Chapter eighty

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“I will never forgive this, Malachi!” Damien yelled just as someone handed him a blanket to cover himself. “The dark prince has really broken the peace treaty.”
“He started it,” Malachi pointed at Argon’s dead body. “He couldn’t just let them leave, why would he do that?”
“He was trying to protect the treaty!”
“That is not true. The man seems like he really wanted this war. I have seen the way he talks at us, anything about peace is wrong to him. And if you ask me, I’m glad he is dead. If the prince hadn’t killed him, I would have done so myself.”
Damien glared at the man after hearing what he said. “Malachi, you are in support?”
‘Everyone is in support’ Sean wanted to say. If the prince hadn’t killed the man, he would have done it too if he could. The man has been getting on his nerves since yesterday and there was no better way to end the meeting than over his death. He could tell that his alpha was in support too when he saw the man’s secret smile and the Luna’s as well.
“I think we have all been misinformed,” Malachi said with a sigh.
“Don’t you dare say what you want to say, Malachi,” Genevieve warned.
“What would you have me do? You heard him and you saw how he brutally killed this wolf and how he would have killed me too if I hadn’t spoken up on time. I think that Selene really mated them and if you ask me, since they are not causing any trouble, we should let them be.”
“What a fool,” A mysterious voice suddenly said and everyone glanced around, searching from where it was coming from. A small tornado started on the center of the room and when it stopped, a woman was standing there. Her hair was long and white and she had neither blue nor green eyes, just a mixture of both. She smiled sardonically as her eyes landed on Damien, “like I expected, you would shy away in face of a fight.”
“Who the hell are you?” Damien asked warily.
“Isn’t obvious?” the woman asked. “I am Melissa, the leader of the west coast witch coven,” she bowed dramatically.
“A witch,” this time, everyone was shocked as they all took a protective stance while wondering what a witch could be doing there.
“Wait, is that little night howler working with you? Is our prince really under a spell?” A nightwalker chief asked.
“Aye, your prince is under a spell but not my spell,” Melissa said and everyone gasped. “And no, the little girl isn’t working with me. As a matter of fact, she doesn’t even know she is being used.”
“What are you talking about, witch?” Malachi asked.
“As you know, we witches have been in existence long before you and in our covens, they are the ones we call the pure blood witches. They can see visions. Our pure bloods saw a vision of a calamity befalling the nightwalkers’ race, the night howlers’ race, the demons’ race and including us, the witches. It turns out Selene wants to end her creation and to do that, she must take away her creatures but too bad, she had included both us and the demons.”
“What are you trying to say?” Damien asked.
“If you can shut up, you will understand that I am trying to explain here,” Melissa said with a roll of her eyes. “Like I was saying, to do that, Selene has to mate the two strong bloods of her creation, the original nightwalker with an alpha bloodline night howler. Together, they would create an offspring, an offspring that would be blessed with the two powers. An offspring that would be both a nightwalker and a night howler. The worst is, he won’t just have the powers, but he would be the strongest of them. He would be a second-generation nightwalker and an alpha night howler. Do you understand how strong he can be now? And yes, I forgot to add something, amidst these strong powers, there would be another strong one.”
“Another one? I don’t understand,” Genevieve asked this time.
“Eight hundred years ago, your prince battled with a demon princess and he fed on her, drinking her royal blood. The demon king found out and tried to kill him but he could only injure him and that was how your prince went into his slumber.”
Sean closed his eyes and sighed, knowing that Edward’s secret would be out in the open now.
“However, right before that happened, the demon blood had taken refuge in the prince’s body. Like we the witches know, the royal blood of demons always searches for strong bodies to dominate and sensing the strength in the prince’s body, it merged with his nightwalker’s blood, making him part demon and part nightwalker.”
“That is nonsense,” Genevieve shouted, charging at the witch immediately but the woman disappeared and appeared beside Damien, giving the man a scare. “I have seen the prince, been with him, how can he have demon powers and none of us knew?”
“Duh, because he is stronger than you and can easily hide the powers and harness them whenever he wants. So tell me, how can you, an ordinary second-generation be able to find out what he chooses to hide?” Melissa raised an eyebrow.
Everyone was shocked and confused, everyone except Sean who already knows the story but still wants to understand what the woman was saying about the goddess Selene.
“But how can that be?” Malachi voiced aloud.
“That explains it, earlier on I had felt an invisible spell holding my lips together, preventing me to speak,” Damien revealed.
“Me too, just when he had given the order about killing anyone that comes in between him and his peace,” A High chief said.
The high howlers and High chiefs glanced at each other, realizing that they all felt the same thing at that time which was why no one spoke after Edward passed his warning. “As I was saying, we the witches are not going to sit back and let goddess Selene kill us off and that was why I had personally gone to the human realm to take the wolf and prevent them from consummating their bond. However, the Dark prince had shown up and using his demon powers, he took her away from me and now, it is too late.”
“What do you mean by that?” Malachi and Damien asked at the same time.
“In case you haven’t noticed, the wolf is pregnant. Pregnant with a Hybrid, a son that will be part vampire, part demon and part wolf. He would be the strongest creature that ever walked this earth and Selene would use him and his powers to kill us all off,” Melissa announced.
“No,” Scarlet shouted, shaking her head, “it can’t be, no, it’s not true.”
“Alpha powers,” Damien whispered, “I had sensed it when Argon had thrown his dagger. But…” he glanced at Alan, “your daughter has only been away for four days, how can the alpha powers of her son start showing when it’s not even up to two weeks or even a week?”
Alan couldn’t answer because even he had been asking himself that very question.
“I will answer your question,” Melissa said. “It’s because he is going to be the strongest alpha that ever lives. Even you with all your alpha powers cannot be able to defeat him. Imagine a being that would be stronger than the Dark Prince. You can’t even win against the Dark prince, imagine fighting someone stronger than him.”
“No,” Damien whispered, his strength failing him that he stumbled back and had to be caught by one of his men. With heavy heart, he looked up at Melissa, “what do you propose we do?”
“Yes, what can we do to stop this calamity?” Malachi asked, he too could hardly stand on his feet. The prince was already too much to handle, imagine having two of him in this world.
“At the moment, no one can get to the girl without facing the Dark prince, and what do you always say?” Melissa glanced at Damien, “if there is an obstacle, you take it out.”
“No,” Genevieve shouted, knowing what the woman was getting at.
“To get to the girl, you must take out the Dark prince, after that. We the witches will handle the rest, we can easily take care of the boy while his powers has not fully developed and that is killing him and his mother.”
“No,” Scarlet shouted once more, slumping on the ground. “Please, there has to be another way, there must,” she sobbed.
“Selene only used you to bring her into this world to achieve this purpose, if we don’t do this, then we should all prepare to die when the Hybrid Prince is born and have come of age to carry out his purpose.”
“But, aren’t we missing an important fact here? He is the Dark prince, strongest one of us, how can we kill him?” A high chief asked.
“To achieve that, you must work together. And, we will join in the fight. How did his men die? By stabbing themselves with the bark of the tree of death. The tree of death would soon sprout again and with our pure blood witches, we can find it and we will bring you a bark. While the dark prince is engaged in a fight with you,” she pointed at Damien, “one of you,” she turned to the high chiefs, “would have to take it and plunge into his heart.”
“Oh my God,” Genevieve covered her mouth.
“Either do this together, or watch as this world burn with you in it. We all know the Dark prince is quiet possessive so obviously, he would take his son’s path. I have told you all you have to know, the ball is in your court now,” and with that, she vanished.

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