Alan was shocked at what he saw. They have been on this fight for over thirty minutes but none of them had landed a damaging blow on a Nebuzar but he just showed up and he killed one within a mere seconds? How is that possible? What kind of a Nightwalker is he?
Edward seethed his teeth as he charged another Nebuzar. Grabbing it on the leg, he flung it up and rushed another, kicking it a few feet away. The one he threw up came crashing down and he grabbed it right before it could hit the ground and flung it away, watching it break a few rows of trees as it fell. He growled and rushed another one, his claws impaling it right in the chest as he pulled them out as he attacked another. The younger the Nebuzar, the easier it was for him to kill.
“Prince Edward,” the Rogue called in a distorted voice. “Stop meddling in a fight that doesn’t concern you.”
“If you don’t want me to meddle, then you should stop going after her,” Edward replied, rushing the rogue as he understood it was the mysterious man’s mouthpiece. “I told you, only cowards hide in a fight,” he growled as he grabbed the rogue by the neck, ready to snap the head off. He wasn’t surprised when fear didn’t flash in the rogue’s eyes, he could already be dead for all he knows and his empty carcass was the one he was trying to kill again.
“Kill them all Prince Edward, I can always bring them back, always,” the rogue said.
“Then you don’t really know me,” Edward replied. “Because if you do, then you would know that I enjoy killing.”
“Oh, kill you must Edward and one day you shall get tired and then, only then, will I come out to take the victory that would be mine.”
“A coward you are, a coward you will remain,” Edward said and snapped the rogue’s neck, not interested in the conversation anymore. He turned then and charged the Nebuzar that was trying to drag Aliyah away. He grabbed it from behind and impaled his claws on its head, ripping it in halves.
Alan rushed to Scarlet within that time and changed back to his human body as he cradled her head in his arms. He sighed in relief when he heard her heartbeat and held her in his arms as he watched the man killing the Nebuzars like he was killing ants. Every living wolf in the meadow then was watching Edward as well and it felt like a movie to them how easily he tackled them and the Nebuzars numbers were dropping drastically.
Aliyah sat up on the ground and looked around, her heart missed a beat when she met her father’s brown eyes and she looked away immediately. She knew Edward’s scent must have given his identity away and right now she wondered what must be going in everyone’s mind, especially her father’s.
She gulped when she met Sean’s eyes, the blow he had received earlier had forced him to shift back and her heart went out to him when she saw the blood on his chest. Every wolf were changing back as they watched the man like they were in a movie, even Aliyah was surprised at how easily he was taking on the Nebuzars.
The Nebuzars all turned their attention to Edward now, seeing that he was the one killing them off. Perhaps it was the voice that was controlling them that gave the order but they all charged at Edward at the same time, circling him.
Edward snarled when he saw that, he could feel his strength failing as he really needed to feed. The blood lures him but Irene’s warning and his experience was stopping him from using his fangs. Perhaps he had fought of the evil mind control before but with how weak he was becoming and thirsty, it won’t be so easy to do this time and the best thing would be to avoid using his fangs entirely. He gulped and slashed his claws at the first Nebuzar that got to him, giving it a very deep wound before he attacked the next, determined not to give them the advantage over him.
Maybe he was too weak and thirsty or maybe he was lost in thought as he wondered how he could reach the undead rogue that was slowly crawling up to Aliyah, he didn’t know how it happened or how his fast reflex slowed that he wasn’t able to avoid in time but a Nebuzar’s claws impaled him, piercing through his chest and coming out from his back.
“Edward!” Aliyah yelled in shock at the sight, never in her life did she imagine him getting so deeply hurt in front of her. She was on her feet the instant, her eyes speaking of the horror she just witnessed.
Edward growled and stabbed his own claws in the Nebuzar’s eyes, yanking the eyeballs out from their sockets and slitting the Nebuzar’s throat with his other claws. He placed his hand on the dead Nebuzar’s own and slowly detached the claws from his body while clenching his teeth. He waited to heal but he didn’t and he hissed, he needs to feed in other to regain his strength and then heal. Despite feeling weak and in pain, he refused to show his weakness to the other Nebuzars as he grabbed one and hurled it at the rogue that had caused his distraction.
Aliyah woke up from her shock when she saw the big creature flying towards her but breathed in relief when it landed a few meters behind her without even grazing her skin. She wanted to run to Edward and check on him but the man had resumed his fighting like nothing happened and she had to remind herself about his healing speed. However, she still couldn’t get over the feeling that he must be hurt, it was almost like she could sense his pain.
Finally, the last Nebuzar dropped on Edward’s feet and he stood, panting like a raging beast, his eyes glowing red and his fangs elongated. His claws and body were dyed red like he walked out of a red panting. He turned to Aliyah then, glad that after everything, she was safe, he was able to protect her.
He glanced around him, everywhere was dyed red with dead bodies everywhere just like Irene had said and he knew one more thing she said that came to pass despite how careful he had been. He could still feel the deep wound on his chest but it was a good thing that only he knows of its presence. He walked up to Aliyah, trying not to let his fatigue show or the immense pain he was going through. He stopped in front of her, his claws retracted as he reached up and grazed her cheek with his fingertips. “Are you okay?”
“Are you okay?” Aliyah repeated the question at him, wanting to make sure that what she was feeling wasn’t true.
“Do I look not okay to you?” Edward raised an eyebrow. “Seems like I am right, little wolf, you are a magnet for trouble. I can’t even count how many times I have saved you in this short time I have come to know you.”
Aliyah chuckled softly and as the tears accumulated in her eyes, she threw herself into his arms and Edward fought to hide his wince at the pain that came with her hug. She wrapped her arms on his torso, breathing in his dead plant cell and letting it calm her racing heart.
Edward closed his eyes and right as he was about returning the hug, he heard, “Step away, Aliyah,” and his eyes snapped open. His gaze went to the naked man that was walking up to them and he recognized him as the alpha immediately from the night he rescued Aliyah from her punishment. “Stay away from my daughter,” Alan warned.
“Or what?” Edward asked, “you will fight me like you fought the Nebuzars?” he raised an eyebrow in taunt.
“You don’t deserve to stand near my daughter or anywhere near my pack,” Alan said. He knew he should be grateful for the man for aiding in the fight but no matter how grateful he knew he should be, he can’t turn a blind eye to the man’s identity or a blind nose to his disgusting scent.
“You should have said that a while ago right before I killed off the Nebuzars for you.”
“I didn’t ask for you to help,” Alan gritted his teeth.
“That’s right, and I shouldn’t have helped and because of our past, no one should hear of it. So tell me, what is stopping me now from killing you all off like I did them just now?” Edward asked, hating the man’s audacity. He has the right to question him right after he saved his damned life?
“The other time, you left before a proper fight and you took my daughter with you. There is not going to be a repeat of that, not while I am still breathing,” Alan growled.
Edward snarled, his eyes flickering red as his fangs elongated. He needed to feed and regain his strength and the man was irritating him but guess it won’t be bad if he satisfy his thirst with his blood. He pushed Aliyah behind him and turned to the man that was getting ready to transform. His claws elongated, ready to finish him off with just one blow.
“Dad, stop,” Aliyah said right before Alan could transform. She came out from behind Edward’s back and showed her neck to him. “I don’t need to tell you what it is,” she whispered, knowing that he must be staring at the red rose on her neck.

His Mate
Vampiros"You are a long way from home, little wolf." "Stay back, I am not afraid of you." "Oh but you should be wolf, I can be your worst nightmare." He took a step closer and it hit him; her blood. Aliyah has passed through three mating seasons but she was...