☆Chapter 14: Confessions (pt. 2) & Coming Home ☆

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Colby's pov

"Johnnie." Sam sighed, and my jaw dropped.
"Wait. Like.. Johnnie Guilbert? Like... OUR Johnnie!?" I widened my eyes, and Sam nodded, and showed a clear embarrassed expression on his face. "No way. Your not joking?!" I was still shocked.
"Yes! Colby, I'm not joking!" Sam rolled his eyes, and I embraced him in a warm hug.

"When we go back tomorrow, I'll 'interrogate' him, and try to see if he is bi.. or gay.. or pan.. or whatever." I did finger quotes around the interrogate. Sam chuckled and nodded, and we finished the pizza.
"Dude. I forgot I packed all of my blankets and pillows." Sam sighed.
"It's fine, I left some of mine out, you can just use some of mine." I smiled at him, and headed to my room to retrieve the items.

I arrived back, holding a pillow and blanket for Sam.
"Here ya go!" I smiled and handed him the things.
"Thank you, Colbs. It means a lot. Everything. Everything means a lot, to me. I love you." Sam flashed a bright and genuine smile at me.
I smiled back, and I was wondering how such a bright and happy guy could be in love with Johnnie, and be best friends with me... we're nothing like each other.
"Of course, Sammy. I love you too." I hugged him, and continued off to my room.

I grabbed my phone and pressed Jake's messages.
Me: Goodnight, love you <3
Baby: awwwh, your already going to sleep? Goodnight, my love. I love you.
Me: your so adorable
Read at 11:13 pm

I chuckled at his response, and placed my phone on my nightstand. I dozed off to sleep, fairly quickly, exited for the next day.

"Colby! Up!" Sam yelled through my door, giving it a few taps.
"Yeah, yeah! I'm up!" I huffed, standing off my bed, rubbing my eyes.
"Meet me in the car whenever your ready!" He called back, and I hummed in agreement.

I put on a new pair of boxers, and a pair of sweatpants. I didn't bother with a shirt, since we were probably going to stay home all day, and I didn't want to go through my boxes to find a hoodie.
I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and realized that it was dead, and I must've forgot to plug it in last night since my charger was already packed away.

I grabbed the boxes, and walked out of Sam and my shared house. I sighed at the sight of it. From how far we had come... from when we met each other, the time we had Jake make vines with us since he had more followers, our first YouTube video, 1,000 followers... all of those huge milestones, to where we were now. I placed my boxes in the trunk quickly, and rushed over to give Sam a hug.
"I really love you, Sam. So, so much." I said, smiling, with a tear rolling down my cheek.
"Awwh.. Colbs.. it's okay. I love you too." He hugged back.

We broke the hug, and Sam offered to drive us back. We pulled into the driveway, and Johnnie was quick to greet us outside.
"Hey Sam!" Johnnie smiled, something that I hadn't seen often.
"Johnnie!" Sam nodded.
"Dude, Jake's going fucking insane because you wouldn't answer your phone." Johnnie chuckled as I grabbed my boxes, and Sam grabbed his.
"You need help with that?" Johnnie asked Sam, since I only had two boxes, and Sam had three.
"Sure." Sam nodded, and Johnnie went to grab one box off Sam's stack, and smiled at him.
"Thanks." Sam had a slight blush on his face, but it wasn't quite noticeable. Maybe that's why I didn't catch on that he was crushing on Johnnie, because the bitch doesn't blush hard.

I chuckled, and Sam glared at me. I opened the door to the Ghost House, and walked straight to Jake's room, and he was laying on his bed, looking at his phone.
"Is he here yettttt?" Jake whined, expecting me to be Johnnie or Scuff.
"Is who here?" I chuckled, and placed the boxes down, and held my arms open for his body to meet mine. He quickly sprung out of his bed and rushed into my arms.
"I missed you!!" He kissed my cheek.

I rolled my eyes, and returned the gesture.
"Missed you too. Why are you only in your boxers?" I asked him, tilting my head.
"Oh. Probably because I haven't changed from my pjs yet." He shrugged, and laid back in his bed.
"Cuddle?" He held his hands open.
"In a minute? I have something to go take care of." I asked sincerely.
"Sure." He nodded, letting his arms fall to his sides.

I left the room, closing the door behind me. I walked into the living room, not being surprised to see Johnnie and Sam sitting on the couch, but not very close to each other. I walked over and sat right next to Sam, and wrapped my arms around him, and hurried my head in his neck.
"You okay, Colby?" Sam asked with a confused tone.
"Mhm." I hummed.
I peaked up and saw Johnnie with a slightly disappointed expression on his face.
"Oh- sorry, Johnnie. Did I steal your man?" I joked.
"Actually, yeah! And I want him back." He squinted at me, and scooted closer to Sam, and wrapped his arm around Sam's neck.

I moved over and smiled at Sam. I got up, and started walking back to Jake's room, and peaked back over my shoulder; and saw Johnnie resting his head on Sam's shoulder, and Sam resting his head on Johnnie's head.

I chuckled, and walked back into Jake's room.

HOPE YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER, AND SURPRISE!! SAM LIKES JOHNNIE. Tbh,, idk how I feel about it. It came to me as a thought one night, and I might end up not getting them together, unless you guys want them to!

<words: 999>

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