☆Chapter 9: I'm Serious! ☆

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Colby's pov!

I followed Jake into the small changing room, and he laid his clothes out on the tiny bench.
"Pick out a shirt and a pair of pants." He nodded, and I scanned all the clothes. My eyes got caught on a black 'mesh' cropped shirt, and he noticed. He smiled and picked up the shirt,
"This one?" He questioned, and I just nodded, I was to embarrassed to say anything.

He put the shirt down, and I didn't want him to be uncomfortable, so I turned around, not facing him. I heard him chuckle, and my face flushed red with embarrassment.
He turned me around and kissed my forehead,
"I don't mind if you watch me." He smirked, and continued to take his shirt off in front of me. My eyes got glued to his toned stomach, and his tattoos.
"Awwh. You look so cute when you admire me like that." He ruffled my hair.
"Ah, shit. My bad bro." I tried to play it off, but he just shook his head 'no'
"That was like.. the straightest thing I've heard come out of your mouth since you've come out."
My moth dropped open in shock, and I started to laugh.

"Was that offensive? I'm sorry!" He squeezed me into a hug. I of course hugged back, why would I miss an opportunity to hug a hot shirtless boy!?
"Nah, I don't mind. I thought it was quite funny, actually." I chuckled, and let him go.
"Oh.. your facial expression scared me, I thought you were upset and hiding it with a laugh. You know if I ever take things too far, you can tell me, right?" He made eye contact with me, and I nodded.
"I'm serious, bubs." He nodded, and I responded with a simple,
"I know."

He put the shirt on, and god damn... he looked PERFECT in it, and that's hard to say, because I've never met anyone perfect.. besides Jake, obviously. I picked out a pair of baggy black pants, and he put it on.
"So?" He asked me, jokingly posing.
"Thanks." He chuckles. Oh my god. I'm gonna cry. I seriously just told my crush I like him, and he said 'thanks.' THANKS?!? GOOD LORD.

My face was flushed red, and I flew out of the changing room, Jake following behind me.
"Good god, Colby! You just bursted out of there like he tried to kill you or something!" Corey joked.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and smiled, letting Corey know I wasn't actually mad.

Jake followed a guy with a camera, leading him to a setup, and showed him poses to do. I totally didn't mean to, but I definently said
"Holy shit." Out loud. Corey, Sam, and Devyn looked over at me, but I didn't notice, so I continued staring at Jake.
"You really like him, dontcha?" Devyn asked.
"Sam! Did you tell them!?" I whisper yelled to Sam, but he just laughed.
"Colby, I told you, we all know." He rolled his eyes.
"Well yeah.." I nodded, my face becoming red once more.
"Awwwh." She tilted her head.
"Devvvv! I'm serious! I really like him.. I was thinking about going to the movies tomorrow and telling him.." I shrugged, acting as if it wasn't a big deal, because I didn't want to make it one.
"Oh my god! I'm so exited!!!" Dev yelled.
"Dev! Shut it!" I covered her mouth, and Corey laughed.
"Sorry!" She whispered, as she pulled my hand off of her mouth.
"It's okay." I laughed.

I went back to watching the male. His smile, his poses, his body, his eyes, his dimples, his hair, his tattoos, his piercings, everything about that man was perfect..
"Colby.. your staring." He yelled to me, letting out a small smile.
"Oh." Was all I said, before I stared again. I couldn't help it, it didn't matter anymore, since he already saw me staring like five times today.

The photographer said that he was going to have Johnnie take some next, and Jake could walk around for a bit. Jake walked over to me, and he got extremely close, almost bumping into me, and picked me up. I didn't know what to do, so I just let him take me. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and my arms around his neck, and he continued to walk.

We ended up by ourselves, no one else around, and he sat down, causing me to sit on his lap.
He groaned, and made eye contact with me,
"Colby, why do you keep staring at me?" He asked me, and I answered truthfully.
"Because your kinda hot." I chuckled
"Colby, I know that, but I meant seriously. You've been staring at me, a lot, lately." Jake pointed out, and I didn't know what to say.. I didn't wanna tell him I liked him yet, but it was looking like I was going to have no choice..
"I'm sorry Jake..." I started off slowly, and the boy just tilted his head slightly.
"I really like you... I've tried to deny it to myself... I tried to hold it in, but I can't. I really like you, and I completely understand if your uncomfortable with being my friend after this.. I understand if you don't like me back, but I can't hide it anymore." I pushed out, my eyes slightly welling with salty tears. Jake said nothing, his face blank. I started getting off his lap, in case he was uncomfortable with it, since he knows I like him.

To my surprise, he pulled me forcefully back onto his lap, and smashed his lips against mine. We sat like that for about five seconds before we both pulled away due to cheering.

We turned around to see all of our friends cheering for us. I smiled and turned back to Jake, pressing my lips against his once more, and standing up with him.
"Your so precious." He kissed my forehead and intertwined our fingers, as we walked back to the rest of the group.

"I'm so proud of both of you, brothers!" Corey brought Jake, Sam, and I into a group hug, making us all laugh. Corey always brightens a mood, even if the mood was already a good one.



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