if she was to pretend? But he was right, staying indoors when not bedridden would be really tiring. So what was she to do?
The door opened and her parents along with Catherine entered her room. Scarlet rushed and hugged her, “you are okay my dear,” she kissed her hair and forehead.
“I’m fine, mom,” Aliyah smiled.
“I can see Catherine’s medicines are effective on you. You look stronger than I expected,” Alan nodded at his daughter.
“Yes dad, I’m feeling much better now.”
“Surely your wounds aren’t completely healed, you should stay indoors today,” Scarlet sad.
“Actually mom, I am feeling really good and would rather go to school than stay at home. Catherine gives me a medicine to numb the pains and also don’t forget, I am the alpha’s daughter. I may not have the alpha powers but I still have some traces of an alpha which is the fast healing ability. I am not a regular wolf, mom.” Aliyah explained, cutting her mother short whenever she wanted to raise a worry.
Scarlet exhaled and turned to Catherine. “You think she would be fine?”
“Of course Luna, she is looking better already. She just don’t have to stress herself too much and reopen the wounds.” Catherine answered.
“Don’t worry about that Luna, I will be there to protect her,” Sean nominated himself as a bodyguard.
“First you have to promise not to let her convince you to allow her leave the pack again,” Alan warned.
Sean looked downcast and sighed, “I am sorry but you have my word that I would protect Aliyah.”
“Alan,” Scarlet interrupted and shook her head at him. “Don’t give him a hard time, you have a stubborn daughter as it is,” she turned to Aliyah. “Don’t put him in a difficult situation.”
“I won’t mom. I promise, dad,” Aliyah answered.
“Alright then, please give me some time to dress her wounds. She would meet you outside,” Catherine quickly rushed to the bed and pretended to be undressing Aliyah.
“Alright, we will see you at breakfast,” Scarlet smiled and kissed Aliyah’s forehead before standing up. Linking arms with her mate, they both left the room.
Sean smiled and winked at Aliyah, “I will be waiting outside for you.”
“Mm hmm,” Aliyah nodded and he left the room as well.
“How are you feeling?” Catherine asked as she removed her top to see her back, “your back is flawless. How does your ankle feel?”
“Like I was never hurt,” Aliyah sighed.
“What’s with the scarf?” Catherine touched the scarf and peeped at her from her back.
“To hide the mark,” she closed her eyes, “I can’t let anyone see it.”
Catherine nodded. “Well, I have nothing to heal on you but I would always come to check on you every morning and night to keep the pretense going. Otherwise, I won’t be able to answer the questions that would be thrown at me by everyone.”
“I understand. Thank you Catherine,” she picked both her hands in hers, “thank you so much.”
“I am doing this for the betterment of the pack, we have to know what we are up against before launching an attack to avoid history repeating itself like what happened last night. Perhaps when you are finally calmed, you can tell me what it is?”
“But I don’t know what it is.”
“Stop lying to me girl,” Catherine shook her head. “Hurry up and get ready, Sean is waiting for you.” She picked up the bag she came in with that she had left on the bed. Getting to the door, she turned to Aliyah, “the earlier we know what it is, the sooner we will be at finding a way to get rid of the mark.” She opened the door and left the room.
Aliyah knew she was right but she was not ready to tell anyone that she was marked by a vampire. Punishing her by whipping would be an understatement. She doubts that the news won’t be taken to the high howlers and knowing them, their best solution might be to execute her. She can’t die now, not until she has gotten her revenge on the damned vampire.
As she thought about him, his midnight blue eyes flashed in her mind as well as his flawless face. Her wolf jumped in excitement and she felt a stinging pleasure on the mark on her neck. She exhaled and closed her eyes, her hands going to her neck to touch the mark. And although being covered by the scarf, when her fingers grazed the mark, it sent a burning sensation throughout her body and a whisper moan left her lips as her whole body trembled.
Meanwhile, in a castle far away, a certain someone closed his eyes and when he opened them again, it was burning red and his fangs elongated. He growled in annoyance at the forest, willing the stupid wolf not to go deeper with her thought otherwise, he was afraid of what he would do. He stood up in annoyance and rushed to the window, his red eyes scanning the forest as his breathing heightened with the pleasure that was trying to consume him.

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