Chapter eighty four

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“Oh my God,” Aliyah screamed, her hand feeling her stomach immediately as she glanced in shock at the woman with her. “I felt a movement.”
Irene rolled her eyes hearing that. “You are like two weeks pregnant, how can you feel a movement?”
“I’m serious, Irene, I really felt a movement,” she chuckled, now caressing her stomach. The door suddenly burst open, surprising the two women and they both raised an eyebrow at the man that came barging in. “Is everything okay?” Aliyah had to ask when he did nothing but just scan the whole room with his sharp gaze.
“I heard you scream, why?” Edward asked, going to her now to check up on her.
Aliyah glanced at Irene and they both chuckled while Irene answered soon after, “Aliyah felt a movement.”
Edward frowned at that, “I may not have witnessed pregnancy before but I also know that is not how it works. It’s still too soon,” he squatted beside her and caressed her hair, “are you sure that’s what you felt?”
Aliyah rolled her eyes, “I know what I felt, Edward, I am not a child.”
“Well technically you are…” Edward began and Aliyah threw him a nasty glare while Irene bursts out laughing and Edward let out a few chuckles as well.
Outside the room, Rasmus sighed hearing the happy laughs and he glanced at the text message on his phone, feeling the gloominess that was trying to consume him. He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply before he turned and walked out of the palace, feeling resentment towards his parents but having no choice.
“Where do you think you are going?” A voice asked and Sean turned sharply to see Steven.
“Hey dude, what are you doing here?” he asked, relieved that it was him.
“I asked first,” Steven said.
“Dude, come on, of course you should know…” Sean was saying but when he noticed the distant look in his eyes, he knew Steven hadn’t come as his friend and all friendliness drained from him. “What are you doing here, Steven?”
“Like I said, I asked first,” Steven said, drawing out his spear. “High Alpha told me to keep an eye on you because he knew you would be a snitch. Everything must go perfect today and I was ordered to keep you in place and force you to remember whose side you should be on.”
Sean glanced at the boy he thought was his friend and his hand went to his own spear. The high howlers and the high chiefs had been planning day and night for the past two days ever since the witch, Melissa, showed up with the tree of death bark. Alan and Scarlet were not told about it neither where his father but an hour ago, he had seen his father and the alpha leave the pack. His instinct told me they were going to meet the high howlers and just when he was thinking of following them, the Luna called for him with the mind link and when he got there, it turned out that when High Howler David came to their pack last night, he had forced her to give up her phone and she didn’t know why only for the alpha to tell her before leaving that they were planning on attacking the prince and Aliyah today. They wanted to give him a surprise attack.
Scarlet had pleaded with him to put a call through to Aliyah and let her know what was happening and it was then that he found out his phone was missing. He hardly uses his phone due to everything that was happening and also for the fact he can summon whoever he wants within the pack with the mind link but he never expected someone to steal his phone and now staring at the boy in front of him, he knew the high alpha had thought everything through. Scarlet had told him to run to the palace since he knew where it was and alert the dark prince and Aliyah when they found out his phone was missing and it seems like the high alpha had thought of that as well. “Why you?” he asked, he wanted to know why the high Alpha would use him of all people.
“I asked myself the same question when I received the order,” Steven answered, knowing what he was asking for. “But then I figured he must have noticed we became friends newly and now he wants to test my loyalty. I told you the peace you want won’t come without a fight but look at the bright side, the nightwalkers and night howlers are working together, just like you wanted.”
“I wanted us to work together and take down the man causing a war and using the rogues, not killing the prince,” Sean said.
“No one is using the rogues,” Steven said.
“Then can you explain to me what is happening to them? How are they going deranged? Steven, you were there that day in the woods, you saw them and you heard the vampire prince.”
“The witch has already testified to wanting Aliyah because they want to stop the big calamity from falling us, so definitely they are the ones turning the rogues because I also heard the dark prince mention magic that day. Sean, I know that you are close to Aliyah but you need to open your eyes now and see what is happening. That child in her stomach is the death of the world. I knew there was something wrong with their union, why can’t you see it too?”
“All I see is a couple expecting a child and now turned against by their own families. The high chiefs are willing to kill their prince, their father, the reason of their existence and us? We want to kill one of us and her child. Are you not seeing the things wrong here? The witches have always hated us, why suddenly are they willing to work together, don’t you think it’s a trap? If the mastermind of this whole thing shows up now, Prince Edward is the only one that can take him down, don’t you think he is using the witches to get us to kill our only savior?”
“If there is anything going on, the prince will never save us, Sean, never.”
“He saved us in the meadow, you were there!” Sean yelled.
Steven shook his head, “my orders is to not let you go anywhere today and I intend to achieve that.”
“Then you will have to go an extra mile to stop me,” Sean said, determined.
“Guess we will be having a fight in a battlefield after all, and this time, not a spar,” Steven raised his spear and a blue light glinted in his eyes as he leaped in the air, landing a huge blow on Sean.
“Oh my God, you are collecting the shells as well,” Aliyah shouted at Edward who was breaking eggs into a bowl. He had watched a tutorial on the internet on how to make pancakes and he promised to make some for her. Now hearing all the errors she has been pointing out, he wasn’t feeling too good of himself anymore.
“It was so easy on that video,” he grumbled and Aliyah laughed. Irene sat on a stool and watched them, determined not to say anything but just laugh to her heart content at their humor.
“Of course, tutorials are always easy until you have to do the real thing,” Aliyah said, taking the bowl of eggs mixed with the shells away and dumping in the sink. She fetched another bowl and went back to the island. “You can easily crack open the shell and yank it in halves to get out the egg. It’s not that hard,” as she said, she demonstrated and Edward frowned, seeing that she had done it as easily as the woman in the video.
“Don’t blame me,” he said.
“Of course, I don’t,” she chuckled, “it’s not your fault since you have never…”
“My prince, rogues,” Rasmus shouted, barging into the kitchen.
Edward looked up immediately and Aliyah’s hands trembled while Irene jumped down from the stool she had been sitting on. Their eyes held urgency as they looked at each other. Edward sighed and kissed Aliyah on the head, “stay right here, I will be back soon. No matter what, don’t go anywhere, the kitchen won’t be an easy access.”
“They are not here, my prince,” Rasmus said and that got all their eyes on him. “I saw them on my way back from a run. They are coming from the west. I give them ten minutes tops to be here.”
“Not if I intercept on the way,” Edward said. He wanted to leave but something pulled at his heartstrings and he turned back and pulled Aliyah into a deep hug. “Stay strong and I will join you again soon.” For some reason, he didn’t want to let go but he knew he has to.
Aliyah nodded but as the man walked away from her, her chest felt heavy. He was still at the doors when she called, “Edward,” and he turned to look at her. “I love you.”
Edward’s eyes softened and in a second, he was with her again and kissing her. “I will be back,” he whispered and she watched him leave with Rasmus. At the door, Rasmus paused and looked at her before following him out. However, something about the look Rasmus gave her made Aliyah feel uncomfortable.

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