☆Chapter 13: Packing & confessions☆

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Colby's pov

Today me and Sam needed to go home to pack our things. We decided we were gonna stay at the ghost house until we get a new house, since it wouldn't take very long anyways.
"Bye! Love you!" Jake said, as he pecked his lips against mine, and waved me and Sam goodbye.
"Your acting like we're leaving for a month, it's just a day, Jake. We'll be back tomorrow." I chuckled, and left the house with Sam following shortly behind me.

It was really early -four-thirty a.m. to be exact- because we wanted to try to get all of our things packed in one day.
"Do ya mind if I take a nap on the car ride home, Sam?" I asked, as I rested my head against the window.
"Of course not, Colby. Why would you ask me if you can sleep?" He chuckled, and I just shrugged. "Goodnight, I'll wake you up when we get there." He tapped my shoulder in a reassuring way.

I fell asleep in no time- as expected-.
"Colbyyyy," Sam called out, gently shaking my shoulder to wake me up. "We're homeee." He shook me again, and I laughed a bit.
"Alright, alright! I'm up!" I chuckled.

I got out of the car, and headed into our house. Sam closed the door, but put his hand on my shoulder.
I turned around, and Sam asked me if I could sit on the couch, because he needed to talk to me about something really important.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting next to him on the couch.
"Well... I don't really know how Kat's gonna feel after we move in with Jake, Scuff, Corey, Dev, and Johnnie..." Sam spoke with a worried tone in his voice, but he tried his best to hide it.
"Sam, I'm sure she won't mind," I placed my hand on his shoulder, and gently rubbed it, to try to comfort him the best I could. "We've lived with Jake, Corey, and Dev before, it's nothing that different. Maybe just invite her to live with us?" I suggested, but then I saw the pain in his eyes.

"Woah, Sam.. you okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Not really. Colby, I was thinking about breaking up with Kat.." Sam sighed
"Wait- what? Why? Did you guys get into a fight? Did she cheat on you? I swear to god if she cheated on you I will beat her ass-"
"Colby!" I got cut off by Sam.
"No. She didn't cheat on me, and no, we didn't get into a fight. I just.. I just don't think I want a romantic relationship with her.. I wanted to try to just be friends for a while.." I saw the look in his eyes, the pain, the guilt.

"Oh, Sam.. it's okay. Everyone falls out of love at least once in their life.. it's okay. It happens, it's a natural and completely normal thing. When we're you planning on telling her?" I asked him, and hugged him.
"I was thinking about tonight. Before we move in to the house officially." I pulled away from the hug.
"I'll be there for you, every step of the way, okay? I'm always here for you, Sam. I love you, I always have, and I always will." I smiled at him, and patted his shoulder before I stood up to finally start packing.
"Yeah.. thanks, Colby. I love you too." He smiled back, but continued to sit on the couch.

I pushed my hand in front of him, offering for him to take it. He accepted the offer, and let me pull him off the couch, and then he went to his room to pack, and I went to mine, leaving us both to ponder in our deepest thoughts.

I was placing each item in a box, folding up my clothes, and placing them into neat piles.
I started thinking to myself. About what I said.. 'everyone falls out of love at least once.' Will I fall out of love with Jake? No.. I couldn't.. I love him.. but does he really love me back..? Yeah.. of course he does! Why wouldn't he? He wouldn't lie to me. There's no reason he would have to lie. He loves me, and I love him. I think..

I continued to place the items in boxes, and eventually it was already eight-thirty.
I heard Sam knock on the door, and I answered with a quick and short
"Come in!" Sam entered the room, and was on his phone.
"What do you want on your pizza?" He asked.
"Uhh.. just pepperoni." I smiled at him, and he returned the gesture.
"Alright. It should be here in about thirty minutes." Sam nodded and left my room.

I laid on my bed, having nothing else to pack. I checked my phone, to see a text from Jake.

Baby- "I love you."

(Jake is so me😭 I always jus text people I love you)

I raised one eyebrow, confused at the random text.

Me- "that was... random? I love you too, though."
He responded quickly,
Baby- "Good. And I know it was random, I just wanted to make sure that you knew I love you."
I chuckled at the boys cheesiness.
Me- "Yea, okay, weirdo."
Baby- "Don't call me a weirdo, that's mean."
Me- "Sorry, weirdo."
Baby- "Whatever, idiot."
Me- "Hey!"
Baby- "Wanna FaceTime?"
Me- "Sure."

Jake waisted no time in calling me.
"Hi baby!" He smiled when I answered the phone.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Oh.. nothing. I just wanted to see your beautiful face again." He shrugged.
"Oh, okay, weirdo." I chuckled.
"Why don't you go out with Johnnie and Scuff, maybe you wouldn't be so bored and clingy?" I offered.
"Wow!! So I'm clingy now??" He jokingly yelled.
"Yep!" I laughed.
"I thought you were the clingy one!" He scolded
"Since when?" I scoffed
"Since... forever!" He rolled his eyes. "But yeah.. your right. I'll go hang out with Johnnie and Scuff.. cya! Love you babe!" He kissed the camera, and I chuckled.
"Do it back!" He demanded, and I rolled my eyes and kissed the camera too.
"Love you too, Jake." I chuckled and he hung up.

I flopped my arms on the bed beside me.
"Colby! Pizzas here!" Sam called to me from the living room.
"Coming!" I yelled back, exiting my room, heading to the living room.
I sat on the couch, with a smile still plastered to my face.
"Someone seems happy." He joked.
"Yeah... I called Jake." I smiled.
"You really love him, don't you?" He gave a slight smile.
"Yeah.. I do. I promise, Sam, you'll find someone like Jake. Someday. And I'll be here for you when you do." I smiled at him, as I opened the pizza box and grabbed a slice.
"Thank you, so much, Colby. You mean the world to me... I may have found my Jake.." Sam spoke the last sentence in a quiet tone.
"You did?! Oh my god! Congrats Sam!! I'm so happy for you!! Who is it?" I asked, sitting back on the couch, both of us had a smile across our faces. I Bit into my pizza as Sam pulled one out of the box.

"I don't think he feels the same though.." Sam shyed away.
"He? Awwh dude that's amazing! I'm so proud of you, but what do you mean he doesn't feel the same? Have you talked to him about it?" I asked him.
"No.. if I'm being honest, I am almost positive he's straight." He bit into the pizza. "I don't know what to do anymore, Colbs." He sighed.
"Well, who is it? I can try my best to help."

CLIFFHANGER. HAHAHA!! Sorry I'm so evil (I'm not rly sorry.)


Words: 1304

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