“My Lord,” Melissa appeared in the center of what looked like a throne room. She bowed to the man sitting on the throne and looked up at him with a smile. “It is done and it was clear that they bought it.”
“Very good, Melissa,” the man smiled. “Now we just have to wait for the tree of death to sprout and once it does, I will get it for you to take to them.” The man sniffled and smiled, “I can almost smell the war.”
Melissa sighed. “One more thing my Lord. Argon is dead, I saw his corpse and it looked like he was beheaded.”
The man rolled his eyes, “he failed to carry on his end of the deal. He told me he could get the war started and yet, I had to come up with a plan myself. He was no good for me when he was alive, so why should I care of his death?” he chuckled. “Besides, he was the one that wanted to be alpha of alphas. If only he knew I would have killed him right after he had done what I wanted, I am sure he would be happy now that he is dead.”
Melissa nodded, she wasn’t surprised he said that. The only reason she was working with him was because he promised to get her her position back in her coven, if not, she would never work for a demon. “What are we to do? What if they do not succeed in killing the prince? The strength of his son is not a lie, you know that.”
“Of course, that was why I did not want them to consummate their bond in the first place,” the man said and stood up. “Once the prince is out of the way, killing his mate and his son would be a small deal.”
“Are you sure? Because from what I heard, the boy is protecting his mother already.”
“What?” the man turned to her sharply.
“Yes. If the alpha power is already showing, soon, the nightwalker's would show and then the demon’s. Are you sure you can successfully kill his mother now? His strength would be like nothing we have ever seen.”
“Hmm,” the man nodded. “Do not worry, Melissa, there are many ways to snuff out a light. He may be the strongest creature but right now, he is nothing but a fetus and you can’t tell me I can’t kill a fetus that have developed nothing but a heart.”
“Of course, my lord,” Melissa bowed.
“You can go now. I will send Cedric to you whenever I need you.”
“About that nightwalker, is he to be trusted? I know I said the same thing about Argon and now he is dead. What do you think would be the fate of this one?”
“Do not worry, they all want something. He wants to be a high chief and as a third generation, he would get that if a high chief drops dead now. He has been proving useful, so perhaps, I would give him that, that is…if there is a council to be a chief in,” he chuckled sinisterly and Melissa smiled.
“Of course, you have thought about everything.”
“Indeed, I have, Melissa, indeed I have. All I need is the blood and the heart of that wolf to finish my potion. What best way to kill Selena’s creatures but using the very woman that started it all?”
“The fight would be anytime soon. I sensed animosity among the High chiefs. Turns out that even though they respect their prince, they still want him out of the picture.”
“Of course. They have been the strongest nightwalkers alive for eight hundred years and suddenly, a man whom should have been long dead woke up and took their place,” the man laughed. “Oh, I love it when the most trusted stabs in the back.”
“Just like you did,” Melissa stated and the man glared at her immediately. His yellow eyes shining brightly that Melissa cowered and took a step back.
“Don’t forget your place, Melissa, I can kill you as easily as I kill an ant.”
“I know and I apologize greatly,” she bowed.
“You are dismissed it,” he ordered and she nodded and whispering a spell, she disappeared from the room. “You just wait and see me become the strongest creature on earth. Humph, hybrid prince my foot.”
“My prince,” Rasmus called, entering the room. “You must know this.”
Edward looked up from the book he was reading casually. “Be out with it,” he ordered lazily, uncrossing his leg to relax more on his chair.
“A witch,” Rasmus said and his eyes turned urgent immediately. “Right after you left the Blue Moon pack, a witch appeared.”
“And what happened?” Edward asked.
“She told them something about…” he said and glanced at the door, “the pregnancy.”
“That pregnancy is my child, Rasmus, your future master, so speak accordingly,” Edward warned.
“Of course,” Rasmus apologized. “But you have to hear this,” and with that, he proceeded in telling him everything the witch said.
Edward smiled at the end of the story. “Stronger than me they said?”
“Aye, my prince.”
“Perfect,” the man said, surprising the young servant.
“M-my prince?”
“Come on Rasmus, do you think I would want a weakling for a son?”
“I-I don’t know.”
“Here I was wondering if he is just going to be a mere second generation that can’t even hold a candle to me and now, I just found out that not only would he be stronger than me, he would be the strongest creature that walked this earth. Obviously, his own son would be stronger than him and that means my bloodline would hold the record of the strongest males, bravo,” he chuckled.
Rasmus frowned, “but my prince, are you not bothered of the fact that they would try to kill you?”
“The high chiefs wouldn’t dare, I am their father. As for the High howlers, I would love to see them try.”
“My prince, I really don’t think we should take this lightly. With all the things said, I won’t be surprised if the High chiefs’ team up with the High howlers.”
“How did you hear of this?”
“I-I overheard my father talking with my mother,” he bowed. “I don’t think he would be in support, my Prince.”
“Malachi is a wise man, so I too would believe he wouldn’t be in support. But just in case he did, how will you feel seeing me kill him?” he kept his gaze on Rasmus and the young servant couldn’t bring up his face to look at him neither did he answer. “I understand he is your father, Rasmus, but I will not sit and watch him kill me just to satisfy you.”
“Of course not, My prince. But if this young servant can ask for a favor?”
“Go ahead.”
“Can you…please…not kill him? My mother, she would die without him. I would not want to lose two parents at the same time. If my prince can just injure him, this young servant would forever be grateful.”
Edward watched the man and at the end, he said, “the situation of things would determine.”
“Thank you, my prince.”
Edward sighed but said nothing. Just then, he remembered Irene’s last vision for him before she was in that state and he stood up immediately and left the drawing room. He went straight to her room where he knew Aliyah was as well and just as he knocked and pushed open the door, he heard, “No, Edward!” and he was inside the room immediately only to see that the scream had come from Irene. Aliyah was on her side too and she was sitting up on the bed, her eyes ashen as she remained still like a statue.
Edward and Aliyah shared a look before he went to Irene and softly smoothen down her hair. “It’s alright, I’m here.”
Irene turned to him then, her eyes watery with tears as she whispered, “you died.”

His Mate
Vampiros"You are a long way from home, little wolf." "Stay back, I am not afraid of you." "Oh but you should be wolf, I can be your worst nightmare." He took a step closer and it hit him; her blood. Aliyah has passed through three mating seasons but she was...