☆Chapter One: Meeting Up ☆

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Colby's POV
I was a little bit nervous to meet up with the Trap boys again, considering I haven't seen them in a while- except for Jake. I had often talked to Jake over the phone, and we went to the same parties often, but we still didn't take time to meet up in person and have a talk. It hurt me to let them all go, but it hurt the most to let Jake go, that's why I tried my best to keep in touch with him.

I had come out to Sam, but that was it so far, and Sam encouraged me that today would be a good day to tell our ex-roommate's that I was bisexual. That's probably why I was so nervous about meeting up with them.

"Colby! We gotta go! We don't wanna be late!" Sam yelled for me, and I walked out of my room, and to the door. Me and Sam still lived together- it felt like we were practically married, but not in a romantic way. We were always around each other, we shared bank accounts, and we even lived with each other. I was with Sam more than his own girlfriend was!

We left the house, and Sam tossed me the keys from over the car, I'm always the driver. I'm not too sure why I'm always the driver, I just am. We get in the car, and I pull onto the road, and started heading to the Café we were all meeting at.

"I'm a little nervous, if I'm being honest." I let out a small chuckle, telling Sam.
"I bet I would be too, if I was going through what you are, just keep in mind, I'm proud of you, brother." Sam smiled at me, and I smiled back. I loved Sam so much (NOT IN A ROMANTIC WAY!) and, god, I hope he knows it.

I pull into the parking lot, and got out of the car. We walk inside, and before we could even walk up to the waitress, Jake flew into my arms. Well- I flew into his, but he hugged me first. Whatever.
"Colby!! I missed ya!" Jake put me down, and gently punched my shoulder.
"Oh- this is my friend, Johnnie. Johnnie, this is Colby. My Highschool bestie and old roomate." A tall and skinny boy was standing behind Jake, and stepped forwards, sticking his hand out for a handshake, which I grabbed but then turned the handshake into a hug, catching the black haired boy off guard.

Jake greeted Sam, and him and his friend brought us over to the table that they had already reserved.

"Now we just gotta wait for Corey and Aaron, they were always late to everything." Jake let a soft laugh escape his lips as he sat down. His friend sat next to him, so me and Sam sat across from them. Johnnie smiled at Jake, and looked down at the table, fiddling with the rings on his fingers. Jake put his hand on the boys back, rubbing circles. Were Johnnie and Jake dating?? I know Tara and Jake broke up- I don't know why though, they are still close friends though. The way Jake was looking and interacting with the other boy made me think that they were dating. I of course didn't have a problem with it, it just felt weird... I can't pin-point why, though.

"Coreyyyyy!" Jake yelled to Corey, as Devyn and him walked in.
"Aye brothers!! I missed y'all so much!" Corey yelled to us, as he walked over to the table. He squeezed in by me and Sam, giving Johnnie a weird look. The black haired emo boy didnt say anything- he just stared back.
"Corey, Johnnie. Stop looking at each other like that." Jake gave Johnnie a small shove on his shoulder. Johnnie looked at Jake and chuckled a little bit, and ignored Corey's stares for the rest of the time at the Café.

"You guys can follow me back to my house." Jake smiled, and he walked to his car, Johnnie followed close behind. I decided to take the time to ask Johnnie if him and Jake were dating.
"Hey, Johnnie right?" I asked the boy, tapping on his shoulder.
"Uhh- yeah." Johnnie turned around to face me, nodding.
"Uhm- I don't wanna make you uncomfortable, but, are you and Jake.. a thing? Not because I'm interested, but just because I wanna know. Don't feel pressured though if you don't want to!!" I rambled.
"No," Johnnie let out a small laugh, "No. Me and Jake are not a thing." Johnnie smirked at me, turned around, and walked back to Jake's car, and I walked to the passenger side of my car, since Sam was driving.

"What was that about?" Sam asked me, turning the key in the car as I shut the door behind me.
"Oh. Nothing." I replied. It really was nothing. I was just curious.



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