☆Chapter 10: First Date☆

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Jake's pov

(TW WARNING: Sh mentions, scars, and homophobia)

I was pulled into a hug with Corey, and chuckled. I'm so glad that it finally happened. I finally knew Colby's feelings for me.

We pulled out of the hug, and I heard the photographer call my name.
"Jake Webber, it's your turn for photos!" Over the loud speakers.
"Cya guys in a second!" I called out, as I started walking towards the photographer.

"Do you wanna take your shirt off? Nothing sexual, just shirtless pictures, I know a lot of people do." He asked me, and I paused.


It took me a second.. I had scars all over my abdomen and arms.. I'm glad no one has really noticed yet, but if I had to do multiple different poses, people would more than likely notice.
"Uhhh.." I looked at Colby, with worry in my eyes. He gave me a smile, and nodded. I shook my head, and agreed. I slipped off my shirt, and he gave me the first pose to do.

I heard a few gasps from my friends, and immediately regretted it, but there was nothing I could do now.
He gave me the next few poses, and then told me I was done.


Colby immediately gave me a hug.
"I love you, bubbas." He ruffled my hair, and I hugged him back.
"I love you too.." I whispered to the older male.

(This was just a friend I love you! Nothing more!)

"AWWWWWH!!" Devyn yelled, but then immediately apologized,
"I'm sorry.. Jake, we all love you. We're here if you need to talk." She hugged me, after I pulled out of the hug with Colby.
"I know... thank you, seriously. I love you all too." I nodded.

"Soooo.... About that.. 'thing' that happened a few minutes ago.. Jake.... Shit.. nevermind." Colby shook his head and started walking away.
I grabbed his shoulder with a slight laugh, making him turn around and fly into me. I wrapped my arms around his waist,
"Jump." I demanded, and the boy obeyed, and jumped, and I caught him- our faces being centimeters apart.
"I know what you were gonna ask, Colbs. Just do it." I nodded at him, and he took a deep breath.

"Jake.. I really, really like you, and I was wondering if we could.. go on a date sometime.. maybe?" He tilted his head, which was now flushed red.
"Of course, I will go on a date with you, Colby." I kissed the boys forehead.

We heard the others chuckle, and I rolled my eyes.
"You guys are so immature." I sighed, and they just laughed some more.

"So.. where do you wanna go?" He asked.
"I dunno.. maybe the mall? I'll sugar daddy you." I chuckled and Colby scoffed,
"Bitch, please. I probably have more money than you." I laughed and rolled my eyes,
"First of all, I don't care. Second of all, even if you do have more money I'm still buying you whatever you want." Colby chuckled and agreed.

"Hey bitches!" Scuff came around the corner and stopped.
"Why are you holding him like that-?" Scuff asked in a confused tone. I forgot that Scuff was talking his pictures when me and Colby figured everything out..
"Well... me and Colby are going on a date." I chuckled.
"Ohhhh! So y'all are dating?" He asked
I looked at Colby and he looked at me, both of us just shrugged.

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