☆Chapter 7: I Forgive You☆

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Jake's pov

Colby had only gone to the bathroom about thirty seconds ago... but I wanted to check on him anyways.

I got up off the couch, no one said anything, they just continued staring at the screen in front of them. I walked to the bathroom, and reached out to knock on the door. Just as my hand got close to the door, it flew open and Colby's lips flew onto mine.

We both just stood there in shock, we had no idea what was happening. Colby pulled back, which kinda made me sad if I'm being honest.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! I'm so so so so sorry!" The Boy started quickly apologizing, placing his hands on my arms, squeezing them gently. I stood there confused. I get that it was a complete accident, there was no need to apologize.

"I forgive you... I guess." I put a fake look of disgust on my face, and pulled my arms away from his touch, making his eyes widen.
"Oh shit, you hate me! Jake I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to!! I mean I like you- wait forget I said that! I just... I wouldn't mind if you kissed me but don't think that I would ever kiss you like that- well.. I- uhhh.." I saw his face get red with embarrassment. I knew he liked me! Was I going to just come out and say I like him back? Of course not. He made me pry it out of him, and if he wants the truth that bad, he was gonna have to work for it.

"I don't hate you, bubs. How could I ever hate such a cute boy?" I smirked and ruffled his hair.
"Jakeeeee" the older boy whined. I just chuckled. I started walking back to the living room, but Colby caught up to me, and grabbed my arm.
"Why'd ya come to the bathroom anyways, if you didn't need anything?" He asked me.
I had to think of an excuse, but I had a perfect one.
"We have two bathrooms, I just wanted to see what one you were in." I shrugged, and he let go of my arm.
"Why's that?" He questioned once more,
"Are you hiding things in your bathroom, Jake?" He playfully squinted his eyes at me.
"What is this? Twenty questions or some shit?" I laughed, but to my surprise the boy shot back,
"Some shit, you could say." He laughed as well, and we both walked back into the living room.

I thought Colby was going to go back to his original spot on the couch, but nope, he sat next to me. He is so sweet.. I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Your sweet." I smiled, I wasn't trying to flirt with him because he made it very clear that he was uncomfortable with me flirting with him.
"Don't say that.." he demanded. I must've accidentally flirted with him.. shit.
"I'm sor-" I started to sit up and look at his face, but it was flushed red, and took me by surprise. I stopped talking in the midst of my sentence and immediately put my hand on his forehead- it was burning.

"Holy shit, Colbs! Your burning up! Are you okay!?" I whisper yelled, I didn't want the other guys to worry as well.
"Y-yea. I'm fine." He stuttered. Colby never stuttered, there was defiantly something wrong.

I picked the boy up, bridal style, because I didn't want him walking if he was actually getting sick.
"Jake! Put me down!!" He demanded.
"No! Your sick. You have to listen to me! It's what's best for you!" I ignored his request.
"Jakeeee! I'm not sick!" He exaggerated
"Then why are you do red!" I yelled as I placed him on my bed, and turned on the fan.
"Because!" He pouted
"Because why?!" I scoffed
"I was blushing! I wasn't actually sick!" He shot out.
"What...?" I stopped moving and looked at him. He curled up in a ball, and laid on his side,
"I was blushing. I'm. Not. Sick." He whined
"Oh... I'm sorry.. I can leave you alone, if you want?" I suggested, but he quickly declined.
"No. Please stay." He asked in a sweet tone
"Okay bubba." I smiled and my cheeks reddened slightly.

I laid down in the bed, and spooned Colby (not in a sexual way.) I wrapped my arms around the boys body, and he let out a small whine.
"Your so adorable." I kissed his cheek. WHOOPS. I mean I did mean it.. I wasn't just teasing him.
"I mean it. Just letting you know that before you yell at me." I chuckled, but no response "Colby?" I asked
"Mmh" Colby mumbled
"You okay, bubbas?" I asked him.
"Mhm. Im splendid." He didn't move at all.
"Oh, okay." I shrugged it off and laid my head on the pillow.

"I have a photo shoot tomorrow.. did ya wanna come?" I asked the boy, and just got a nod in return.

We laid down for a while, and I looked over the boys shoulder, and saw that he was asleep.
"Sleep tight, my love." I kissed his cheek, and quietly and swiftly left him alone in the room, but covered him with a blanket before leaving.

"Did y'all fuck?" Corey joked
"Corey! That's gross! He wasn't feeling well, so I stayed with him 'till he was sleeping." I shrugged and sat back on the couch.
"Sureee" Sam and Corey said in sync
"I see you two are bonding pretty well." I gave them a smile, and they smiled back.
"Yeah, I cant get Corey to myself for even five seconds!" Devyn giggled.

We all continued watching the little bit of the movie that was left, and started planning what to do next.



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