☆Chapter 16- Fun and Games Untill Someone Gets Hurt☆

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<<TW. SH>>

(This is a REALY long chapter btw😭 sorryyyy)

Jake's pov

"HEYYY WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!!" Corey yelled through the door.
"Shit, man!" I grumbled. I was on top of Colby, just cuddling him.
"ARE YOU DECENT, BROTHERS?" He yelled once more through the door. I heard a few chuckles.
"Yeah!" I yelled back, but away from Colby's ear. I didn't wanna wake him, but to be honest, I had no clue on how he wasn't already awake, from Corey SCREAMING through the door.

Corey bursted the door open, and everyone else was behind him. Except Sam and Johnnie..
"Soooo.." Corey smirked as he sat on the foot of the bed, facing me and Colby.
"Corey. Your acting like you did something bad.. like prank- please don't tell me the prank wars are back.." I sighed, but Corey shook his head 'no'.
"Wake him up?" Corey gestured to Colby.
"Oh. Sure." I smiled, and kissed the boy below me. I rolled off of him, and went to his side.
"Mmmh." Colby said, and he tried to roll himself over on me.
"No, baby. Up." I gently rolled him off of me, but he grabbed my arm and tried going back to sleep.
"Colbyyyy," Corey giggled.
"OH! You scared me! I didn't even know you were here. My bad bro." Colby shook his head. He rubbed his eyes, and sat up.
"Continuing on, I may or may not have bought us all day passes to Six Flags!" Everyone in the corner of the room cheered.
"Oh! Well, thanks brother! What time is it?" I asked. Devyn pulled her phone out, and checked the time.
"9:26" Dev smiled.
"Alright. We're gonna get ready." Colby sat up.

"Ya wanna go get Johnnie and Sam with us? Well actually.. we don't know where Sam is.." Corey offered, and me and Jake smirked at eachother.
"Do you think they'd be fine letting the other roommates know?" Colby whispered to me.
"Yeah, if they had no issue telling us, I'm sure they won't mind anyone else knowing," I shrugged.
"Yeah.." Colby started "Sam did seem pretty eager to tell us." He stood up out of the bed, and I did the same.
"We know where he is." I smirked.
"Okay..?" Corey followed me and Colby out of the room.

I knocked on Johnnie's door, but no response.
"Johnnie? Ya in there, brother?" I called out, but once again, no response.
I looked at Colby, and he shrugged. I twisted the doorknob; and peaked in.
"Oh.. no one's there.." I lied. I saw Johnnie and Sam, but honestly, I didn't want to out them.
"Oh.. we should go look around then." Corey suggested, and we all broke up, except me and Colby. I opened the door, and walked in. Sam was on Johnnie, both of the boys' hair was messy, they were shirtless, but the blanket was covering the rest.

"Johnnie~ Sammyyy~" I sat down on the foot of Johnnie's bed; and called out in a 'sing-song' voice.
"Go back to sleep, Johnnie!" Sam grumbled, and rolled off of Johnnie.
"It wasn't me!" Johnnie grumbled back, and wrapped his arms around Sam.
"Wait. It wasn't me?" Johnnie sat up, and saw me and Colby.
"Ah, shit, man! You scared me!" Johnnie gasped.
"Yeah.. figured I would. The roomates are looking for you, you might wanna go out there and say you went to go get breakfast or sumthin." I smiled at them. "Hurry, tho."
"Yeah. I know." Johnnie still sat there, and Sam sat up.
"So? Whatcha waiting for?" I asked.
"Jake." Colby shook his head in a playful matter. "Ya know..?" It took me a second, but then I saw the hickeys on both boys.
"Oh...OH! Yeah.. my bad. I'll leave now.." I grabbed Colby's hand on the way out. And we walked into the hallway.

"We should go get ready." I pulled Colby into my room, and shut the door. When I turned around, Colby threw me into the door, and started roughly kissing me.
"Not now, baby. We have to go to six flags. Maybe later." I pulled back.
"Please? Can't we just.. say we're sick?" He pleaded. And kissed my neck.
"No. We have to go." I shook my head, and walked around him.
"Ughhhhh." He whined.
"Oh, you'll be fine." I scoffed.

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