☆Chapter 5: You Liar☆

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Colby's pov

We all sat back down, and Jake sat next to me, but closer than usual. I'm not too sure how, but he managed to be on me, without actually being on me. As the movie went on, Jake kept getting closer and closer to me. Eventually, the blond boy was literally on my lap, but no one seemed to notice.
"Jake! What are you doing?!" I whisper yelled at the boy on me.

"Nothing, baby. Just sitting. Why? I'll move if you want me to." He shrugged at me. He called me baby?! Baby?! He started scooting towards scuff, leaving my lap.
"No! I- uh- I mean.. your fine. Your not making me uncomfortable." Goddamnit! I literally just told him that I didn't want him to leave. Fuck my life.

"Alright, baby." He chuckled and crawled back on my lap, and wrapped his arms around my neck, resting his head on my shoulder. Why was he being so touchy? We were under a blanket, so no one knew he was cuddling me. I guess it wasn't too fair if he was cuddling me and I wasn't cuddling back, was it?

I let my hands slip up his torso, and wrapped them around the boys slim body. I leaned my head over, so my head was resting against his. I smiled and placed a gentle kiss on the boys head, not thinking he would notice. I heard him chuckle a little bit, and smiled.
"What are you laughing about?" I asked him, tilting my head.
"You kissing me, thinking I wouldn't notice." He looked up at me, his eyes meeting mine.

"Your eyes are so pretty..." He whispered to me, his dark brown eyes meeting my bright blue eyes.
"Yours are too, baby." I smiled at him.
"Stop flirting with meeeee, only I'm allowed to flirt with you, or it's too gay. Well- you are gay but like.. ya know. If I flirt with you it's not like a actual crush thing." He squinted at me, a slight blush forming on his face.
"Oh- my bad bro." I forced on a fake smile. He just 'rejected' me before I even asked him out. That was whole new level of rejection.
"It's fine. I don't mind, actually." He shrugged, placing his head back on my shoulder.
"Wha- okay?" This boy. He really just said stop flirting with him, but he just told me to continue flirting with him? Whatever.

The movie shortly ended, and Jake stood up. Off my lap, leaving me cold. I whined a little, missing his touch.
"Oh you'll be fine, baby." He rolled his eyes. He said it quiet enough so only I could hear. Or so I thought.

"So. We only have one guest bedroom, with one bed and one couch. I assume Devyn and Corey would share the bed, and Sam or Colby could sleep on the couch?" Jake suggested. I didn't really wanna sleep on the couch, I was slightly hoping that if I didn't get the couch, Jake would let me sleep with him...
"Sam yo-"
"I CALL THE COUCH!" Sam cut me off.
"Oh- I was gonna say you could have it anyways." I laughed.
"My bad brother." He laughed.

"Im going to sleep." Jake winked at me, and I nodded. A few minutes after he went into his room, I got up off the couch.
"Im gonna head to bed too." I smiled, and walked down the hallway to Jake's room. I knocked on the door, and heard a quiet, breathy,
"Come in."

I opened the door, to see Jake, laying on his stomach, completely uncovered, in only his boxers.
"Hey baby." He didn't even look at me, he just kept staring at the tv that was in front of me.
"Hey-" I got cut off by Johnnie pulling me back into the hallway.
"Are you and Jake... together?" He asked me.
"No-? I just came out, Johnnie. There's no way he'd come out and date me that fast." I chuckled.
"Why'd he call you baby? Multiple times." He questioned me.
"He's just being clingy. You know Jake, he's a weirdo." I smiled.
"Mhm. He's never called me baby, but whatever." Johnnie smirked, hinting to me. I ignored it, Jake didn't like me, he was just being a tease.

Johnnie walked away and I walked back into Jake's room, and shut the door behind me. I pulled my pants down, and took my socks off, and stood back up straight to pull my shirt off over my head, but I felt Jake's hands slide under my shirt, and rub on my rib cage, his body against mine.
"Jake-?" I was so confused, what was happening?!
"Shhh~ it's okay, baby. I got you." He whispered in a raspy voice in my ear.

I quivered at the sound of his voice and the feeling of his body against mine, he slipped his hands out from my shirt, and tugged my shirt off of my body, leaving both of us only in our boxers.

He turned me around, and looked me up and down.
"God baby, your so pretty." Was all he said.
"Thank you." I smiled and blushed a little bit. Jake roughly pushed me to the wall, and pinned me there. He started roughly kissing my neck, defiantly leaving hickeys behind.
"Fuck, man..." I moaned out.
"You sound so pretty..." he pulled away from my neck to kiss my lips. His tongue swiped my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I gladly accepted.

His tongue roamed every inch of my mouth, and god, I loved every second of it.
I moaned into the kiss, holding nothing back. Jake pulled away, and started once more placing hickeys all the way down my slim frame. He got to my v-line and pulled away. He chuckled a little,
"Your seriously already hard, you cock hungry slut~?" He teased me. I let out a moan, and arched my back slightly.

He placed his hand against my boner, and started rubbing it.

"You liar." He pulled his hand off my boner, and stood back up.
"Wha- what do you mean?" I was so confused at this point.
"You said you didn't like me. You lied." He stated.
"Oh yeah? And what makes you think I like you?" I asked him, knowing damn well why.
"Ohhhh. You think your sly." He chuckled "It doesn't work like that, baby boy. You don't deserve me, so I'll wait." He shrugged, leaving me against the wall, still with a boner, and went to go lay down.

"Jake please~" I begged, but got no answer.
"Whatever. Fuck you." I rolled my eyes, and walked over to his bed and laid down. He placed his head on my chest and spoke in a rough tone,
"I'd watch what you say, you slut. Your stuck in my house for a whole week. Don't push it." He growled. This boy. He really just broke up with his girlfriend a little while ago, I just came out, and he's being clingy, but aggressive at the same time?! He's gonna be the death of me.

We both fell asleep shortly later, his head still on my chest.



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