☆Chapter 6: You Can Trust Me☆

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Jake's pov

"They're so cute!" I woke to a slight whisper and a flash. The room was dark, and I looked around the room. Corey and Johnnie were standing in the hallway, with their phones out.
"Johnnie! Corey! Don't!" I whisper yelled at them, and they just snickered and walked off down the dark hallway, shutting the door, leaving me and Colby in the room alone again.

I squeezed Colby's bare torso, not wanting to ever move. Ever. I heard a small chuckle, and looked up to see Colby, flashing me a smile.
"Your so cute when your mad." He teased.
"Colby, don't call me cute. I'm not gay." I said in a defensive tone. It was such a lie. I felt bad for lying to him, but if I'm being honest, I wasn't really ready for a relationship yet after what happened with Tara and me. Yeah, I may have teased him a bit, but that didn't mean I was gay, nor wanted a relationship. I was just... horny?

"Oh. Sorry." The blue eyed boy was quick to apologize.
"Do you mind...?" He asked, suggesting my body that was wrapped around his, practically hanging on for dear life.
"Oh. No, I don't mind." I chuckled, and let the boy go. My arms felt empty without him in them; my body felt lonely without him next to it, as cheesy as it may sound.

He yawned and stretched,
"Good morning, I guess." He shrugged his shoulders as his arms slumped back down to the sides of his slim figure.
"Good morning, babes." I placed a kiss on his cheek, like I had done many times before.
"What the hell, Jake! Stop doing shit like that! Please.. don't call me 'baby' or 'babes' or anything like that, don't flirt with me, if all your going to do is yell at me when I jokingly flirt back. Just because I'm out to you now, doesn't mean that I want you constantly teasing me. Give it up, Jake. Please." Colby's words stabbed through my heart like a sharp dagger cutting through flesh.

"Oh. Okay.. I'm sorry, Colby. I.. I guess I didn't think of it that way. I didn't mean to tease you, or hurt you... I was being a douche, I'll stop." I apologized, my voice cracking.
"It's fine." Colby shot back, basically ignoring my apology. He stood up off the bed in a quick manner, and put on a new shirt and pants from his duffle bag that was on my floor.

He left the room, shutting the door, leaving me alone in the room with my thoughts. I re-adjusted on the bed, laying flat on my back, looking at the dark ceiling above me.

"Can I come in? I just wanna talk." A boy whispered through the door as he knocked. I couldn't tell who it was- more than likely Colby, coming back to apologize.
"Can I be alone for a second, Colby?" Part of me wanted Colby to walk through the door and just hug me, but another part of me hated myself for that. He was my childhood best friend- well... 'kinda' my childhood best friend. I couldn't ruin our friendship any more than I already have.
"It's Johnnie." The Boy called back through the door.
"Oh. Sorry, Johnnie. I thought you were... never mind. Yeah, you can come in." I shook my head clearing it from its thoughts.

"You want the lights on?" Johnnie asked me, and I declined his offer.
"Jake, I mean this in the most respectful way possible, and under no circumstances should you feel pressured to tell me, but... are you.. gay?" The word echoed through my head. Not a good echo, but not necessary a bad one either.
"Jake, you can trust me." Johnnie smiled and put his hand on my shoulder.

"If I'm being honest... I don't know. I mean, I think I might like Colby, but I don't like him at the same time. I feel like if I end up dating him or whatever I'm going to hurt him... I don't want that. I don't want to ruin our friendship, Johnnie. I feel a connection with him, I'm just not sure if it's romantic or platonic.." I ranted.
"It's okay. It's gonna be okay. You'll find out when the time is right, I promise. And if you do date him, that would only strengthen your bond, not loosen it. Don't worry, Jake. You got this. I'm here for you, all the way." He gave me a nod, and walked out of my room, closing the door behind him.

What have I become. Ever since the traphouse broke up, my mental health has gotten worse.. it's starting to get better, but I want to be better already. I just.. I feel like something about Colby is something I need in my everyday life. He's someone that I could cry to, he's someone I could cuddle and watch movies with.. he's just someone I need.

I decided it was time to get up and go socialize for at least a few hours, depending on what time it is maybe get lunch or dinner. I put a white crop top, with some black baggy jeans.

"Hey guys." I said as I entered the living room. I got a few 'hey Jake's as responses.
"Is scuff still sleeping?" I chuckled, not seeing the purple-haired boy anywhere in sight.
"Probably." Corey answered.
"I'll just let him sleep." I shrugged and pursed my lips. I sat down on the couch, but on the opposite end of Colby. I wanted to give him as much room as he wanted, I just didn't want him to think I was mad at him or anything.

"Ya'll wanna watch a movie?" I asked, to which all of the boys replied, 'yes'.
I scrolled through the newly released movies, to find a horror movie we could all watch. I couldn't find a horror movie, so we decided upon 'Murder Mystery 2'.

About five minutes into the movie, Colby stood up from his seat,
"Im gonna go to the bathroom." Was all he said as he walked towards the bathroom.



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